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: ® 9
la ST
Foping-ting. or Fo-ping,
China 43 A
Foard (co.), Tex., U. S 89 H
Foawara, or Fakarava (is¬
land), Low Archipelago 52 L
!'[!» Fobbing, England 9 H
Foca, Bosnia 23 K
Foce della Maestra (mouth of
Po), Italy 31 M
Foce di Goro (mouth of Po),
Italy •••••••••••••• 31 M
Fochabers, Scotland 14 K
Fochrhiw, Wales 12 G
Fockerby, England 7 H
Focshani, or Fokshani, Ru¬
mania 35 J
Fode Haji, Fr. W. Africa ... 54 D
Fodedugu (River), Fr. W.
Foden, Norway 26 B
Fodvang, Minn., U. S 93 A
i Foe; Lake, Ireland 16 B
iFoecy, France 19 E
^Foel Cwm Cerwyn (mt.),
Wales 12 B
|;Foel Eras (mt.), Wales 11 D
Foel Goch (mt.), Wales 11 E
!Fog (Bay), S. Australia 50 D
Fog Bell (L.H.), Conn.,
U. S 68 K
llL'Fogaras, Hungary 28 R
a IFogaras (co.), Hungary 28 Q
S ] Fogaras (mts.), Hungary 28 Q
Fogelsville, Pa., U. S 73 L
a Foggathorpe, England 7 H
3 ! Foggia, Italy 32 T 12
9 ! Foggia (province), Italy 32 8 11
Foglia (river), Italy 31 N 7
IS' Fogliano, Lago di (lake),
SI | Italy 32 N 12
> Fogo (island), Cape Verde Is-
K i lands 53 B 2
S jlFogo (Island), Newfoundland 63 K 5
' Fogones, Rio (river), Para-
"■ guay 124 F 8
Fohnsdorf, Austria 29 K 9
Fohr (island), Germany 22 C 8
Foia (mt.), Portugal 20 I) 7
Foinitza, or Fojnica, Bosnia 28 J 8
Foissac, France 18 D 10
Foix, France 18 G 10
Foix (old province), France.. 17 B
Foix, France (on travel map) 3 E
Foja, Sudan 55 N
i'ojalat, Sudan 55 n
"ojano, or Forjano, Italy ... 31 L
S’ojiiica, Bosnia 28 K
i’okien, or Fu-kien (pro¬
vince), China 44 k
okshani, Rumania 35 j
'olcroft, Pa., U. 8 73 L
oldal, Minn. * U. 8 98 A
bldalen, Norway 26 G
f 'olden, Norway 26 J
f bldenfjord (bay; Nordland),
Norway 26 J
ddenfjord (bay; Nordre
Trondhjem), Norway 26 G
biding, Denmark 25 E
oldvar, or Marienburg,
blembray, France
deshill, England
oley, Minn., U. 8.
bley, Mo., U. 8. ..
bley, Oreg., U. 8
deysprings, Oreg., U. 8. ... 112 C
Dlgefond (glacier), Norway 26 E
digno, Italy 32 r
dkestone, England 9 r
dkestone, England (on
travel map)
dkestone (L.H.), England
> kIngham, England
dks, Ga., U. 8
dks Store, 8. C., U. 8
dkston, Ga., U. 8
Ikton, England ...
die Anse (Point), Marie
jalante, West Indies 118 C
llensby Pond (lake), N. Y.,
’ 70 o
n®L(c°-), Victoria 51 D
ftts, la., u. S 101 N
Inge, Sweden 26 J
n° (district), Norway 95 C
Bonica, Italy ,.. ■H r
■hL ISland (Channel)','
iif r ,ton’s- c” LT- 8 79 c
R lra-ne’ NoVa Sc°tia 63 F
I ,Tlls’ Va- u- 8 76 E
£mM°Aina.?T S°Va SC0Ua
’som, Ga., U. 8.
Howe), Inii.
