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(560) BEG
Bo!has-k6i,Seror Boghazkoi; p
BoghMkoil^urkey in Asia ... 38 F
Bogie (River), Scotland j
Boglar, Hungary ..•••••••■; „ j;
Bognor (Sussex), Englan
Bognor (L.H.), ^ngland _•
Bognor (Rocks), Su . 9 E
Bogcf^island), r)en™ark 25 K
34 j 7
B»“K- 3i K
Bogodukliof (Poltava), Russia 34 K
Bogoiavlentskoi, Russia •••••• 51 G
KSI.'mo 5> G
Boeorodsk (Moscow), Russia AIM
Boforodsk (Tula), .Russia 34 L
■Roeorodskoi, Russia
Bogoroslan, or Buguruslan,
Bogos (tribe), Eritrea ^
Bogoslof or Bogoslov (Is-
land), Aleu«an ^siands • M
Bogota, “ «
94 J
72 C
83 B
41 M
51 H
15 J
L 2
Bogota, 19C, p
Bogota (river) Colombia 1 - C
Bogota, 111., IJ. »•
Bogota, N. J., B. b.
Bogota, Tenn., U. b
Bogra, India
Bogree, New South Wales ..
Bogside, Scotland
Bogu, Central Asia •••••••
Bogucar, or Boguchar, Rus- ^ q
Boguchar Russia " ^
n I: 78 q
85 E 4
85 F
78 P
85 C 4
78 Q
la, „ 84 C
S.’ H4 C
Bogue, N. C., U. S.
Bogue Chitto (stream), La., ^ ^
Bogue’ Chitto, Miss., U. S, ... 85 D
Bogue Chitto (stream), Kem-
per co., Miss., U. S 85 G
Bogue Chitto (stream), Noxu-
bee co., Miss.,/U.S. ............ 85 H
Bogue Chitto (river). Pike
co., Miss., IT. S ••••••• 85 l>
Bogue Fall ah (stream), Miss.,
if. •;•••
Bogue Homo, Big (stream),
Miss., IT. S
Bogue (Inlet), N. C., IT. S.
Bogue Phalia (stream), Miss.,
U. S
Bogue Sound (bay), N. C.,
IT. S •••••■•
Boguechitto, Ala., IT. S.
• Bogus, Cal., IT.
Bogus (Island), in., o. o ---
Boguslaf, Russia "••••• M r1
Boguslav, or Baguslav (Eka-
terinoslaf), Russia 34 h
Boguslav, or Boguslal (Kiel),
Russia -i- 34 ii
Boh, or Bug (river), Poland,
Russia ••• 34 i>
Boh, or Bug (river), S.
Russia 34 it
Bohain, France i^
Boharm, Assiniboia, Canada... 60 K
Bohea (Hills), China 45 G
Boheimkirchen, Austria 29 M
Bohemia (province), Austria 29 J
Bohemia, Fla., IT. S 81 B
Bohemia, La., IT. S 87 K
Bohemia, N. Y., IT. S 69 Q 10
Boherboy, Ireland 16 C
Bohio Soldado, Isthmus of
Panama 121 M
Bohlen, Liberia 54 E
B6hmen, or Bohemia (pro¬
vince), Austria 29 J
Bbhmer Wald (mts.), Austria 29 F
B6hmer Wald (mts.), Austria
(on travel map) 3 L
BOhmisch-Aicha, Austria 29 K
BOhmisch-Brod, Austria 29 K
Bdhmisch-Kamnitz, Austria 29 J
B&hmisch-Leipa, Austria 29 J
Bdhmisch-Skalitz, Austria ... 29 N
Bdhmisch-Trubau, Austria ... 29 N
Bohol (province), Philip¬
pine Islands 47 E
Bohol Garshin, Somaliland... 55 S
Bohol (Island), Philippine
Islands 47 E
Bohonal de Ibor, Spain 20 G
Bohorodczany, Austria 28 <4
Bohotle, Somaliland 55 S
