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C 7
Mantilla. or Chantelle,
"'anttllana, Spain 20 F
iantilpino, Spain 20 G
’antin Cape, Morocco 54 D
lantinela, Colombia.. 122 B
entire, or Kintyre (pemn-
oniai Scotland 14 E
'antley (Norfolk), England ... 8 K
iantley (Yorks), England 7 G
'antlev, Quebec 62 C
Ian to, Porto do (port), Cape
Verde Islands 53 C
ante Wash., U. S Ill B
anton, Ark., U. S 86 J
anion China 45 D 11
union Conn., U. S 68 D “
anton North, Conn., U. S. 68 D
an ton,’ Ga„ U. S 80 B
an on 111., U- S 93 E
anton New, 111., L\ S 94 C
anton Bid., U. S 92 D
anton! la., U S. 101 M
anton, Kan., L. S 10o E
(anton, La., U. S. 87 D
[anton, Me., U. S..... •••••••• 65 C
(anton (Baltimore), Md.,
U. 75 G
sin ton, Mass., U. S 67 K
inton Mich., U. S 96 P 13
anton, Minn., U. S 98 F
anton, Miss., U. S 85 D
anton, Mo., U. S 103 J
anton, Mont., U. S 107 E
anton, Neb., U. S 102 A
anton N. J., U. S 72 C
.anton N. Y., U. S 70 M
.anton, N. C„ U. S 78 D
anton, N. Dak., U. S 99 G
anton, O., U. S 90 H
anton, Pa., U. S 73 J
anton, East, Pa., U. S 73 J
anton, S. Dak., U. S 100 H
anton, Tex., U. S 88 M
anton, New, Va., U. S 76 G 5
lanton, Wis., U. S 97 C 4
bn ton Bend, Ala., U. S 84 C 6
Janton Center, Conn., U. S.... 68 D 2
fanton (Island), Phoenix Is¬
lands, Polynesia
Imton (River), China 44 D 11
mtonment, Fla., U. S 81 B 1
antonment, Okla., U. S 106 E 2
mtoria, Spain 20 K 7
mtrall, 111., U. S 93 F 6
nitreck, Germany 22 E 20
mtrell, Tenn., U. S 83 R 1
ntril, la., U. S 101 J 6
intrill, or Cantril, la., U. S. 101 J 6
ntu, Italy 31 F 3
mtua (Creek), Cal., U. S.... 115 E 6
mtuaria, or Canterbury,
England 9 K 4
mudos, Brazil 124 G 10
Auelas (Buenos Aires), Ar-
entina 124 F 13
numa, Brazil 122 F 4
,numa, Rio de (river),
Brazil 122 F 4
numamirim (river), Brazil 122 F 4
nura, or Kananur, India... 42 E 14
nnsium, or Canosa, Italy 32 U 12
nvey (Island), England ... 9 H 3
ny, France 19 B 1
ny-Barville, or Cany,
France 19 B 1
nyon, or Canon City, Col.,
J. S 109 H 6
nyon, South, Col., U. S.... 109 H 6
nyon (co.), Idaho, U. S.... 10S C 6
nyon, Nev., U. S 113 E 3
nyon, Tex., U. S 89 F 2
nyon City, Oreg., U. S 112 G 2
nyon Ferry, Mont., U. S. 107 E 3
nyoncreek, Mont., U. S.... 107 D 3
nyonville, Oreg., U. S 112 B 4
nzo, Italy 31 F 3
3-bang, or Kao Bang, Fr.
ndo-China 43 G 3
3 Cung, Fr. Indo-China 43 H 9
pin, Kongo Free State 56 M 13
49 K 5
15 B 2
14 E
48 B
31 N
76 B
bias, Scotland
plisport, Loch
)or, Sumatra ...
prle, Italy
p, Va., U. S _
3 a PAigle, Quebec 62 O
P a PAigle (L.H.), Quebec 62 O
P Camarat (cape), France 18 J
) Cerbere (cape), France 18 J
P Chat, Quebec 62 F
1 Corse, or Capo Corso
aPe), Corsica
'Corse (L.H.), Corsica ...
i r X?’:lronne (cape), France
1 dAgde (cape), France...