28 R
19 G
8 A
98 I)
103 L
112 B
60 K
98 E
97 ,T
97 J
3 E 3
9 K 4
8 D 3
80 B 8
79 F 5
80 H 10
7 J 3
Isom (near
y- u.s. ..
Isom (near
A Ty„ u.
!soin, Kan., u. 8
Hsom, N. j., u.s,
i_om> N. Mex., u.S
63 F
84 C
80 B
106 N 5
106 K
105 B
72 E
S0In, Pa,, U. 8. ' '
soin, S. Dak., tr s
s°m, w. Va., U 8
som City, Cal u 8
soin Station Ga ’ Vr 8
somdale, Ky. u 8 S‘
somdale, N. Y tt ’8
somvilie, Ind.',’u.‘8.’ .'.'.'i
78 N
73 L
100 B
77 E
114 I)
80 E
82 C
71 F
92 B
Folticeni, or Folticheni Ru¬
mania 3-
Folticheni, Rumania ^
Foltz, Miss., U. 8 Q- P
Foltz, Nev., U. 8 313 £
Foltz, Pa., U. 8 74 p
Foltz, W. Va., U. 8. 77 r
Fomena, Gold Coast 54 p
Fomeque, Colombia 122 c
Fominskaia, or Fominskoh
Russia 33 tx
Fominskoi, Russia 33 H
Fon-chou, or Fen-chau
China 4- r
Fdn-ho, or Fen-ho, China45 c
Fond du Lac, Fort (Atha¬
basca), Canada
Fond du Lac, Minn., IT. 8
Fond du Lac, Wis., U. 8.
Fond du Lac (co.), Wis., U. 8.
Fond du Lac Ind. Res.,
Minn., U. 8 93 p
Fond Giromont (Martinique)
West Indies ng pj
Fonda, la., U. 8 ' mi n
Fonda, N. Y., U. S 70 O
Fonde, India 43 o
Fondi, Italy .' 32 O 12
Fondi, Lago di (lake), Italy 32 O 12
Fondo, Argentina 124 u rj
Fondo, Austria °9 r n
Fonni, Sardinia 30 c 7
Fons, France is p
Fonsagrada, Spain 20 E
Fonse Vig (bay), Denmark ... 25 F
Fonseca, Gulf of, Salvador . 120 H
Fontainbleau, Mo., U.S 103 C
Fontaine, France 19 r
Fontaine Franpaise, France... 19 L
Fontaine-le-Dun, France 19 B
Fontaine-les-Luxeuil, or Fon¬
taine, France 19 r
Fontainebleau, France 19 f
Fontainebleau, France (on
travel map) 3 ^
Fontan, France * is x
Fontana, Lake, Argentina ... 124 C
Fontana, Kan., U. 8. 105 H
Fontana, Pa., U. 8. 73 k
Fontana, Wis., U. 8. 97 j
Fontanellato, Italy .. ’ ' 31 H
Fontanelle, la., U. 8. ' 101 D
Fontaneile, Neb., U.S. 102 H
Fontanet, Ind., U. 8 92 b
Fontarabia, or Fuenterrabia
Spain 20 L
Fontarabie, or Fuenterrabia
Spain ’ 20 L
Fontcol, N. C., U. 8. ............... 73 p
Fonte Vera, or Fontivera
Peru 122 b
Fonteboa, Brazil 122 D
Fontenailles, or Fontenay
France 49 jj
Fontenais, Switzeriand 27 D
Fontenay (Seine-et-Marne),
France 49 p
Fontenay (Yonne), France ... 19 H
Fontenay-le-Comte, France ... 17 D
Fontenay-sous-Bois, France... 17 M
Fontenay-sous-Fouronnes, or
Fontenay, France 19 h
Fontenay-Tr<5signy, or F'on-
tenay, France 49 p
Fonteneilles, France .... 19 p
Fontenelle, Wyo., U. 8. ’ 108 J
-Fontenelle (Creek), Wyo.,
U- S. 4Q3 j
Fontenoy, Belgium 21 C
Fontenoy (Meurtbe-et-Mo-
selle), France 49 ]yf
Fontenoy (Yonne), France 19 G
Fontes Villa, Port. E
Africa ' 59 p 45
Fontesvilla, or Fontes Villa,
Port. E. Africa 59 p
Fontevrault, France 17 e
Fonthill, Ky., U. 8 " 82 F
Fonthill Abbey (Wilts), Eng¬
land* ' 43 K
Fontivera, Peru 422 B
Fontiveros, Spain 20 H
Fontmell Magna, England ... 13 K _
Fontveille, France 48 E 11
Fontviellie, or Fontveille,’
18 E 11
Fonzaso, Italy 34 p 9
Foo-kiang, or Fou-kiang'
(river), China . 44 h 5
Foo (Pass), Switzerland 27 K 4
Foochow, or Fu-chau, China 44 K
Foosland, 111., U. 8.
