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73 M
18 M
20 J
20 J
20 J
88 N
Collombey, Switzerland 27 C
Collomsville, Pa., U. S '3 u
Col Ion, Ireland .•••••• ^ “
Collon, Mont, Switzerland ... r,
Collonges, France ^
Coilonges-les-Premieres, or
Collonges, France P?
Collooney, Ireland —-
Colloppohyea, or Calapooja
(Creek), Oreg., U- b ^ S
Collum, Ala., U. S „2 ,
Colly, Ky., U.S .•••••••••” 78 N
Colly (Creek), N. C., U. b. ...
Colly Weston, England « ^
Collyer, Kan., U.S. 10
Colma (San Francisco), Cal., ^ h
Colman, S. Dak., U- S 1^) ^
Colmar, or Kolmar, Germany -3 Q
Colmar, 111., U.b
Colmar, Pa., U. S
Colmars, France
Colmenar de Oreja, Spam ...
Colmenar Viejo, or Goime-
narviejo, Spain
Colmenarviejo, Spam
Colmesneil, Tex., U.b
Colmi, Honduras n.
Colmonell, Scotland j* k
Colmor, N. Mex., U.S 11" “
Colmworth, England » ^
Coin (River), England 13 n
Coin St. Dennis, England U E
Colnbrook, England ^ ^
Colnbrook Station, England... 10 C
Colne, River (Essex), Eng-
land o i ,
Colne (Hants), England 8 F 4
Colne (Lancs), England 7 D 4
Colne, River (Middlesex),
England 9 ’
Colne, River (Yorks), Eng-
land •; 7 E o
Colne Brook (stream), Eng-
lan(J 1U ±5 /
Colne Eiigaine, England 9 1
Colne (Point), England OK. 3
Colnett, Cabo (cape), Mexico 110 A 2
Colnett (Strait), Linschoten
Islands, Japan 46 Q 4
Colney, England 8 j 4
Colney Hatch (Middlesex),
England 10 k J
Colney Hatch Asylum
(Middlesex), England ......... 10 K 3
Colney Hatch Park (Middle-
sex), England W E 3
Colo, la., U. S 101 G 3
Cclogna, Austria 20 u i_
Cologna Veneta, Italy U! q
Cologne, France oq I a
Cologne, Germany 23 L 4
Cologne, Germany (on travel
Cologne, Minn., U. S
Cologne, N. J., U.S
Cololaca, Honduras 1-0 G
Coloma, Cal., U. S H4 E
Coloma, Ind., U. S 91 B
Coloma, Capo (cape), Italy ... 30 L
Coloma, Kan., U. S 10.5 G
Coloma, Mich., U. S 96 J 13
Coloma, Mo., U. S 103 E 5
Coloma, Wis., U. S 97 G 6
Coloma Station, Wis., U. S.... 97 H 6
Colombes, France 19 E 3
Colombey, France 19 M 3
Colombey, Germany 23 O 3
Colombey, or Collombey,
Switzerland 27 C 6
Colombey - les - Belles, or
Colombey, France 19 M 3
Colombey les Deux kglises,
France 19 K 4
Colombia, Puerto (port), Co¬
lombia 122 B 1
Colombia (republic), S.
America 121 F 3
Colombia, S. America (large
scale map of) 122
Colombier, France 19 N 5
Colombier, Switzerland 27 C 4
Colombo, Ceylon 42 G 16
Colombo (L.H.), Ceylon 42 G 16
Colomiers Lasplanes, or
Colombier, France 19 N 5
Colon, Argentina 124 F 10
Colon (island), Costa Rica ... 120 N 10
Colon (department), Hondu
Colon, Isthmus of Panama ..