Bohri, Wis., IT. S 97 C 6
Boh tan (district), Turkey in
Asia 38 K
Boh tan (river), Turkey in
38 K 3
Bohu, Nigeria 54 H 8
Bohun Lodge (Herts), Eng-
land 1°K 1
Bohus (district), Sweden 26 G 7
Bohus (Bay), Norway 26 9 I
Boiano, Italy 32 Q 12
Boioe, Mont., IT. S 107 M 2
Boiceville N. Y., IT. S 70 O 8
Boicourt, Kan., IT. S 105 H 3
“ - - ~ 101 J
Boiestown, New Brunswick 63 C 3
Boigneville, France 56 O 9
Boiling (Springs), Cal., I. S. llo ^ 6
Boiling Springs, Pa., U. S. ... 73 ^ ^
Boilston, N. C., U. ft ^ ^ 4
Boim, Brazil 35 E 5
Bois Blanc dsland), Lake Hu- g5 N 6
BoS^’ Blanc’ (Island), Detroit g
Bois Brule (River), Douglas c 3
co., Wis., IT. S
Bois Brule (River), 1 orest co., g?. j 3
Wis., IT. 8-r:'"TT"a 104 E 10
Bois d Arc, Mo., IT. S. ••••••••••
Bois d’Arc (Creek), Okla., ^ ^ ]
Bois S'de" Boulogne (Paris), ^
Bois de Vincennes, or Par0
de Vincennes (Paris),
BoiTFort ind. Res., Minn., gg ^
BoYs (Isiand), PeHt, Ala.. LI S- 84 A 10
Bois (Island), Petit, Miss., g5 ^ iQ
B(Ys-le-Duc, or Bosch, Nether- ^ ^
lands -.q
Bois-le-Roi, France ^ 1
Switzerland 37 u
Mich., IT. S 96 N
Boisdale, Nova Scotia 63
Boisdale, Loch (inlet), He- ^ ^
Boise ^co.), Idaho, IT. S 108 D
Boise, Idaho, L. S-
Boise, Old Fort, Idaho, U. S. 108 B
Boise, Wash., U. S ^ 111 D
Boise-le-Duc, or Bosch,
Netherlands ••••••• Vi ci f1
Boise (River), Idaho, U. S 10^ E
Boise (River), Middle Fork
of, Idaho, IT. S. ••••••••• 108 D
Boise (River), S. Fork of,
Idaho, U.S 108:0
Boise Ridge (mts.), Idaho, ^ c
Boisedale Locii (L.H.), Scot
Bolat, Turkey in Asia 38 C
14 B 5
Bolbec, France
Bolbitinic, or Rosetta (Mouth
Bolchai (Lake), Russia 33 H
Bolchen, Germany -3 u
Bolckow, Mo., U. S. •••••••■•■ 10n r
Bold (Point), Queensland o0 G
Boldaji, Persia 4U v
Boldisno (mt.), Siberia.^...... 37 N
Boldon (Durham co.), Eng- ^ ^
Boldon," East" (Durham co.),
Boldspring, Ga., U. S. 80 E
Boldspring, Tenn., U. S 83 k
Bole, Fr. W. Africa 54 E
Bole, or Buale, Gold Coast ... 54 F
Bolebeng, Bechuanaland m h .
Bolechow, Austria 28 Q 2
Boleman, S. C., U. S 79 C 2
Bolembe, Fr. Kongo 56 L 10
Bolen, Ga., U. S. 80 G 9
Bolerium Promontorium, or
Land’s End (cape), England 5 A 13
Boles, Ark., U. S. §6 D o
Bolfontein [Rolfontein], Na-
Bolgaru (river), Russia 38 N
Bolghor, Persia ^ ^
Bolgrad, Russia - ”
Bolhov, or Bolkhof, Russia ...
Bolhuni, or Bolkhuny, Rus-
g^a ^
Boli, Turkey in Asia
Boli (river), Turkey m Asia...
Boli Dagh (mt.), Turkey in
Bolievatz, Servia
Boligee, Ala., U. S. ■•■••••••■
Bolinao, Philippine Islands...
