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Freiheit - Johannisbad, or
Freiheit, Austria oo if ir
Freilassing, Germany •••• ^ 10
Freiras (Beach), Rio 19q t 2
Janeiro, Brazil i q
Freirina, Chile ^ ^ ^
Freisdorf, Germany
Freising, Germany ^ m fi
Freistadt, Austria ^
Freistadt, Austria (on travel g M 4
Freistadt, Wis., U. S 0^ k 3
Freistadtl, Hungary - ^
Freiston, or Frieston, Frig
, Venezuela ^ ^
8 F 3
78 O
90 D
83 C
113 L
111 C
97 J
108 L
101 M 10
70 P 5
113 F 3
Freiwaldau, Austria
Freiwaldau-Grafenberg, or „Q T ,
Freiwaldau, Austria Ta T 11
Frejus, France 18 J
Frejus, France (on travel 7
Freius, Col de (pass), France 18 M 7
Frejus, Golfe de (gulf),
Frelighsburg, Quebec ^ J 8
Frelsburg, Tex., U. S. rn u «
Fremantle, W. Australia 50 B fa
Fremington, England 13 D 1
Fremont (co.), Col., U. S. j..... 109 G 5
Fremont (co.), Idaho, U. S.... 108 G 5
Fremont, Ind., U. S 02 G 1
Fremont, la., U. S. 101 J 5
Fremont (co.), la., IT. S 101 B 6
Fremont, Mich., U. S 96 K 11
Fremont, Neb., U. S 10i< H 3
Fremont, N. H., U. S 66 K 11
Fremont, N. C., U. S
Fremont, O., IT. S
Fremont, Tenn., U. S
Fremont, Utah, U. S
Fremont, Wash., U. S
Fremont, Wis., U. S
Fremont (co.), Wyo., U. S. 0
Fremont Center, N. Y., U.S. 69 M 8
Fremont (Island), Utah, U. S. 113 K 1
Fremont (Lake), Wyo., U. S. 108 K 6
Fremont (Pass), Col., U. S. ... 109 F 4
Fremont (River), Utah, U. S. 113 M 4
Fremonts Butte (mt.), Col.,
U. s 1°9 M 2
Fre’monts Butte (mt.), Wyo.,
U. S 108 K 7
Fremonts (Peak), Wyo., U. S. 108 K 6
French, Minn., U. S 98 A 3
French, Wyo., U. S 103 N 8
French Broad (River), N. C.,
U. S 78 D 3
French Broad (River), Tenn.,
U. S 83 O 3
French Camp, Cal., U. S 114 D 5
French Camp, Miss., U. S. ... 85 F 4
French Cay (island), Nicara¬
gua I20 G 9
French (Creek), Pa., U. S. ... 74 B 3
French (Creek), S. Dak., U. S. 100 A 3
French Creek (battlefield),
N. Y., U. 8 70 K o
French Drove and Gedney
Hill Station, England 8 E 4
French Guiana (colony), 8.
America (large scale map
of) 123 G 3
French Guinea (region), Fr.
W. Africa 54 C 8
French Gulch, Cal., U. 8 114 C 2
French (Hill), Mass., U. 8. ... 67 B 3
French Indo-China 43
French (Island), Victoria 51 F 7
French (Islands), Bismarck
Archipelago 48 J 1
French Kongo (region), W.
Africa 56 K 11
French Lick, or Frenchlick,
Ind., U. 8 92 C 7
French Mills, Mo., U.S
French Mountain, N. Y.,
U. 8
French (Peak), Nev., U. 8. ...
French Point, Banana Creek
(L.H.; mouth of Kongo
River), W. Africa 56 K 12
French River, Nova Scotia ... 63 G 4
French (River), Ontario 61 E 1
French River, Prince Ed¬
ward Island 63 F 3
French Settlement, La., U. 8. 87 H 6
French Somaliland, Africa ... 55 R S
French Village, Mo., U.S. ... 104 M 9
French Village, Quebec 62 K 7
Frenchburg, Ky., U. 8 82 J 5
Frenchcreek, la., U. 8. 101 L 1
Frenchcreek, N. Y., U. 8 71 C 7
Frenchcreek, W.'Va., U.S. ... 77 F 3
Frenchfort, Ireland 16 D 5
Frenchlick, Ind., U. 8 92 C 7
Frenchman’s (Bay), Me., LLS. 65 G 7
Frenchman’s (Bay), Me., U. 8.
