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78 N
90 D
feiioa, N. C., U. S
|noa (Galveston Bay)'
Isnoa, w: vau: s::.::: 77 b
enoa Wis., U. S 97 D
Inoa Bluff, la., U. S 101 J
ynoa Junction, Wis., U. S.... 97 K
I!„oa (Peak), Nev., U. S 113 A
noihae, France IS K
;nova, Golfo di, or Gulf of
3enoa, Italy 31 E
.nova or Genoa, Italy 31 E
inova, N. Hex., U. S 110 M
msan or Yuen-san, Korea 4(3 C
nsingen, Germany 23 N
;nt or Client, Belgium 21 C
int’ Tex., U. S 88 M
Intbrugge, Belgium 21 C
nte Hermosa (Island), Poly-
lesia I? 5 -i-
(rthin, Germany 22 H lo
ntlle Valley, Idaho, U. S.... 108 H 7
ntilly, France 17 L 2
ntilly (New Orleans), La.,
J O/ L
ntiilv, Minn., U. S 93 A
Stry, Ala., U. 8 84 A
ntry, Ark., U. S 86 D
ntrv (Lake), Fla., U. S. ... 81 O
ntry (co.), Mo., U. S 103 D
ntryville, Ind., U. S 92 B
ntryville, Mo., U. S 103 D
nua, or Genoa, Italy 30 B
nusium, or Ginosa, Italy 32 V 13
mzano (Basilicata), Italy... 32 U 13
(nzano (Roma), Italy 32 N 11
■nzano di Roma, or Gen-
?ano (Roma), Italy 32 N 11
■ographe (Bay), W. Aus¬
tralia 30 A
ok-Tepe, Asiatic Russia ... 37 H
orge, Fort, Br. Columbia... 60 F
orge (district), Cape Colony
orge, Foi;t, Fla., U. S
orge, Lake, Fla., U. S
orge, la., IT. S
orge, Lake, New South
orge, Lake, N. Y., U. S. ...
orge, Lake, N. Dak., U, S.
orge, Port, Nova Scotia ...
irg'e or St. George’s (Bay),
.'ova Scotia
orge, Greg., U. S
orge, Lake, S. Australia ...
irge Bound’s Trail (route;
ukon), Canada 59 C
orge (Cape), or Cape St.
■eorge, Nova Scotia 63 G
orge Green, England 10 B
(trge Head (point; Sydney),
ew South Wales
trge III. (statue), Windsor
ark, England
(.rge (Island), Hongkong...
:rge (Island), Saint Helena
d irge (Lake), Little, On-
I rio
(>rge Lane Station, Eng-
I fnd
rge (River), Ungava,
rge Sound (inlet), New
rge Town, Cape Colony ...
rgeham, England 13 D 1
rgenberg, Germany 24 L 29
rgenthal, Austria 29 K 2
( rgenthal, Germany 23 L 12
( rges Bayou (river), Fla.,
, 8 81 E
(jrges (Creek), Pa., U. S. ... 74 E
f rges (Creek), Wyo., U. S. 108 N
( rges (Island), Mass., U. S. 67 E
1 irges Mills, N. H„ U. S. ... 66 F
1 kgesheil, Germany 22 F
( rgesville, O., U. S 91 D
1 rgetown, Ascension 53 C
) [rgetown, Br. Guiana 122 F
1 rgetown, Cal., U. S 114 E
) rgetown, Col., U. S 109 G
’getown, Conn., U. S. ... 68 B
•getown, Del., U. S 75 N
•getown, D. C„ U. S 75 B
rgetown, Fla., U. S 81 N
! (Columbia co.),
G Jgetown (Quitman co.),
^ 'getown, Idahol u. s!
“ 'getown, 111., U. S. .
“ ’getown, Ind., U. S. ..
" 'getown, Kv., U. S.
wrgetown, Me., IT. S.