* Dame Marie (cape),
aiti xi, xx
5 d’Antifer (cape), France 19 A
3 de Drammont (cape),
ranee ' ’
l Pcno (cape), Corsica
J de Fer (cape), Algeria...
3 de la Chevre (cape),
raneela GarouPe (caPe)>
> de la Hague or Hogue
aPe), France 17 D
18 M 10
18 M 10
18 F 12
18 C 12
117 H
18 J 11
18 L 11
54 H 1
17 A 4
18 K 11
Cap de la Hague (cape),
France (on travel map) 3 c
Cap de la Hague (L.H.),
France 17 jy
Cap de la Heve (cape),
France 19 A 2
Cap Griz Nez (cape), France 17 G 2
Cap Haitien (L.H.), Haiti ... 117 J 5
Cap Henri, or Cap Haitien,
Haiti i]7 j 5
Cap or Yacata (Island), Fiji.. 52 C 3
Cap of Liberty (mt.), Cal.,
U. S. (on local map) 114 K 5
Cap, Pointe du (cape). Saint
Lucia, West Indies 118 J 9
Cap (Lake), Mich., U. S 96 J 8
Cap Lardier (cape), France... 18 J 12
Cap Hosiers, Quebec 62 G 3
Cap Rouge, Quebec 62 P 7
Cap Rouge (river), Quebec ... 62 P 6
Cap Saint Ignace, Quebec 62 O 4
Cap Sante, Quebec 62 L 5
Cap Taillat (cape), France ... 18 J 12
Cap Tiburon (cape), Haiti ... 117 H 5
Cap Tourmente, Quebec 60 B 1
Capac, Mich., U. S 96 Q 11
Capac Yupanqui, or Capac,
Mich., U. S 96 O 11
Capaccio, Italy 32 S 11
Capacetes, Brazil 122 D 4
Capana On^as, Brazil 122 E 5
Capanaparo, Rio (river),
Venezuela 122 D 2
Capangombe, or Kapangombe,
Port. W. Africa 56 K 14
Capanne, Monte (mt.), Italy 32 H S
Capannori, Italy 31 J 7
Capano, Rio (river), Brazil... 122 E 5
Caparro, Rio (Liver), Vene¬
zuela 122 C 2
Caparroso, Spain 20 L 2
Capatarida, Venezuela 122 C 1
Capay, Cal., U. S 114 C 4
Capdenac, France 18 G 8
Capdenac, France (on travel
map) 3 F 6
Cape, The, or (Cape) of Good
Hope, Cape Colony 57 D 8
Cape (district), Cape Colony 57 D 7
Cape, N. C., U. S 78 K 3
(Cape) Adkins, China 45 H 4
Cape Agde (L.H.), France 18 J 9
(Cape) Agulhas, Cape Colony 57 E 8
Cape Agulhas (L.H.), Cape
Colony 57 E
(Cape) Akrotiri (Thira Is¬
land), xEgean Sea 36 M
52 J
36 D
17 G
56 T
(Cape) Alepo, Turkey in Asia
(Cape) Alexander, Solomon
(Cape) Alikaporitha, Crete...
Cape Alprech (L.H.; near
Boulogne), France
(Cape) Amber, Madagascar...