(on local map) 65 H 8
Frenchmans (Creek), Col., U.S. 109 N 1
Frenchmans (Creek), Mont.,
U. 8 107 J 1
Frenchmans (Island), N. Y.,
U. S 70 L 6
Frenchpark, Ireland 16 E 4
Frenchton, W. Va., U. 8 77 F 3
Frenchtown, Mich., U. 8 96 P 14
Frenchtown, Mont., U. 8. .... . 107 B 3
Frenchtown, N. J., U. 8 72 D 3
Frenchvillage, 111., U. 8 94 E 8
Frenchville, Me., U. 8 65 G 1
Frenchville, Pa., U. 8 74 F 4
Frenchville, Wis., U.S 97 D 6
Freneau, N. J., U. 8 72 G 4
Frenelle-la-Grande, France... 19 Is 4
Frenier, La., U. 8 87 J fa
Frenkendorf, Switzerland ... 27 F 2
Frensham, England 9 D 4
Frento or Fortore (River),
Italy ^
Frere, Mount, Cape Colony... 57 J 6
Frere, Natal 57 N 8
Frere Range (nits.), W. Aus¬
tralia SOB 5
Freren, Germany 22 H 5
Freren, Germany (on travel
map) r., ff i
Fresco. Ala., U. 8 ^ «
Fresco, Fr. W. Africa o4 E 9
Fresen, Austria 29 L 10
Fresendorf Shoal (L.H.; Stre-
lasund), Germany 22 D 17
Fresh Kills (streams), N.Y.,
jj 69 (J 15
Fresh Water’(Springs), Cal., _
U. 8 118 AJ l
Freshfleld, England 7 A 5
Freshford, Ireland ifa G fa
Freshwater, or Howbert,
Col., U. S 109 G 5
Freshwater (Isle of Wight), n ^ .
England 9 B 5
Freshwater (Bay), Sitka,
Alaska 716 W 4
Freshwater (Bay), Isle of
Wight, England 9 B fa
Freshwater (Bay), New
Guinea 48 H 2
Freshwater (Bay), Wash., U.S. Ill B
Freshwater (Canal), Egypt ..
Freshwater (Lake), Wash.,
U. 8
Fresnal, N. Mex., U. 8
Fresnay, or Fresnay-sur-
Sarthe, France
Fresnay-l’Eveque, France ...
Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, France ...
Fresnaye, La, France
Fresne-Saint-Mames, France
Fresnes, France
Fresnes-en-Woevre, France ...
Fresnes-sur-Ai?ance, France...
Fresnillo, Mexico U9 H
Fresno, Cal., U. 8. 715 F
Fresno (co.), Cal., U.S 115 E
Fresno Flats, Cal., U. 8 114 F
Fresno (River), Cal., U. 8. ... 115 E
Fresnoy, France 19 G
Fresnoy-Folny, France 19 D
Fresnoy-le-Grand, or Fres¬
noy, France 19 G
Fressingfield, England 8 J
Freswick [Freshwick], Scot¬
land 11 K
Freteval, France 19 C
FrStigney, France 19 M
Fretigney-et-Velboreille, or
Fretigney, France 19 M
Freuchie, or Fruchie, Scot¬
land 15 K
Freuchie [Freuchis], Loch,
Scotland 15 H
Freudenau, Austria 29 E
Freudenberg (Baden), Ger¬
many 23 N
Freudenberg (Westphalia),
Germany 23 L
Freudenstadt, Germany 23 Q
Freudenthal, Vienna, Austria 28 J
Frevent, France 17 H
Frew (Creek), 8. Australia ... 50 F
1 Frewsburg, N. Y., U. 8 71 D
Freva. Wis
55 T
111 F
110 K
17 E
19 D
17 E
19 A
19 M
17 J
19 M
19 M
Freya, Wis., U. 8 97 B 3
Freyburg, Germany 23 K 14
Freycinet Harbour (gulf), W.