Georgetown, Straits Settle¬
ments 42 M 14
Georgetown, Tasmania 49 w 8
Georgetown, Tenn., U. S 83 M 4
Georgetown, Tex., U. S 88 K 7
Georgetown, Transvaal 57 L 8
Georgetown, Utah, U. S 113 k 5
Georgetown (Grand Cayman),
West Indies '. 117 e 5
Georgetown (Saint Vincent),
West Indies ng n 10
57 F
81 O
81 N
101 B
51 H
70 P
99 F
63 D
63 H
112 C
51 D
50 J 2
10 A
44 D
53 F
95 N 1
10 O 3
59 R 5
52 B
57 F
80 G 5
80 A
108 H
93 K
92 D
82 H
65 D
getown, Minn., U. S. ... 98 A
„ getown, N. J., U. S 72 F
u getown, N. Mex., TJ. S. no H
G petown, N. Y„ IT. S 70 L
n Setown, 0., U. S 91 C
n Setown, North, O., U. S. 90 H
Oetown, Ontario 61 F
getown, Pa., U. S 74 B
=r.own, Prince Edward
pi q
G( ’®Jown> Queensland ' 50 G
G °Wn’ ,S' C" S 79 K
-etown (co.), S. C., U. S. 79 K
85 B 3
122 F 2
Gerbi or Jerba (Island),
Tunis ' " 54 T 2
Gerbstedt, Germany 22 J 14
Gerchsheim, Germany 23 N 10
Gerdauen, Germany 24 D 33
Gerdauen, Germany (on
travel map) 3 P 1
Gerdjanis, or Gerjanis, Tur-
key in Asia, 33 xr o
Gerdobia (mt.), Tripoli 55 M 3
Gerdshagen, Germany 22 E 14
Gere (tribe), Br. E. Africa ...
^ orep. or Ctuere (Mountains),
Georgetown, W. Va., U. S 77 F 1
Georgetown, Wis., U. S 97 F 9
Georgetown Bend of Missis¬
sippi (River), Miss., U. S....
Georgetown (L.H.), Br. Gui¬
Georgetown (L.H.), S. C.,
U. S 79 K 5
Georgetown (L.S.; N. of
Georgetown), Br. Guiana ... 122 F 2
Georgetown Station, N. Y.,
U. S 70 L 6
Georgeville, Mo., U. S 103 E 6
Georgeville, N. C., U. S 78 J 4
Georgeville, or Cape George,
Nova Scotia 63 H 4
Georgeville, Pa., U. S 74 D 5
Georgia, Gulf or Strait of,
Br. Columbia 60 E 4
Georgia (region), Russia 33 H 7
Georgia, New (island), Solo¬
mon Islands 52 J 5
Georgia, South (islands), S.
Atlantic 121 N 14
Georgia (state), U. S 64 K 4
Georgia (state), U. S. (large
scale map of) 80
Georgia, Vt., U. S 66 n
Georgia, East, Vt., U. S 66 B
Georgia, West, Vt., U. S 66 B
Georgia, Strait of, Wash.,
U. S ill B
Georgia Station, Neb., U. S. ... 102 C
Georgia Station, Vt., U. S 66 B
Georgian (Bay), Ontario 61 E
Georgiana, Ala., U. S 84 D
Georgiana, Fla., U. S 81 P
Georgiana (co.). New South
Wales 51 H 5
Georgiaville, R. I., U. S 63 J 2
Georgievsk, Russia 33 H 7
Georgievsk, Novo (Warsaw),
Russia 34 C 5
Georgievskoi, Russia 34 M 1
Georgina, or Sutton, Ontario,
Canada 61 F 3
Georgina (River), Queens¬
land 50 F 4
Georgitsi, Greece 36 F 6
Georgswalde, Austria 29 K 2
Gera, Germany 23 L 15
Gera, Germany (on travel
map) 3 L 3
Gera, Mich.. U. S 96 O 11
Gerab, El, Sudan 55 O 8
Gerab, or Geiab, Ger. S. W.