(Cape) Amista (Chios), xEgean
(Cape) Ampasimena, Mada¬
(Cape) Anamur, Turkey in
(Cape) Anderson, W. Aus¬
(Cape; Anguille, Newfound¬
land 63 H 5
(Cape) Ann, Mass., U. S 67 M 2
Cape Ann (L.H.), Mass., U. S. 67 M 2
(Cape) Anyol, Java 48 C 6
Cape Anzio (L.H.), Italy 32 N 12
(Cape) Api, Borneo 48 C 4
(Cape) Apie, Celebes 48 F
(Cape) Apsheron, Russia 33 K
(Cape) Araxus, or Cape
Kalogria, Greece 36 D
(Cape) Arid, W. Australia 50 C
(Cape) Arnauti, Cyprus 38 E
(Cape) Arnhem, S. Australia 50 F
(Cape) Aronte (Simushir Is¬
land), Kurile Islands 46 O
(Cape) Arsacides, Solomon
Islands 52 L
(Cape) Artemisium, Greece... 36 H
(Cape) Aru, Borneo 48 E
(Cape) Aston, Franklin,
(Cape) Astrolabe, Solomon
(Cape) Atheras, Greece
(Cape) Atherinotako, Crete...
(Cape) Baba (Bigha), Turkey
(Cape) Baba (Kastamuni),
Turkey in Asia 38 D
Cape Baba (L.H.), Turkey in
Asia 38 A
(Cape) Badgley [Badgdeg],
Fernando Po, Gulf of
Cape Bald, New Brunswick
(Cape) Balguerie, Marquesas
Islands 52 P
(Cape) Balinhasay, Philip¬
pine Islands 47 B
(Cape) Ball, Br. Columbia ... 60 D
(Cape) Bangko, East Indies... 48 E
(Cape) Banks, Sydney, New
South Wales 50 K
(Cape) Baram, Borneo 48 D
(Cape) Barbas, Sp. Sahara ... 54 B
Cape Barfleur (L.H.), France 17 D
(Cape) Baring, Franklin,
Canada 59 G
36 N 4
56 S 13
38 E 5
50 A 4
59 R 2
52 K
36 B
36 G
38 A 3
54 .1 10
63 E 3
(Island), Tas-
Cape Barren
(Cape) Bathurst, Macken-
zie, Canada, cjq ■p
(Cape) Batu-putih, Timor is"
land, East Indies 4g f
irwo 5auie/’ xS- Australia... 50 E
x?ewfoundiand 63 J
Cape Bauld (L.H.), Newfound¬
(Cape) Beale, Br. Columbia...
Cape Bear (L.H.; S. of Mur-
ra^ .Harbour), Prince Ed¬
ward Island
(Cape) Beatrice, s!" Aus¬
tralia <jij
(Cape) Beaufort, Alaska no G
(Cape) Bedford, Queensland 50 H
(Cape) Bedout, S. Australia... 51 B
(Cape) Beduin, Somaliland... 55 T
Cape) Bering, Siberia lie A
(Cape) Berkeley, Galapagos
Islands, Pacific J21 E
(Cape) Bernard, Reunion
Island 53
(Cape) Bernouilii, s. Aus-
tralia pjq ^
(Cape) Best, Franklin, Can-
ada 59 S 4
50 K
63 J
60 E
63 G
50 F
36 B
48 F
56 R 11
J 1
(Cape) Bianco, or Asprokavo,
(Cape) Biera, Celebes..........'..'