Colon, Mich., U. S 96 L 14
Colon, Neb., U. S 102 H 2
Colon, Nicaragua 120 D 10
Colon, N. C„ U. S 78 L 3
Colon (Mountains), Hondu¬
ras 120 L 5
Colon (Territory), Venezuela 122 D 1
Colona, Ark., U. S 86 K 4
Colona, Col., U. S 109 C 6
Colona Station, 111., U.S. ... 93 E 3
Colonarie (Point), St. Vin¬
cent, West Indies 118 H 10
Colonels Chair (mt.), N. Y.,
U. S 69 R 8
Colon eshti, or Koloneschi
(Moldavia), Rumania 35 K 2
Coloneshti, or Koioneschi
(Wallachia), Rumania 35 G 4
Colonia, or Cologne, Ger¬
many 23 L 4
3 H
93 D
72 F
Colonia, or Colonia del Sacra¬
mento (department) (Monte
Video), Uruguay 124 * m
Colonia (Monte Video), Urn- ^ ^ iQ
Colonia (Monte Video), Uru-
guay (local map) •••••• 124 g
Colonia Agrippina, or Co-
logne, Germany zd n *
Colonia Rouquand, Argen-
tina -m
Colonia Suiza (Monte \ideo),
Uruguay 1
Colonia Valdensa (Monte
Video), Uruguay 124 £
Colonial Beach Va., U.S. ... 76 K
Colonna, Cape, Greece 36 J b
Colonna, Cape, Samos 36 P b
Colonsay (island), Scotland 15 A -
Colonsay, Little (island), 7
Scotland at it
Colonville, Mich., U. S
96 M 10
120 J
122 B
Colony, Kan., U. S "
Colony, Mo., U. S. mfi E 4
Colony, Okla., U. S. 106 E 4
Colorada, Punta (point),
Mexico .■ ■ 119 E 5
Colorado, Rio (river), Cata-
marca, Argentina 124 u y
Colorado, Rio (river), El
Pampater, Argentina l^4 k ii
Colorado, Canon of the, Anz., ^ ^ g
Colorado, Rio (river), Costa ^ ^ ^
Colorado, "Rio (river), Hondu- ^ ^
Colorado, ill., U. S 94 H 10
Colorado, Mexico ^ “
Colorado, Tex., U. S. |9 ? g
Colorado (co.), Tex., U.S. ... 88 L 8
Colorado (state), U. S. (large
scale map of) i°y
Colorado Chiquito, or Little
Colorado (River), Ariz., U. S. HO D 3
Colorado City, Col., U. S ... 109 J 5
Colorado (Creek), Col., U.S. 109 E 3
Colorado (Desert), Cal., U. S. 115 K 10
Colorado Midland Crossing,
Col., U. S 109 L 4
Colorado (Plateau), Great, „ „
Ariz., U. S HO C 3
Colorado Range, or Front
Range (ruts.), Col., U. S. ... 109 G 2
Colorado (Reef), San Fran-
cisco, Cal., U.S •••• H4 H 4
Colorado (River), Bill Wil-
Hams Fork of, Ariz., U. S. 110 B 4
Colorado (River), Cal., U. S. 115 L 9
Colorado (River), Tex., U.S. 88 L 8
Colorado (River), Utah, U. S. 113 M 5
Colorado River Ind. Res., _
Ariz., U. S HO A 5
Colorado River Ind. Res.,
Cal., U. S H5 L 9
Colorado Springs, Col., U. S. 109 J 5
Colorno, Italy 31 H 5
Colorow, Col., U. S 109 F 3
Colorow Station, Col., U. S.... 109 C 5
Colosse, N. Y„ U. S 70 K 5
Colotlan, Mexico 119 G 6
Colower (River), Wash., U. S. Ill A 2
Colpoys Bay, Ontario 61 D 3
Colquechaca, Bolivia 122 D 7
Colquehaca, or Colquechaca,
Bolivia 122 D 7
Colquitt, Ga., U. S 80 B 9
Colquitt (co,), Ga., U. S. ... 80 D 9
Colson (Point), Br. Honduras 120 G 2
Colsterworth, England 8 D 3
Colston, S. C.. U. S 79 F 5
Colston Bassett, England 8 C 3
Colt, Ark., U. S 86 L 4
Coltharps, Tex., U. S 88 M 6
Coltishall, England 8 K 3
Colton, Cal., U. S 115 H 8
Colton (Staffs), England 11 K 3
Colton (Yorks), England 7 A 3
Colton, Neb., U. S 102 B 2
Colton, N. Y., U. S 70 N 2
Colton, South, N. Y., U. S. ... 70 N 2
Colton, O., U. S 90 C 2
Colton, Utah, U. S 113 M 3
Colton, Wash., U. S Ill H 3
Colton, Wis., U. S 97 D 4
Coltons (Point), Md„ U. S.... 75 J 6
Coltsneck, N. J., U. S 72 II
Coltsville (Pittsfield), Mass.,
U. S 67 B
Coluguape, or Colhues (lake),
Argentina 124 D 13
Columb Road, England 13 B 3
Columbia, Ala., U. S 84 G 8
Columbia, Ariz., U. S 110 C 4
Columbia (co.), Ark., U. S.... 86 F
Columbia, Cal., U. S 114 E 4
Columbia, Conn., U. S 68 F 3
Columbia, Fla., U. S 81 L 2
Columbia (co.), Fla., U. S 81 L 2
Columbia (co.), Ga., U. S.... 80 G 4
Columbia, 111., U. S 94 E 9
Columbia, New, 111., U. S 94 H 13
Columbia, la., U. S 101 G 5