Africa 57 E 3
Gerabronn, Germany 23 O 11
Gerace, Italy 30 K 9
Gerace Marina, Italy 30 K 9
Geraerdsbergen, or Gram-
mont, Belgium 21 C 7
Geraki or Hieraki, Cape,
Greece 36 D 5
Geraki, Greece 36 G 6
Gerako, Mount, Greece 36 G 2
Gerakounia, or Falconera,
Greece 36 J 7
Gerakounia, or Gerakunia (is¬
land), .Fgean Sea 36 J 7
Gerakovouni or Gerako,
Mount, Greece 36 G 2
Gerakovuni or Gerako,
Mount, Greece 36 G 2
Gerakunia (island), iEgean
Sea 36 J 7
Geral, Serra (mt.; Bahia),
Brazil 123 J 6
Geral, Serra (mts.; Santa
Catharina), Brazil 124 H 9
Geraldine, Ala., U. S 84 E 2
Geraldine, W. Australia 50 A 5
Geraldton, Queensland 50 H 3
Geraldton, W. Australia 50 B 5
Geraldton (L.H.), W. Aus¬
tralia 50 A 5
Geraneia, or Makryplagi
(mt.), Greece 36 H
Geranium, Neb., U. S 102 E
Gerapetra, or Hierapetra,
Crete 36 E
Gerara Mendil, Tripoli 55 L
Gerara Mujira, or Gerara
Mujra, Tripoli 55 L
Gerara Mujra, Tripoli 55 L
Gerara Sokna, Sahara 55 L
Gerardmer, France 17 M
7 Gerardy, Kan., U. S 105 F
5 Geraret-el-Ertim, Tripoli 55 L
6 Geras, Austria 29 M
6 Gerasa, or Jerash, Turkey in
7 Asia 38 G
3 Gerasdorf, Vienna, Austria... 29 E
4 Gerat-el-Etsel, Tripoli 55 J
5 Gerat-el-Hamr, Tripoli 55 L
Gerau, Gross, Germany 23 N
3 Gerba, Abyssinia 55 R
3 Gerba or Jerba (Island),
5 Tunis 54 J
5 Gerbevilier, France 19 N
^ urther geographical information will be found by referring to the
56 R 9
55 L
55 K
38 E
36 G
Gere Tedetuma (mt.), Sahara
Gerede, or Keredi, Turkey in
Gerelii, Greece ^
Geren, Eastern Rumelia 35 H u
Gerenis Chai (river), Turkey
in Asia 38 C 4
Gereuth, Austria 29 J 12
Gerez, Serra do (mt.), Por¬
tugal 20 D 3
Gerezka, Russia 34 J 2
Gerga, or Girgeh, Egypt 55 P 4
Gergal, Spain 20 K 7
Gerger, Russia 38 L 2
Gerger (district), Sp. Sahara... 54 C 5
Gerger, Turkey in Asia 38 H 4
Gergoma, Morocco 54 D 2
Gering, Neb., U. S 102 A 2
Gerjanis, Turkey in Asia 38 H 3
Gerki, Nigeria 54 J 7
Gerlaw, 111., U. S 93 D 4
Gerli, or Gerelii, Greece 36 G 2
Gerlos, Austria 29 D 9
Gerlos (Pass), Austria 29 E 9
Gerlsdorfer Spitze (mt.),
Hungary 28 M 2
German, N. Y., U. S 70 L 7
German, O., U. S 90 A 4
German, W. Va., U. S 77 E 3
German Bogsan, or Nemet-
Bogsan, Hungary 28 N 6
German City, la., U. S 101 B 3
German East Africa (depend¬
ency) 56 P 12
German Empire, Europe 2 M
German Empire, Europe (on
travel map) 3 K
German New Guinea, East
Indies (local map of) 48 G
German (Ocean), or North
Sea, Europe 2 K
German South-West Africa... 57 C
German Valley, 111., U. S 93 F
German Valley, la., U. S 101 F
German Valley, N. J., U. S. ... 72 E
Germandb or Germundso Is¬
land (L.n.; E. of Pitea),
Sweden 26 M
Germania, la., U. S 101 E
Germania, Pa., U. S
Germania, Tex., U. S
Germania, Wis., U. S
Germania Station, Pa., U. S.
