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ninart. Loch (inlet), Scot-
and 14 D 8
Ifcalssan, France 18 B 12
nia Scotland 14 D 5
nmentum, or Saponara,
taly q3| T 14
umo, Italy 3^ V lij
imo Apula, or Grumo,
fniy 32 V 12
umum, or Grumo, Italy ... 32 V 1
jn Au (river), Germany 25 E
anberg (Hesse - Darm-
tadt), Germany 23 L
Inberg (Silesia), Germany 24 J 21
and, Germany 22 J IX
md, Switzerland 27 G 4
andare, Iceland 25 N
indfor, Denmark 25 F 4
mdisburgh, England 8 J 5
indl See (lake), Austria ... 29 H
nndset, Norway 26 G 6
indsunda, Sweden 26 L 5
indy fco.), 111., U. S 93 J 3
indy (co.), la., U. S 101 H 3
.indy, Ky., U. S 82 G 6
indy (co.), Mo., U. S 103 E 4
indy (co.), Tenn., U. S. ... 83 K 4
indy, Va., U. S 76 D 2
indv Center, la., IJ. S 101 H 3
ndyville, Tex., U. S 88 J 6
inewald (hunting-lodge,
sike, etc.; Charlotten-
urg), Germany 24 J 28
ngugy, River, Brazil 123 J 6
nhagen, Germany 24 E 30
inheide, Germany 24 C 35
iningen, Switzerland 27 J 3
anschotzen, Germany 24 E 25
instadt, Germany 23 N 7
inten (mt.), Germany 23 R 11
appe, Germany 24 F 28
ippe, Ober, Germany 24 E 28
asbach, or Grussbach,
ustria 29 N 6
isch, Switzerland 27 M 4
isia, or Georgia (region),
ussia 33 H 7
iissbacb, Austria 29 N 6
i itsch, Switzerland 27 F 5
i aver, Hebrides 14 C 3
i lyere, or Gruyeres, Switz-
rland 27 D 5
i "bow, Austria 28 N 2
i bow, Austria (on travel
lap) 3 P 4
( fe Water (stream), Scot-
. ind 15 E 3
0 on, or Grion, Switzerland 27 D 6
(-pskerk, Netherlands 21 H 2
C sgaard (Copenhagen), Den¬
ark 25 N 4
sto (L.H.), Norway 26 H 3
t, Sweden 26 J 7
thyttehed, Sweden 26 J 7
to (island), Norway 26 K 2
ymalow. Austria 28 S 2
awend, Germany 23 P 10
at (river), Russia 34 K 4
lad, or Gstad, Switzerland 27 D 5
id, Switzerland 27 D 5
ig, Switzerland 27 D 5
r (mt.), Switzerland 27 E 5
(river), Italy 31 K 4
iare or Guaviare, Rio
ver), Colombia 122 C 3
amayo, or Guacamoyo,
lombia 122 C 3
camayos (Indian tribe),
lombia 122 C 3
amoyo, Colombia 122 C 3
anabo, Golfo de (bay),
bua 117 G 4
haros, Cave of, Vene-
[a 122 E 1
nipas, Argentina 124 D 9
ipati, Venezuela 122 E 2
a?aon, or Guadazaon
j. rer), Spain 20 L 5
lalajara, Mexico 119 G 7
lalajara, Spain 20 K 4
’alajara (province),
l™ 20 K 4
alaviar (river), Spain ... 20 L 5
ialcanal, Spain 20 G 6
Cpalcanar (island), Solo-
n Islands 52 K 5
alcazar, Mexico 119 ,T 6
I'!Ja};eo (river), Spain 20 J 8
s alhorce, Spain 20 H 8
Vialjorce, or Guadalhorce,
20 H 8
almez (river), Spain ... 20 H 6
r a;°Pe iriver), Spain 20 M 4
; aloupe, cal., U. S 115 E 8
"l#aloupe (Island), N.
®nca 58 H 11
aloupe (Mountains),
u-. 3 89 C 6
alquivir (river), Spain... 20 F 8
alupe, Guatemala 120 E 5
alupe (Lower California,
<?f Real del Castillo),
:aiuPe (Lower California,'
°/ Real del Castillo),
‘ICO ^ 2
/'upe (Zacatecas),Mexico 119 H 6
aluPe (co.), N. Mex.,
J npe. Peru 122 B 5
1 alupe, Spain 20 G 5
Guadalupe, Sierra de (mts.),
Spain 20 G
Guadalupe (co.), Tex., U. S.... 88 J
Guadalupe, or Canelones,
Uruguay 124 H 12
Guadalupe (Island), N. Paci¬
fic 49 p
Guadalupe (Mountains), N.