Australia 50 A 5
Freydenburg Falls, N. Y.,
U. 8 70 Q 2
Freyhan, Germany 24 J 25
Freyheit, or Freiheit, Aus¬
tria 29 M 2
Freysing, or Freising, Ger¬
many 23 Q 14
Freystadt, or Freistadt, Aus¬
tria 29 J 6
Freystadt (Bavaria), Germany 23 O 13
Freystadt (Silesia), Germany 24 J 21
Freystadt (West Prussia),
Germany 24 E 29
Freyung, Germany 23 P 18
Freyung, Germany (on travel
map) 3 L 4
Freywauldau, Germany 23 K 21
Frianevo, Russia 34 M 3
Friar (Bay), South, West
Indies 118 G 6
Friarpoint, or Friar’s Point,
Miss., U. 8 85 C 2
Friars Head (point), Nova
Scotia 63 H 3
Friars Head Chapel, Nova
Scotia 63 H 3
Friars Place, London 10 H 5
Friarshill, W. Va.. U.S 77 F 4
Frias, Argentina 124 D 9
Fribley, Pa., U. 8 73 J 4
Fribourg, Switzerland 27 D 4
Fribourg (canton). Switzer¬
land 27 D 4
Friburgo, Nova, Brazil 123 J 8
Switzerland 27
Frickthal (valley), Switzer-
land. * •••••* 'd
Friday Bridge, England ...... 8 F
Friday Harbor, Wash., U. 8. Ill B
Fridayhill, England 10 O
Fridaythorpe, England ......... 7 H
Fridericia, or Fredericia,
Denmark *
Fridhemsberg, Sweden 26 H
Fridley, Minn., U. b d
Fridlev, Mont., U. 8 107 F
Fridrikshtat, or Friederich-
stadt, Russia 34 E 3
Friedau, Austria 3y jn ir
Friedberg (Bavaria), Ger-
many -3 Y. 13
Friedberg (Hesse-Darm-
stadt), Germany 23 M 8
Friedberg, N. C., U. 8 78 J 2
Friedeberg (Brandenburg),
Germany 24 G 21
Friedeberg (Silesia), Ger¬
many 24 L -3
Friedeberg Station (Bran¬
denburg), Germany 24 G 22
Friedeburg (Hanover), Ger¬
many 22 F 6
Friedeck, Austria 28 K 2
Friedek, or Friedeck, Austria 28 K 2
Friedenau (Berlin), Germany 24 K 30
Friedenberg, Germany 24 D 32
Friedens, Pa., U. 8 74 D 6
Friedensau, Neb., C. 8 102 G 3
Friedensburg, Pa., U. 8 73 K 5
Friedenshutte, or Beuthen-
on-the-Oder, Germany 24 J 22
Friedenssaule (monument;
Berlin), Germany 24 J 32
Friedensville, Pa., U. 8 73 M 5
Friederichstadt, Russia 34 E 3
Friedericia, or Fredericia,
Denmark 25 F 5
Friedewald, Germany 23 L 10
Friedheim, Germany 24 F 24
Friedheim, Mo., U. 8 104 N 9
Friedland (Bohemia), Aus¬
tria 29 L 2
Friedland (Moravia), Austria 28 K 2
Friedland (Brandenburg),
Germany 22 H 19
Friedland (East Prussia),
Germany 24 D 33
Friedland (Mecklenburg-
Strelitz), Germany 22 E 17
Friedland (Oppeln, Silesia),
Germany 24 L 26
Friedland (Waldenburg, Si¬
lesia), Germany 24 L 23
Friedrich Wilhelm (Canal),
Germany 22 H 19
Friedrich Wilhelmshafen,
New Guinea 48 H 2
Friedrichroda, Germany 23 L 12
Friedrichsberg (Berlin), Ger¬
many 24 H 33
Friedrichsdorf, Gross, Ger¬
many 24 C 34
Friedrichsfelde (Berlin), Ger
manv 24 J 34
Friedrichshafen, Germany ... 23 R 10
Friedrichshafen, Germany
(on travel map) 3 J 5
Friedrichshagen, Germany... 22 H 18
Friedrichshain (park; Ber
lin), Germany 24 H 32
Friedrichshall, Germany ... 23 M10
Friedrichshof, Germany 24 F 34
Friedrichshuld, Germany ... 24 H 22
Friedrichskoog, Germany ... 22 D 8
Friedrichsort, Germany ....... 22 D 11
Friedrichsort (L.H.; Kiel
Harbour), Germany 22 D 11
Friedrichsruh, Germany 22 F 11
Friedrichstadt, Germany ... 22 D 9
Friedrichswerth, Germany... 23 K 12
Friend, Col., U. 8.^ 109 O 3
Friend, Kan., U.S
Friend, Neb., U.S
Friendly (Washington), Md.,
U. 8
Friendly, W. Va., U. 8
Friendly (Islands), or Tonga,
8. Pacific 49 K
Friendship, Ark., U. 8 86 F
Friendship, Ga., U.S 80 C
Friendship, Ind., U. 8 92 F
Friendship, Ky., U. 8 8j A
Friendship, La., U. 8 87 D
Friendship, Me., U. 8 6a E
Friendship, N. Y., U.S ^
Friendship, O., U. 8 91 D
Friendship, Tenn., U. 8 83 C