Germane, O., U. S
Germansen, Br. Columbia ... _
Germansweek, England 13 D
Germanton, New South Wales 51 G
Germanton, N. C., U. S 78 J
Germantown, Cal., U. S 114 C
Germantown, Clinton, 111.,
U. S 94 F
Germantown, Vermilion, 111.,
U. S 93 K 5
Germantown, East, Ind., U. S. 92 F 5
Germantown, la., U. S 101 B
or Geraki,
36 G
Belgium_ 21 F
40 D
10 B
77 K
51 J
48 J
65 F
71 D
18 F
74 G
89 F
97 H
74 G
90 H
60 E
82 J
75 H
67 E
102 H
72 E
70 P
70 P
91 B
83 B
88 K
97 G
Germantown, Ky., U. S
Germantown, Md., IT. S
Germantown, Mass., U. S. ...
Germantown, Neb., U. S
Germantown, or Beaver
Brook, New Brunswick 63 E
Germantown, New, N. J.,
U. S
Germantown, N. Y„ U. S
Germantown, North, N. Y.,
U. S
Germantown, O., U. S
Germantown, Pa., U. S 73 M
Germantown, New, Pa., U. S. 73 H
Germantown, Tenn., U. S. .
Germantown, Tex., U. S
Germantown, Wis., U. S
Germantown, South, Wis.
U. S ' 97 K
Germanville, la., U. S 101 K
Germany (large scale man of) 22, 23, 24
Germany, New, Md., U. S. ... 75 B 2
Germany, New, Nova Scotia... 63 E 5
Germau, Germany 24 C 30
Germersheim, Germany 23 O 7
Germfask, Mich., U. S 95 K 5
Germilu, or Kelkit (river),
Turkey in Asia 38 G 2
Germiston, Transvaal 57 L 7
Germundso Island (L.H.; E.
of Pitea), Sweden 26 M
Gernrode, Germany 22 J
Gernsbach, Germany 23 P
Gernsheim, Germany 23 N
Gerolstein, Germany 23 M
Gerolstein, Germany (on
travel map) 3 H
Gerolzhausen, Germany 23 N 11
Gerona, Spain 20 P 3
Gerona (province), Spain ... 20 P 2
Geronimo, Ariz., U. S 110 F 5
Geronimo, N. Mex., U. S.
110 K 3
Greece ...
Gerra, Kuh-i- (mt.), Persia
Gerrard’s Cross (Bucks), Engl
Gerrardstown, W. Va., U. S "
Gerringong, New South Wales
Gerrit Denys (Island), Bis¬
marck Archipelago
Gerry, Me., U. S
Gerry, N. Y., U. S
Gers (department), France ...