Columbia, Ky., U. S 82 F 6
Columbia, La., U. S 87 E 2
Columbia, Me., U. S 65 H 6
Columbia, Mich., U. S 96 P 10
Columbia, Miss., U. S 85 E 8
Columbia, Mo., U. S 103 H 7
Columbia, Nev., U. S 113 F
Columbia, N. H., U. S 66 H
Columbia, South, N. H., U. S. 66 H
Columbia, N. J., U.S '2 L
Columbia, N. Y., U.S. ......... 70 M
Columbia, South, N. Y., U. S. 70 N
Columbia (co.), N. Y., U. S.... 70 P
Columbia, N. C., U.S 78 R
Columbia (Cincinnati), O.,
U. 91 D 9
Columbia, Okla., U. S 106 G 2
Columbia (co.), Oreg., U. S. 112 B 1
Columbia, Pa., U. S. 73 J 6
Columbia (co.), Pa., U. S. ... 73 K 4
Columbia, New, Pa., U. S..... 73 J 4
Columbia, S. C., U. S. 79 G 4
Columbia, S. Dak., U. S 100 F 1
Columbia, Tenn., U. S 83 G 3
Columbia, Tex., U. S 88 M 8
Columbia, District of, U. S.... 75 C 4
Columbia, Va., U. S S £
Columbia, Wash., U. S HI C 2
Columbia (co.), Wash., IT. S. Ill G 3
Columbia, Fort, Wash., U. S. Ill F 1
Columbia, West, W. Va.,
U. S 77 B 3
Columbia (co.), Wis., U. S. ... 97 H 8
Columbia Center, O., U. S. ... 90 E 4
Columbia City, Ind., U. S.... 92 E 2
Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.,
U. S 73 J 3
Columbia Falls, Me., U. S. ... 65 H 6
Columbia Falls, Mont., U. S. 107 B 1
Columbia Furnace, Va., U. S. 76 F 3
Columbia Heights, 111., tJ. S. 93 K 3
Columbia Heights (Minnea¬
polis), Minn., U. S 98 E 4
Columbia Junction, Minn.,
U. S 98 E 3
Columbia Junction, N. J.,
U. S 72 D 2
Columbia Range (mts.), Br.
Columbia 60 G 4
Columbia (River), Br. Colum¬
bia 60 G 4
Columbia (River), Wash., U.S. Ill E 2
Columbia Station, O., U. S.... 90 G 2
Columbia Sulphur (Springs),
W. Va., U. S 77 F 4
Columbiana, Ala., U. S 84 D 4
Columbiana, 111., U. S 94 D 7
Columbiana, O.. U. S 90 J 3
Columbiana (co.), O., U. S 90 J 3
Columbiaville. Mich., U. S.... 96 P 11
Columbo, or Colombo, Ceylon 42 G 16
Columbretes (islands), Spain 20 N 5
Columbretes Rocks (L.H.),
Spain 20 N
Columbus, Ark., U. S 86 E
Columbus, Ga., U. S 80 B
Columbus, 111.. U. S 93 C
Columbus, Ind., U. S 92 E
Columbus, Kan., U. S 105 H
Columbus, Ky., U. S 82 B
Columbus, New, Ky., U. S.... 82 G
Columbus, South, Ky., U. S. 82 B
Columbus, La., U. S 87 B
Columbus, Mich., U. S.
96 Q 12
Columbus, Miss., U. S 85 H
Columbus, Mo., U. S 103 E
Columbus, Mont., U. S 107 G
Columbus, Neb., IT. S 102 G
Columbus, Nev., U. S 113 D
Columbus, N. J., U. S 72 F
Columbus, N. Mex., U. S. ... 110 H
Columbus, N. Y., U. S 70 M
Columbus, Fort, N. Y., U. S. 69 Q 14
Columbus, N. C., U. S 78 E 4
Columbus (co.), N. C., U. S. 78 M
Columbus, O., U. S 91 D
Columbus, Pa., U. S 74 C
Columbus, New, Pa., U. S. ... 73 K
Columbus, Tex., U. S 88 L
Columbus, Wash., U. S Ill E
Columbus, Wis., U. S 97 H
Columbus, First Landing-
place of, West Indies 117 H
Columbus, First Voyage of,
West Indies 117 M
Columbus, Second Voyage of,
West Indies 117 N
Columbus, Third Voyage of,
West Indies 117 M
Columbus, Fourth Voyage of,
West Indies 117 C
Columbus Bank (shoal), Ba¬
lm ma Islands 117 H
Columbus City, Ala., U. S. ... 84 E
Columbus City, la., U. S. ... 101 L
Columbus Grove, O., U. S.... 90 B
Columbus Junction, la., U. S. 101 L
Columbus (Point), Bahama
Islands 117 H
Columbus (River), South, Ky.,
U S 82 B
Colunga, Spain 20 G
Colusa, Cal., U. S 114 C
Colusa, 111., U. S 93 C
Colusa, Kan., U. S 105 B
Colusa Junction. Cal., U. S. 114 C
Coluso (co.), Cal., U. S 114 C
Colva, Wales 11 F
Colvidale, Shetland Islands 14 N
Colville, Cape, New Zealand 52 F
Colville, Fort, Wash., IT. S. ... Ill H
Colville Ind. Res., Wash.,
U. S Ill G
Colville (Island), Yukon,
Canada 116 W
Colville, Lake (Mackenzie),
Canada 59 E
Colville (Lake), Wash., U. S. Ill G
Colville (Mining District),
Wash., U. S ip
Colville (River), Alaska He!