Foot, Tenn., U. 8
Foot of Plane, Pa., U. 8.
Foota Jallon, or Futa-Jalion',
(native state), Fr. W. Africa
Foota Toro, or Futa-Toro (re¬
gion), Fr. W. Africa 54 c
Foote, la., U. 8 401 j
Foote, Fort, Md., U. 8 75 J
Foote, W. Va., U. 8 77 j
Foot’s Cray, England 9 G
Footscray (Melbourne), Vic¬
toria 50 B
Footville, N. C., U. 8. 78 H
Footville, O., U. 8 ' 90 h
Footville. Wis., U. 8 97 h
Fora, Piz (peak), Switzeriand 27 M
Fora (Beach), Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil 123 k
20 O 7
14 M 3
93 .1
83 L
73 J
54 C 8
Fora Island (L.H.; E. of
Islandsa...ISland)- Madeira
FLfflT1V0SS (Pointj;"Shetland'
Forago, Sudan 55
Foraker, Ind., U. 8. ..C::::;"' 92 E
Foraker, O., U. 8. ' on r
Forallon Isla (island)," Rio'
de la Plata, Uruguay 424 F
pOr^ach (Baden), Germany... 23 P
Foibach (Lorraine), Ger¬
many 2„ n
Forbes, Austria 99 p
Forbes8,’ CoL^i: C°lumbia ^ «
Forbes, New South Wales".'.'.' 51 H
FWaleSs (C0')’ New South
-^ount, Queensland 50 F
Forbes (Island), Bay of
Bengal 43 p.
Forbes (Island), Fla., U. S. ". 81 F
Forbes Junction, Col., U. 8.... 109 J
Forbes, Lake, Ireland 49 p
i orbes Station, Mo., U. 8 103 B
Iorbesganj, India ... "411
Forbestown, Cal., U. 8 ..' 144 D
Forbmg, La., U. 8 87 B
Forbush, la., U. 8. 401 H
Forcados (mouth of NigerV
Nigeria . 54 H
E orcall, Spain 20 M
Forcalquier, France .. 43 r
Forcett, England 6 A
Forchheim, Germany . "" 23 N
Forchheim, Germany (on
travel map) 3 jx
Forchtenberg, Germany .... 23 6
Ford, or Fordbridge (Here¬
fordshire), England .. 44 g
Ford (Northumberland), Eng¬
land B 6 p
Ford (Salop), England 11 g
Ford (co.), 111., U. 8 93 r
Ford, Kan., U. 8 " 405 C
Ford (co.), Kan., U. 8 105 C
Ford, Ky., U. 8. 82 w
Ford, Miss., U. 8 85 F
Ford, N. J., U. 8 72 F
Ford, O., U. 8 90 h
Ford, Scotland 45 c
Ford, Cape, 8. Australia 50 D
Ford, Va,, U. 8
Ford City, Mo., U. 8. !
Ford City, Pa., U. 8
Ford (Island), Hawaii, Pa¬
Ford (River), Mich., IL 8.
Ford River, Mich., U. 8.