Alex., U. S no K
Guadalupe (River), Tex.
U. S 88 K
Guadalupe (Valley), San
Francisco, Cal., U. S 114 j
Guadalupe y Calvo, Mexico... 119 F
Guadalupita, N. Mex., U. S.... 110 K
Guadarrama, Spain 20 H
Guadarrama, Sierra de
(mts.), Spain 20 H
Guadarrama (river), Spain ... 20 J
Guadarrama, Venezuela 122 D
Guadazoon (river), Spain ... 20 L
Guadeloupe (island), West In¬
dies (on local map) us B
Guadeloupe (island), West
Indies 118 H
Guadiana, or Durango, Mexico 119 F
Guadiana, or Durango (state),
Alexico 119 f
Guadiana (river), Portugai... 20 E
Guadianamenor (rive r),
Spain 20 J
Guadiaro, Spain 20 G
Guadiela (river), Spain 20 K
Guadix, Spain 20 J
Guafo, Isla (island), Chile ... 124 C
Guagues, or Guaicas (Indian
tribe), Venezuela 122 E
Guahan or Guam (Island),
Ladrone Islands 52 M
Guahibos (Indian tribe),
Colombia 122 D
Guaianeco or Guayaneco (Is¬
lands), Chile 124 B 13
Guaicas (Indian tribe), Vene¬
zuela 122 E
Guaicho, Bolivia 122 D
Guaicuhy, or Rio das Velhas
(river), Brazil 123 j
Guaima or Waini, River, Br.
Guiana 122 F
Guainia, Rio (river), Coiom-
bia 422 D
Guaira, La, Venezuela 122 D
Guaira or Guayra (Falls),
Brazil 124 G
Guajan or Guam ’(’island)!
Ladrone Islands 52 N
Guajara (Falls), Brazil 122 D
Guajira, or Goajira (penin¬
sula), Colombia 122 C
Guajivos, or Guahibos (In¬
dian tribe), Colombia 122 D
Gualaco, Honduras 120 K
Gualala, Cal., U. S 114 b
Gualala (River), Cal., U. s!.i 114 B
Gualan, Guatemala 120 F
Gualatano, Nicaragua 120 L
Gualatiri, or Huallatiri (vol¬
cano), Chile 122 D
Gvaldo Tadino, Italy 32 N
Gualeguay, Argentina 124 F 10
Gualeguaychu, Argentina ... 124 F 10
Gualgayoc, or Hualgayoc,
Peru 122 B 5
Gualquit (Rapids), Wash.,
U- S in p 2
Guam or Guajan (Island),
Ladrone Islands (local map
of) 52 M 3
Guama, Rio (river), Brazil... 123 H 4
Guamacaro, Cuba 117 e 3
Guamal, Colombia 122 C 2
Guamanga, or Avacucho,
Peru ' 122 C 6
Guamblin, Isla (island),
Chile 124 B 12
Guames, Rio (river), Coiom-
fiia 122 B 3
Guamini, Argentina 124 E 11
Guamutas, Cuba 117 e 3
Guana Cay, Great (reef),
Bahama Islands 117 G 1
Guanabacoa, Cuba 117 D 3
Guanacaste (province), Costa
Rica 120 K 9
Guanacevi, Mexico 119 F 5
Guanahani or Watlings (Is¬
land), Bahamas 117 H 2
Guanaja or Bonacca (Island),
Honduras 120 K 3
Guanajay, Cuba 117 D 3
Guanajuato, Mexico 119 H 7
Guanajuato (state), Mexico ... 119 H 7
Guanaparo, Rio (river), Vene¬
zuela 122 D 2
Guafiape (Islands), Peru 122 B 5
Guanare, Venezuela 122 D 2
Guancabelica, or Huancave-
lica, Peru 122 B 6
Guandacol, Argentina 124 D 9
Guandacol, Rio de (river),
Argentina 124 D 9
Guanica Point (L.H.; S.E. of
San German), Porto Rico ... 117 M 6
Guanillos, Chile 122 C 8
Guanipa, Rio (river), Vene¬
zuela 122 E 2
Guano Cay (reef), Nicaragua 120 M 8
Guano, Lake, Nicaragua 120 M 5
Guanta, Venezuela 122 E 1
Guantanamo, Cuba 117 H 4
Guanuco, or Huanuco, Peru... 122 B
Guanuco, or Huanuco (de¬
partment), Peru 122 B
Guap, or Yap (island), N.’