Gers (river), France 18 F
Gersau, Switzerland 27 H „
Gersfeld, Germany 23 M 10
Gersim, Sahara 54 F 3
Gersoppa, Falls of, India ... 42 E 12
Gerstetten, Germany 23 P 10
Gersthof (Vienna), Austria... 29 C 5
Gerstungen, Germany 23 K 10
Gert, Mich., U. S 96 O 14
Gertie, Va., U. S 76 L 7
Gertrude, Ga., U. S 80 H
Gertrudes, Tex., U. S 88 J
Gertruidenberg, Netherlands 21 E
Gertruydenberg, or Gertrui¬
denberg, Netherlands 21 E
Geru, Persia 40 G
Gerufa, Rhodesia 56 H 15
Gerunda, or Gerona, Spain... 20 P 3
Gerus (district), Persia 40 B 3
Gervais, Oreg., U. S 112 C 1
Gervin, Germany 24 E 21
Geryville, Algeria 54 G
Gerzeh, Turkey in Asia 38 F
Geschenen, or Gbschenen,
Switzerland 27 H
Geseke, Germany 22 J
Gesha, Mount, Abyssinia 55 P
Gesoriacum, or Boulogne
France 17 G 2
Gessenay, or Saanen, Switz¬
erland 27 D 5
Gessie, Ind., U. S 92 B 4
Gesso (river), Italy ! 31 B 6
Gest, Ky., U. S 82 G 4
Gestel, Netherlands 21 F 6
Gestingthorpe, England 8 G 5
Gestrikland (district), Swe¬
den 26 K 6
Gesundbrunnen, Germany .... 24 G 32
Geta, Finland 34 C 1
Getafe, Spain 20 J 4
Getaway, O., U. S 91 E 7
Geteinah, Sudan 55 P 7
Gethsemane, Jerusalem 39 C 2
Gethsemane, Ky., U. S 82 E 5
Getsinger, S. C., U. S 79 G 6
Gettala, Fr. W. Africa 54 D 7
Gettysburg, O., U. S 90 A 4
Gettysburg, Pa., U. S 73 H 7
Gettysburg, S. Dak., U. S. ... 100 E 1
Gettysburg, Wash., U. S Ill B 1
Getup, Ala., U. S 84 D 2
Getzville, N. Y., U. S 71 E 5
Geuda, Kan., U. S 105 E 4
Geuda Springs Station, Kan.,
U. S 105 E 4
Geuknuk, or Torbali, Turkey
in Asia 38 D 2
Gevelsberg. Germany 23 K 5
Geverdjinlik, Turkey in
Asia 38 B 4
Gevrey, France 19 K 6
Gevrey-Chambertin, or Gev¬
rey, France 19 K 6
Gex, France 17 M 6
Geyer, Germany 23 L 16
Geyer, O., U. S 90 B 3
Geyersberg, or Geiersberg,
Austria 29 N 3
Geyser, Mont., U. S 107 F 2
Geyser, Nev., IT. S 113 H 4
Geysers, The, Cal., U. S 114 C 4
Geyserville, Cal., U. S 114 C 4
Gez, Persia 40 K 7
Gezan, or Jisan, Arabia 39 J 8
Gfohl, Austria 29 L 6
Ghab, or Nioro, Fr. W. Africa 54 D 7
Ghaba-Bu-Aissa, Tripoli 55 J 2
Ghabta or Kabtiya, Mount,
Abyssinia 55 Q 7
Ghadames, Tripoli 55 J 3
Ghadamia, Jebel (mt.),
Tripoli 55 K 3
Ghafari (tribe), Arabia 39 O 5
Ghaggar or Ghuggur (River),
India 41 D 5
Ghagra, or Gogra, India 41 J 6
Ghail, El, Arabia 39 K 8
Gbalaring-cho (lake), Tibet... 44 C 4
Ghamar, India 41 J 7
Ghanije, Arabia 39 J 6
Ghansis, or Ghanze, Bechu-
analand 57 E 1
Ghanze, Bechuanaland 57 E 1
Ghar-el-Mela, or Farina,
Tunis 54 J 1
Ghar-el-Melah, or Farina,
Tunis 54 J 1
Ghara, India 41 A 7
Ghara (river), India 41 D 4
Gharapuri or Elephanta (Is¬
land), Bombay 42 N 11
Gharbi, Shott-el- (salt lake),
Morocco 54 F 2
Gharbieh (province), Egypt... 55 S 3
Gharbiye, or Gharbieh,
Egypt 55 S 3
Gharbun, Jebel (mt.), Egypt 55 S 5
General Index, Vol. 35.

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