(Cape) Bissel, Br. E. Africa
(Cape) Blanc, or Ras-el-
Abiad, Tunis 54
Cape Blanc (L.H.; N.W. of
Grand Miquelon), Newfound¬
land 63 j
(Cape) Blanche, S. Australia 50 E v,
(Cape) Blanco, Costa Rica 120 K 10
(Cape) Blanco, Morocco 54 D
Cape Blanco (L.H.; Majorca),
Balearic Islands 20 P
Cape Blanco (L.H.), Oreg.,
U. S 112 A
(Cape) Blanco, Sp. Sahara ... 54 B
(Cape) Blandoyan, Russia 38 N
(Cape) Blaze, S. Australia 50 D
(Cape) Boileau, W. Australia 50 C
(Cape) Bojador, Morocco 54 C
(Cape) Bojeador, Philippine
Islands 47 C
(Cape) Boiinao or Balinha¬
say, Philippine Islands 47 B
(Cape) Bolingbroke, S. Aus¬
tralia • 51 b
(Cape) Boltin, Korea 46 D
(Cape) Bon, Sumatra 48 B
(Cape) Bon or Addar, Tunis 54 J
Cape Bon (L.H.), Tunis 54 J
(Cape) Bonavista, Newfound¬
land 63 K
(Cape) Borda, Kangaroo Is¬
land, S. Australia 51 B
Cape Borda (L.H.), Kangaroo
Island, S. Australia 51 B
(Cape) Borda, W. Australia... 50 C
Cape Borinquen (L.H.; N. of
La Isabela), Porto Rico ... 117 M
(Cape) Boscaweri, Santa
Cruz Islands 52 H
(Cape) Bossut, W. Australia... 50 C
(Cape) Botok, Celebes 48 F
(Cape) Bougainville, W. Aus¬
tralia 50 D
(Cape) Bowen, Franklin, Can¬
ada 59 Q
(Cape) Boz, Turkey in Asia... 38 C
(Cape) Branco, Brazil 123 L
(Cape) Breton, Nova Scotia... 63 K
Cape Breton (co.), Nova
Scotia 63 J
Cape Breton (Island), Nova
Scotia 63 J
(Cape) Brett, New Zealand ... 52 F
(Cape) Brewster, Greenland 58 Z
(Cape) Bri, Borneo 48 C
(Cape) Bridgewater, Victoria 51 D
(Cape) Bulak, Russia 33 J
(Cape) Buliluyan, Philippine
Islands 47 A
(Cape) Burlus, Egypt 55 S
(Cape) Busa, Crete 36 A
(Cape) Byron, New South
Wales 51 K
Cape Caballeria (L.H.; Mi¬
norca), Balearic Islands ...
(Cape) Cabuli, Philippine
Cape Caccia (L.H.), Sardinia
Cape Gala Figuera (L.H.;
Majorca), Balearic Islands...
(Cape) Calavite, Philippine
Islands 47 C
Cape Camarat (L.H.), France
(on local map) 18 J
(Cape) Campbell, New Zea¬
land 52 E
(Cape) Canaveral (L.H.), Fla.,
U. S 81 P
(Cape) Canso, Nova Scotia... 63 J
(Cape) Cantin, Morocco 54 D
(Cape) Carangpingan, Sum¬
atra 48 B
(Cape) Carmel, Palestine 38 F
20 R 4
47 B
30 B
20 P
Cape Carteret (L.H.), France 17 D 3
Cape Carthage (L.H.), Tunis 54 J 1
Cape Carvoeiro (L.H.), Portu¬
gal 20 C 5
(Cape) Catastrophe, S. Aus¬
tralia 51 A 5
60 D 4
C 2
76 L 6
76 M
£0 B
37 U
(Cape) Catoche, Yucatan
Peninsula gg q to
(Cape) Caution, Br. Columbia
(Cape) Cavaliere, Turkey in
Asia 33 ^
(Cape) Cavallo, Corsica 18 T,
Cape Cee (L.H.; Corcubion
Day), spain 20
(Cape) Chapman, Keewatin,
Canada gg
(Cape) Charles, Labrador 58 t
(Cape) Charles (Norfolk), Va.,
U. S
Cape Charles (L.H.), Va'
U. S
(Cape) Chatham, W. Australia
(Cape) Chelagskoi or Shalag-
skii, Siberia ^
(Cape) Cherni, Russia 33 G
(Cape) Chidley, Ungava,
Canada 59 g
(Cape) Chignecto, Nova
Scotia ^3 j)
Cape Chin, Ontario 61 D
(Cape) Christian, Franklin','
Canada 59
iCape) Chukotsk or'chuk'os’h"
kii, Siberia 37 ■y’
(Cape) Churchill (Keewaitin)
Canada eo N
fCal3e), Clear or cleare,'
Alaska 116 P
(Cape) Clear, Ireland.. ig r;
(Cape) Cleveland, Queens"
land 50 H
Cape Coast Castle, Gold
Coast 54,
Cape Coast Castle (L.H.)"