Colville, Wash., U. S m
Colvin, S. Dak., U. S looi
Colwall, England n j
Colwell, Ontario 61:
Colwich, England yj
Colwich, Kan., U. S idsj
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35/
Colwood, Mich., U. S
Colworth, Natal
Colwuda (Bombay), India
Colwyn (Philadelphia), Pa.,
U. S
Colwyn, Old, Wales
Colwyn (Bay), Wales
Colwyn (L.H.), Wales
Colyell, La., U. S
Colyford, England
Colyton, England
Comacchio, Italy
Comacchio, Italy (on travel
Comacchio, Valli di (lake),
Comaden, Germany
Comal (co.), Tex., U. S
Comalapa, or Comoapa,
Nicaragua 120:
Comalcalco, Mexico no;
Comana, or Gumenek, Tur¬
key in Asia ft
Comana, or Shahr, Turkey
in Asia ft
Comanchej Ind. Ty., U. S lOt.
Comanche (co.), Kan., U. S. 105
Comanche, Tex., U. S 88
Comanche (co.), Tex., U. S. 88
Comanche Ind. Res., Okla.,
U. 8 106
Comanche (River), Col., U. S. 109
Comanche (Spring), Tex., U. S. 89
Comano, Austria 29
Comapa, Guatemala 12(
Comarapa, Bolivia 129
Comarare, Rio (river), Brazil 122
Comarom, or Komarom (co.),
Hungary 28
Comasa, Fr. Kongo 56
Comassa, or Comasa, Fr.
Kongo 56
Comayagua, Honduras 120
Comayagua (department),
Honduras 120
Comayagua (Mountains), Hon¬
duras 120
Comayaguela, Honduras 120
Comb, White (mt.), Scotland 14
Comba, or Komba, Fr. Kongo 56
Combaconum, or Kumbhako-
nam, India 42 ll
Combahee (River), S. C., U. S. 79 )i
Combarbala, Chile 124j]
Combe, England 9 ji
Combe, East, England 101;
Combe, Grand-, France 18 ji
Combe Abbey (Warwick¬
shire), England 11
Combe Fields, or Combe
Abbey (Warwickshire),
England 11
Combe Martin, England 13
Combe Martin (Bay), England 13
Combe St. Nicholas, England 13
Combeaufontaine, France... 19
Comber, Ireland 16
Comber, Ontario 61
Combermere Abbey (Salop),
England 11
Comberow, England 13
Comberton, England 8
Comberton, Great, England... 11
Combin, Grand (mt.), Switzer¬
land 27!
Combination, Mont., U. S. ... 107
Combles, France 17
Combmartin, or Combe Mar¬
tin, England 13
Combourg, France 17
Combreux, France 19
Combs, France 19
Combs, Ga., U. S 80
Combs, Ky., U. S 82
Combs, Okla., U. S 106
Combs-la-Ville, or .Combs,
Combs Spur, or Kickbush,
Wis., U. S
Come, Lac de, or Lago di
Como (lake), Italy
Comer, Ga., U. S
Comer, Ky., U. S
Comer Station, Ala., U. S....
Comeragh (Mountains), Ire¬
Comerant (Creek), Minn., U. S. 98J
Comero, Monte (mt.), Italy 311
Comers Rock, Va., U.S.
Comerstown, New, O., U.b.
Comet, Queensland :
Comet (River), Queensland... 50
Comets (Peak), Ariz., U.S....110]
Comfort. Cape (Southamp¬
ton Island), Canada
Comfort, Ga.. U. S
Comfort, N. C., U. S
Comfort, Cape, Solomon Is¬
Comfort, Tex., U. S
Comfort, Va., U. S
Comfort, W. Va., U. S
16 I
52 1

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