Ford^ River Station, Mich.,'
Fordbridge, England’"'."";;;!;; H G
Forde, Norway 26 D
Forden, Wales 44 p
Fordham (Cambs), England... 8 G
Fordham (Essex), England ... 9 J
Fordham, N. Y„ U. 8 69 Q 12
Fordham, Pa., U. 8 74 D 5
Fordham Station, England... 8 F 5
Fordingbridge, England 9 A 5
Fordland, Mo., U. 8 104 F 10
Fordoche, La., U. 8 87 F 5
Fordon, Germany 24 F 27
Fordoun, Scotland 14 L 6
Fords, N. J., U. 8 72 G 3
Fords Bridge, New South
Wales 54 p 2
Fords Ferry, Ky., U. 8 82 D 2
Fords Kill (mt.), N. Y„ U. 8 . 69 8 8
Fords (Peak), N. Mex., U. 8. 110 G 2
Fords Store, Md., U. 8 75 L 4
Fords Terror (inlet), Sitka,
Alaska 449 x 5
Fordsburg, Transvaal 57 K
Fordsville, Ky., U. 8. ... 82 C
Fordungianus, Sardinia 30 C
Fordwich, Ontario 61 D
Fordyce, Ark., U. 8 "' 86 H
Fordyce, Scotland 14 p
Foreland (cape), England ... 13 L
Foreland (cape), Isle of
Wight 9 c
Foreland, North (cape), Eng"
Foreland, South (capeR Eng-
Foreland, The (cape), "Eng"
Foreman, La., U 8 ""
Foreness (Point), England".'.'.
Forentum, or Forenza, Italy 32 T 1,3
S’orenza, Italy 39 x 1,3
Foresman, Ind., U. 8 92 B 3
Forest, Ala., U. 8. ... ’ 84 D 7
Forest (Brussels), Beigium21 A 4
I orest. Cal., U. 8 114 E 3
Forest, New (forest), Eng¬
Forest, Idaho, U. 8.
Forest, or Forrest, 111., U. S
Forest, Ind., U. 8 92 D
Forest, New, Ky., U. 8 82 H
Forest, La., U. 8 87 G
Forest, Miss., IT. 8 85 F
Forest, Mont., U. 8 107 A
Forest, N. Y., U. 8 70 P
Forest, O., U. 8 90 C
Forest, Ontario 61 C
Forest (co.), Pa., U.S.
Forest, Tex., U. 8
Forest (co.), Wis.‘, 'u."s
Forest Belle (Rock), Formosa
Forest City, 111., U 8
Forest City, la., IT. 8. \." 4m p
Forest City, Me., lT. 8
Forest City, Minn., U. s!
Forest City, Mo., U. S.
Forest City, N. C., U. 8. "
Forest City, Pa., U. 8.
Forest City, 8. Dak., U. 8... 109 D
Forest City, Wis., U. 8. ... 97 n
Forest Cottage, Ky., U. 8 82 F
Forest Depot, Va., U. 8 76 E
Forest Gate, London 10 p
Forest Gate Station, London 10 O
Forest Glen, 111,, U.S 94 r
IS Green, Mo., U. 8 103 G
Forest Grove, or Forest-
grove, Oreg., U. 8 442 b
74 D
88 N
97 J
46 L
93 F
65 H
98 G
103 B
78 F
73 M
£0 G
92 E
76 H
103 C
74 D
47 L
95 F
95 G
95 G
Forest Grove, Queensland
rindSt us1’ °r Forestlli11.