Pacific 49
Guapay, Rio (river), Bolivia 122 E
Guapey or Guapay, Rio
(river), Bolivia 122 E
Guapo (Bay), Trinidad 118 H
Guapore, Rio (river), Bolivia 122 E
Guapore, Rio (river), Brazil 122 F
Guara, Sierra de (mts.),
Spain 20 AI
Guaranda, Ecuador 122 B
Guarani (Indian tribe), Para-
Suay 124 F
Guaraos, or Llanos de Guar-
ayos (plain), Bolivia 122 E
Guarapari, Brazil 123 J 8
Guaraparim, or Guarapari,
Brazil 423 J
Guarapuava, Brazil 124 G
Guaratingueta, Brazil 123 H 8
Guaraunos (Indian tribe),
Venezuela 122 E
Guarayos (Indian "tribe;"
Lapaz), Bolivia 122 D
Guarayos (Indian tribe;'
Santa Cruz), Bolivia 122 E
Guarayos, Llanos de (plain),
Bolivia 122 E
Guarbi, or Guarby, Abyssinia 55 Q 8
Guarby, Abyssinia 55 Q 8
Guarcino, Italy 32 o 11
Guard Bridge, Scotland 15 L
Guard a, Portugal 20 E 4
Guarda (district), Portugal... 20 E 4
Guardafui, Cape, Somaliland 55 T
Guardia, La, Chile (on local
map) 124 j 13
Guardia, Cape, Greece 36 L 4
Guardia, Italy 32 R 12
Guardia, Nicaragua 120 B 10
Gu&rdia, or La Guardia,
Spain 20 C „
Guardiagrele, Italy 32 Q 10
Guardiaregia, Italy 32 Q 12
Guardiavieja, Spain 20 K 8
Guardo, Spain 20 H 2
Guarena, Spain 20 F 6
Guari (tribe), Nigeria 54 H 8
Guaribas, River, Brazil 123 J 5
Guarico, Venezuela 122 D 2
Guarico (river), Venezuela... 122 D 2
Guaritico (river), Venezuela 122 D 2
Guarmey, or Huarmey, Peru 122 B 6
Guarunto, Honduras 120 L 4
Guascama, Punta (point),
Colombia 122 B 3
Guasdualito, Venezuela 122 C 2
Guash, or The Wash, Englan4 8 G 3
Guasila, Sardinia 30 C 8
Guaslmas, Cuba 117 F 4
Guaso Nyiro (river), Br. E.
Africa 56 Q 10
Guasso Nyiro, or Guaso Nyiro
(river), 'Br. E. Africa 56 Q 10
Guassii Ijuhy (river), Brazil... 124 G 9
Guastalla. Italy 31 J 5
Guastalla, Italy (on travel
map) 3 K 6
Guastatoya, Guatemala 120 F 5
Guatemala (republic), Cen¬
tral America 120 E 4
Guatemala (department),
Guatemala 120 E 5
Guatemala, Old, or Guate¬
mala Antigua, Guatemala... 120 D 5
Guatemala la Nueva, Guate¬
mala 120 E 5
Guatulco, or Huatulco, Pu¬
erto (bay), Mexico 119 L 10
Guaturiva, Colombia 122 D 3
Guatusos (Indians), Costa
Rica 120 I, 9
Guaura, or Huaura, Peru 122 B 6
Guaura . or Huaura (Island),
Peru 122 B 6
Guaviare, Rio (river), Colom¬
bia 122 C 3
Guayabal, Colombia 122 C 2
Guayabal, Venezuela 122 D 2
Guayabero, Rio (river), Co¬
lombia 122 C 3
Guayabero or Guaviare, Rio
(river), Colombia 122 C 3
Guataguayare (Bay), Trini¬
dad H8 K 4
Guayana, or Bolivar (pro¬
vince), Venezuela 122 E 2
Guayaneco, Islas (islands),
Chile 124 B 13
Guayape, Rio (river), Hon¬
duras 120 K 5
Guayaquil, Ecuador 122 A 4
Guayaquil, Gulf of, Ecuador 122 A 4
Guayas (province), Ecuador 122 A 4
Guayas, Rio (river), Ecuador 122 B 4
Guaybas, or Guahibos (In¬
dian tribe), Colombia 122 D 2
Guaycas, or Guaicas (Indian
tribe), Venezuela 122 E 2
Guaymas, Mexico 119 C 4
Guayquiraro, Rio (river), Ar¬
gentina 124 F 10
Guayra or Guaira, La, Vene¬
zuela 122 D 1
Guayra (Falls), Brazil 124 G 8
Guaytecas (Islands), Chile ... 124 C 12
Gnazacoalcos or Coatzacoal-
cos, Rio (river), Mexico 119 M
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index
Guazapares, Mexico 119 e 4
Guba Cashel Point (L.H.i
Broad Haven), Ireland ....!. 16 B 3
Gubagab (river), Ger. S. W.