Gold Coast 54 p
(Cape) Cod, Mass., U. s. 67 N
Cape Cod, or Highland
(L.H.), Mass., U. S 67 O
Cape Cod (Bay), Mass., U. S. 67 N
(Cape) Collinson, Hongkong
(on local map) 44 j;
(Cape) Colonna, Greece 36 J
(Cape) Colcnna (Samos),
xEgean Sea 36 P 5
Cape Colony, S. Africa 53 H &
Cape Colony (large scale
map of) 57 E 6
(Cape) Colville, New Zealand 52 F 2
(Cape) Comfort (Keewatin),
Canada 59 0 3.
(Cape) Comfort, Solomon
Islands 52 K 4
(Cape) Comfort (Southampton
Island), Canada 59 o 3
(Cape) Commerell, Br. Colum-
„r.biaV"A 60 D 4
(Cape) Comorin, India 42 F 16
Cape Compare (L.H.), Austria 28 E 7
(Cape) Conran, Victoria 51 H 6
(Cape) Cook, Br. Columbia ... 60 D 4
Cape Cope, Victoria 51 E 6
(Cape) Cornwall, England ... 13 E 4
(Cape) Corrientes, Port. E.
Africa 57 M 3
Cape Corrubedo (L.H.), Spain 20 C 2
(Cape) Corveiro, Sp. Sahara 54 B 5
(Cape) Corwin, Alaska 116 G 7
(Cape) Coster, Loyalty Is¬
lands 52 J 10
(Cape) Couedie (Kangaroo Is¬
land), S. Australia 50 F 7'
Cape Couronne (L.H.), France 18 F 12
Cape Cove, Quebec 62 G 3:
(Cape) Cretin, New Guinea... 48 H 2:
Cape Creus (L.H.), Spain 20 Q 2
(Cape) Croisilles, New Guinea 48 H 2
(Cape) Croker, Ontario 61 E 3
Cape Croker, Ontario 61 E 3
(Cape) Cross, Ger. S. W.
Africa 57 A 1
(Cape) Cross (Sitka), Alaska 116 V 8
Cape Cullera (L.H.), Spain... 20 M 5
(Cape) Cumberland, New
Hebrides 52 J &
(Cape) Cuvier, W. Australia 50 A 4
(Cape) Dabo, East Indies 48 G 4
(Cape) Dagerort, Russia 34 C 2
(Cape) D’Aguilar, Hongkong
(on local map) 44 E 7
(Cape) Dahamel, W. Australia 50 C 3
(Cape) Dalhousie (Macken¬
zie), Canada 59 E 2
Cape d’Antibes (L.H.),
France (on local map) 18 K 11
Cape D’Antifer (L.H.), France 19 A 1
Cape Dartuch (L.H.; Mi¬
norca!. Balearic Islands ... 20 Q 5
(Cape) Datu, Sarawak 48 C
20 F
51 B
54 H
20 K
20 D
55 T
Cape de Busto (L.H.), Spain
(Cape) de Couedie, S. Aus¬
Cape de Fer (L.H.), Algeria
Cape de Gata (L.H.). Spain ...
Cape de Sines (L.H.), Portu¬
(Cape) Delgado, Somaliland...
Cape Delgado (L.H.), Port. E.
Africa 56 R 13
Cape dell’ Arm! (L.H.), Italy 30 J 10
(Cape) Derma, Arabia 39 J 9
(Cape) Desespoir, Quebec 62 G 3
Cape Despair or D.esespoir
(L.H), Quebec 62 G 3
Cape di Gallo (L.H.) Sicily 32 J 13
(Cape) Diatt, Sumatra 48 B 4
(Cape) Dimitrios (Kythnos),
.Hgean Sea 36 K 6
Further geographical information
be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.

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