Friendship, Va., U. 8 76 E
Friendship, Wis., U. 8 97 G
Friendship (Creek), N. J.,
0. 8 72 F
Friendsville, 111., U. 8 94 K
Fricndsville, O., U. 8 90 F
Friendsville, Pa., U. 8 73 L
Friendsville, Tenn., U. 8. ... 83 N
Friendswood, Ind., U. 8 92 D
Friern Barnet, England 9 F
Friern Watch, England 10 K
Frierson, La., U. 8 87 B
Friesach, Austria 29 J
Friesack, Germany 22 G 16
Friesburg, N, J., U.S 72 C 7
Friesche Wadden (mud-flats),
Netherlands 21 G 2
Frieshofen, Germany 23 R 11
Friesian (Islands), East,
Germany 22 E
105 B
102 G
75 J
77 D
24 h
106 l
74 1
77 ‘
106 ]
92 i $
8 1
Frick, Switzerland 27 F
geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
Friesian (Islands), East,
Germany (on travel map)... 3 ; ij
Friesian (Islands), North,
Germany 22 ;
Friesian (Islands), West,
Netherlands 21 o
Friesland, East (district),
Germany 22 j
Friesland, North (district),
Germany 22 ig
Friesland (province), Nether¬
lands 21 g
Friesland, West, or Friesland
(province), Netherlands ... 211 ig
Friesoythe, Germany 22 [Bj
Frieston, England 8[E
Frigento, Italy 32 /j
Frigidus, or Wippach (river), T
Austria 29 L»
Frilsham, England 9 ^
Frimley, England 9 [ ,
Frinks, Cal., U. 8 115 [ l
Frinton-on-Sea, England 9 [ b
Frio, Ala., U. 8 84 lis
Frio, Cabo (cape), Brazil 123 t,
Frio, Rio (river), Costa Rica 120: i
Frio, Cape, Ger. 8. W. Africa 56 .ife
Frio (co.), Tex., U. 8 88 lj§
Frio (River), Tex., U. 8 83
Friockheim, Scotland 15 fl
Friol, Spain 20[1
Friotown, Tex., U. 8 88 1|
Frisa, Loch, Scotland 15 J
Frisby-on-the-Wreak, Eng¬
land 8
Frische Nehrung (tongue of
sand), Germany
Frisches Haff (lagoon), Ger¬
Frisco, Ark., U. 8
Frisco, Col., U. 8
Frisco, N. Mex., U. 8
Frisco, Okla., U. 8
Frisco, Pa., U. 8
Frisco, Utah, U. 8
Frisco, W. Va., U. 8
Frisco (Creek), Okla., U. 8. ...
Frise, or Friesland (pro¬
vince), Netherlands 211
Friskey, Ga., U. 8
Friskney, England
Fristad, Sweden
Fristoe, Ky., U. 8
Friston, England
Frith Manor House (Middle¬
sex), England
Frithville, England
Frittenden, England 9 $
Fritton, England 8
Fritwell, England 9
Fritz, Ark., U. 8 86 ’
Fritz, Ky., U. 8 82 I
Fritzlar, Germany 23 1)
Frizellburg, Md., U. 8 75 I
Frizington, England 61
Frobisher (explorer’s route),
N. America 58 11
Frobisher (Bay), Franklin,
Canada 59 |i
Frocester, England 1213
Frodesley, England 11 Hi
Frodingham, England 7 Jp
Frodingham, North, England 7 1 1
Frodsham, England 11
Froelich, la., U. 8 101
Frog (Island), N. Y., U. 8. ... 71
Frog (Lake), Saskatchewan,
Froggat, England
Froghall, England
Frogmoor, England
Frogmore (royal mauso¬
leum), England
Frogmore, La., U. 8
Frogmore, New South Wales
Frogmore, 8. C., U.S
Frogmore Green, England ...
Frogn, or Frogner, Norway...
Frogner (Kristiania), Norway 26 D
Frogtown, Pa., U. 8 74 l|i
Frohavet (sea division), Nor¬
Frohna, Mo., U. 8
Frohnleiten, Austria
Frohsdorf, Austria
Froid, Neb., U. 8
Froidos, France
Froien (island), Norway
Froissy, France
Frokiti, Sudan
Frokna Matumbato (mt.),
Ger. E. Africa
Finland, Norway
Frolona, Ga., U. 8
Fromantine (L.H.; above
Soullans), France ^
Frome, England i
Frome, England (on travel i,
map) 6 *
Frome (co.), 8. Australia
Frome, Lake, 8. Australia ..
Frome, The (river), 8. Aus-
tralia ,0 ij
Frome, River, England 10 1
Frome Selwood, or Frome, Ji
Frome St. Quintin, England 1 ■ l
Frome Vauchurch, England... -46
Fron (Akershus), Norway -
Fron (Kristians), Norway -
Fron-goch, Wales
51 ®
79 f
. 26
. 29
, 19
, 26
56 <jl
17 d 5
51 <D

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