Forest Hill,' London''.'..'." 10 N
Forest Hill, Md., U. 8. 75 K *
I crest Hill, Mich., U. 8. 96 m 11
1 Wales11111 New South
Forest Hlli! Pa. u"8
Forest Hills, Mass.,' U. s
Forest Home, la. u. s
Forest Home, Mo., u. 8
Forest House, Pa., u 8
FOrr5!L x, House (Waukesha
Lake Region), Wis., U.S
Forest Inn, Wales
Forest Junction, Wis u s""
Forest Lake, Minn., U.S ""
Forest Lake, Pa., 11 8
formerly Kinc'a'r-
Scotland .... ic; t
Forest Mill Station, Scotland 15 r
Forest Mills, Minn. U. 8 98 F
Forest) of Bere, England
(Forest) of Clunie, Scotland
Enlland . ,X;a>1 (di^rict)
97 F 11
H F 5
97 K 6
98 D 4
73 L 3
9 C
12 J 2
15 G 1
15 E
99 G
(FlandSt) °f Glenartney.'"Scot-
^laifd*) 0f iIaralorn’ Scot-
forest River,'' N.'' Dak.',' 'u."s" "
Forestdale! Vt.r'u.AL.'.'.'. 66 B 7
te8LL£icL;T^-, 96 qu
Forest Side,'England".'.'.'.'.'.' 40
Forest Station, Ga., U. 8
Forest Station, Me., U 8
Forestburg, N. Y. US
Forestburg, 8. Dak., U.'s '
Forestburg, Tex., U. 8 00 ^
I orestdale, Quebec . e? p
Forestdale, R. 1. u S “ K
80 F
65 H
69 N
100 F
88 K
83 B
76 H
84 D
71 K
83 H
71 H
98 D
79 H
70 M
70 M
114 C
68 D
101 K
82 D
9 L 3
9 L 4
13 E
87 H
9 L
9 B
108 C
93 .1
Further geographical information will be found by referring to 'the General Index, Vat
Forestgrove, Mich.', IT 8
Forestgrove, N. J., U.'s.' 72 D
Forestgrove, Oreg., u. 8 112 R
Foresthill, Cal., U. S. m E
Forestblll, Ind.. U. 8. qo p
Foresthill, La.. IT 8 b? O'
Foresthill, Tenn.. LL 8
Foresthill, Va.. U.S.
Foresthill, W. Va., U. 8. 77
Foresthome, Ala., US
Foresthome, N. Y., U.S
Foresthome, Tenn.’, U. 8. "...
1 F^e^|'|er1 (Islsud), Bismarck
! Archipelago 40 r
j Forestiake, cai., u.s...;::;;;:::; m d
Forestlawn, N. Y.. U 8
Foreston, Minn., U. 8
Foreston, 8. C., U. 8.
Forestport, N. Y., U.S.
Forestport Station, N.Y. U s’
Forestville, Cal., U. 8
Forestville, Conn., IT. 8
Forestville, la., U. 8
Forestville, Ky., U. 8
Forestville, Mich., U.’s. . 96 o in
Forestville, Minn., U. 8. 98 E 6
Forestville, N. Y., U 8 7i D 2
Forestville, N. C.. U. 8.' .' 78 N
Forestville, O., U. 8 '' 94 d
Forestville, 8. C„ US 79 T
Forestville, 8. Dak., U. 8. 100 G
Forestville, Va., U. 8. 76 F
Forestville, Wis., U. 8 "I 97 p
Eoret de Bondy (wood •
Paris), France 47 n
Foret de Chatillon, France... 19 K
Forez, Monts du (mts.),
France 43 j
Forfana (Island), N. Pacific... 49 E
Forfar, Scotland 15 p
Forfar (co.), Scotland 14 k
Forfarshire (co.), Scotland ... 15 L
Forg, Persia 40 p
Forgandenny, Scotland 15 J
Forge Mill, England 11 k
Forge Valley, England 7 J
Forge Village, Mass., U. 8.... 67 H
Forges-les-Eaux, France 19 d
Forio, Italy 32 p 43
Foristell, Mo., U. S 103 k 7
Forjano, Italy 34 44 3
Rork, Minn., U. 8 98 A 1
Fork, West, Oreg., U. 8. ..... 112 B 4
Fork, 8. C„ U. 8 79 K 3
Fork (Mountain), Ark., U. 8... 86 G 3
Fork Union, Va., U. 8 76 G 5
Forkchurch, N. C., U. 8. .. 78 J 3:
T 2

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