Africa 57 C "
Gubat, Egypt I!! 55 P 6
Gubbio, Italy 31 N 8
Guben, Germany 22 J 20
Guben, Germany (on travel
map) 3 M 3
Guben, Somaliland 55 T 8
Guber, or Gober (district),
Nigeria 54 H 7
Gubia (Mount), French
Kongo 56 j 11
Gubir, or Gober (district),
Nigeria 54 H 7
Gubu, Nigeria 54 J 8
Gubub, or Kubub, Ger. S.W.
Africa 57 p; 4
Guchen, Central Asia 44 E 2
Guchi, Persia 40 A 2
Gudalur, or Cuddalore, India 42 H 14
Gudar, Sierra de (mt.),
Spain 20 M 4
Gudar-i-Barut, Persia ......... 40 G 5
Gudas, or Sogna (tribe),
„ B.rk E‘ ANca 56 Q 10
Gudbrandsdal (valley), Nor¬
way 26 F 6
Gudbrandsdalen, or Gu’d’-'
n CvaUey), Norway 26 F 6
Guddada (river; Bhutan),
India 4^ g
Guddra, India " 41 c 7
Guddum, India 42 H 11
Guden Aa (river), Denmark... 25 F 4
Gudesgua, Nicaragua .... 120 K 7
Gudger, N. C., U. S " 78 R 3
Gudger, Tenn., U. S 83 N 4
Gudhghur. Baluchistan 40 L 8
Gudhiem or Gudhjem (L.H.)
_ Denmark 25 R 6
Gudhjem (Bornholm), Baltic
Sea 25 R 6
Gudiam, or Guddum, India... 42 H 11
Gudivatam, or Gudiyatam,
India 42 pj 13
Gudiyatam, India 42 G 13
Gudkino, Russia 34 L 5
Gudme, Denmark 25 H 6
Gudmont, France 19 L 4
Gudnes, Cuba 117 d 3
Gudran, Persia 40 F 5
Gudri-olum, Asiatic Russia... 40 F 2
Gudu Adu, Somaliland 55 S 8
Gudur (near Adoni; Aladras
Presidency), India 42 H 12
Gudur (near Nellore; Aladras
Presidency), India 42 G 12
Gudur (Alountain), Russia ... 38 M 2
Gudvangen, Norw-ay 26 E 6
Gue, France 19 K 3
Guebwiller, or Gebweiler,
Germany 23 R 5
Guebwiller, Ballon de (mt.),
Germany 23 R 4
Guecelard, France 19 A 5
Guelderland, or Gelderland
(province), Netherlands 21 G 4
Guelders, or Gelderland
(prbvince), Netherlands 21 G 4
Gueldre, or Gelderland
(province), Netherlands 21 G 4
Gueli, or Igli, Sahara 54 F 3
Guelma, Algeria 54 H 1
Guelph, N. Dak., U. S 99 F 3
Guelph, Ontario 61 E 4
Guelph Junction, Ontario,
Canada 61 E 4
Guelueda, Somaliland 55 S 8
Guemene-sur-Scorff, France 17 B 4
Giiemes, Fort, Argentina 124 E 8
Guemes (Island), Wash.,
U. S ill C 1
Giiemez, Mexico 119 K 6
Gueni, or Gweni, Br. E.
Africa 56 P 10
Guera Tarf, or Guerah-et-
Tarf, Algeria 54 H 2
Guerah-et-Tarf (lake), Al¬
geria 54 H 2
Guerande, France 17 C 5
Guerao, Mount, Philippine
Islands 47 D 3
Guerbaville, France 19 B 2
Guerche, La (Cher), France 17 H 6
Guerche-de-Bretagne, La, or
La Guerche (Ille-et-Vilaine),
France 17 D 5
Guerche-sur-l’Aubois, La, or
La Guerche (Cher), France 17 H 6
Guere (Mountains), Sudan ... 55 L 8
Gue ret, France 17 G 6
Gueret, France (on travel
map) 3 E 5
Guerminstre, or Warminster,
England 13 K 1
Guerneville, Cal., U. S 114 B 4
Guernica, Spain 20 K 1
Guernica y Luno, or Guer¬
nica, Spain 20 K 1
Guernsey, Ark., U. S 86 E 7
Guernsey, Channel Islands
(on travel map) 3 C 4
Guernsey (island), Channel
Islands 13 H 4
Guernsey, la., U. S 101 J 4
Guernsey, Neb., U. S 102 E 2
Guernsey (co.), O., U. S 91 G 5
Guernsey, Pa., U. S 73 H 7
Vol. 35.

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