Bolinao (Cape), Philippine
Islands •. yy,-;"
Bolinas (San Francisco), Cal.,
sSinas (Bay), San Francis-
co., Cal.. U. S 114 G
Bolinas (Point), San Francis-
co., Cal., U. S 114 G
Bolingbroke, New (Lines),
England ^
Bolingbroke, Old (Lines),
XT’ rr I Q n rl ®
34 G
34 K
38 D
38 E
38 D
35 E
84 A
47 B
47 B 3
114 C 5
land * oq -rr
Boisfort, Wash., U. S. 111 B 3
Boishemum, or Bohemia (pro-
vince), Austria .... .......v..-.;. 20 j
Boisse-le-Roi, or Bois-le-Roi, _ _i
France Ar £
Boisset, France e or
Boissevain, Manitoba oo e
Boissy, France u
Boissy-l’Aillerie, or Boissy,
France -*-y ai<
Boissy-Saint-Leger, France ... 19 F
Boisville, France 19 D
Boisville-la-St.-Pierre, or
Boisville, France 19 D
Boitah, India MM
Boite (river), Italy 7n ^ q
Boitron, France l9 V, •>
Boitsfort (Brussels), Belgium 21 C 4
Boitzenburg, Germany 22 F 18
Boizenburg, Germany 22 1 12
Bojador (Cape), Morocco 54 C 4
Bojamba, Kongo Free State... 56 M 12
Bojano, or Boiano, Italy' 32 Q 12
Bojanowo, Germany 24 J 24
Bojeador (Cape), Philippine
Islands 47 C 2
Bokalia, Sudan 55 M 6
Bokan, Persia 40 B b
Bokapo, Kongo Free State ... 56 M 10
Bokchito, Ind. Ty., U. S l^0^, □
Boke, Fr. W. Africa 54 C 8
Bokel Cay (Island), Carib¬
bean Sea 120 H 2
Bokel Cay (L.H.), Br. Hon-
duras 120 H 2
Bokellen, Germany 24 D 33
Bokes Creek, O., U. S 90 D 4
Bokes (Creek), O., U. S 90 D 4
Bokhara (large scale map of) 40 L 1
Bokhara, Asiatic Russia 40 K 1
Bokhara (khanate), Asiatic
Russia 37 J 5
Bokhara (River), New South
Wales 51 G 2
Boki Shempi, Burma 43 A 4
Bokkasa, Liberia 54 D 8
Boknfjord (inlet), Norway ... 26 D 7
Bokoshe, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 N 4
Bokot, Sudan 55 N 9
Boksburg, Transvaal 57 J 4
Bokstel, or Boxtel, Nether¬
lands 21 F 5
Bokumbi, Kongo Free State... 56 L 10
Bol (Island), W. Africa 57 B 4
Bolac, Lake, Victoria 51 E 6
Bolam, England 6 G 3
Bolan, la., U. S 101 G 1
Bolan (Pass), India 41 A 5
Bolands, Miss., U. S 85 H 2
Bolango, Celebes 48 F 4
Bolanos, Mexico 119 G 6
Bolarti, Br. E. Africa 56 Q 10
Bolasan, or Bolasar, Turkey
in Asia 38 L
Bolasar, Turkey in Asia 38 L
BoUngbroke, Ga., IT." S. ...... M) D
Bolingbroke, Cape, S. Aus-
tralia ■••••••• 81 «
Ark., U. S 86 E
U. S 87 B
Bolinger, La., „ , ,
Bolisheriesk, or Bolsher-
yetzk, Siberia •••••••• 3' b
Bolivar, or Boliver, Ala., U. S. 84 1
Bolivar, Colombia ^
Bolivar (department), Colom-
Bolivar (province), Ecuador... 122 B
Bolivar, Ind., U. S o? 5
Bolivar, Miss., U. S. 80 G
Bolivar (co.). Miss., U. S 85 C
Bolivar, Mo., U. S 164 F
Bolivar, N. Y., U. S 71 I
Bolivar, South, N. Y., U. S. ... 71 F
Bolivar, O., U. S 90 G
Bolivar, Pa., U. S. 74 D
Bolivar, Tenn., U. S 83 G
Bolivar, Tex., U. S 88 K
Bolivar, or Ciudad Bolivar,
Venezuela 122 E
Bolivar, W. Va., U. S ••••• 77 L
Bolivar (Channel), Galveston
Bay, Tex., U. S 89 C
Bolivar (Peninsula), Galves¬
ton Bay, Tex., U. S • 88 N
Bolivar Point (L.H.; N. of
Galveston), Tex., U. S A?;?
Bolivar (State), Venezuela ... 122 E
Boliver, Ala., IT. S 84 F
Bolivia, New South Wales ... 51 K
Bolivia, N. C., U. S 78 N
Bolivia (republic), S. America 121 G
Bolivia, S. America (large
scale map of) I--;
Bolkenhain, Germany 24 L 23
Bolkhof, Russia 34 K 5
Bolkhuny, Russia 33 J 6
Boll, or Bulle, Switzerland ... 27 D
Bollate, Italy 31 F
Bollene (Alpes Maritimes),
France 18 K 10
Bollene (Vaucluse), France... 18 K 8
Bollene La Croisiere, or Bol¬
lene (Vaucluse), France ... 18 K
Bolles, Wash., IT. S HI G
Bolligen, Switzerland 27 E
Bolline, La, or Bollbne,
France 18 K 10
Bolling, Ala., U. S 84 D 7
Bolling, Va., U. S 76 G 5
Bollingen, or Bolligen
Switzerland 27 E 4
Bollinger (co.), Mo., U. S. ... 104 M 10
Bollington, England 11 J
Bolln&s, Sweden 26 K
Bolloa (tribe), Sudan 55 M
Bollon, Queensland 51 G
Bollullos par del Condado,
Spain 20 P
Bolmen, Sweden 26 H
Bolmen (lake), Sweden 26 H
Bolney, England 9 F
Bolnhurst, England 8 D
Bolo-Bolo (native state), Ni¬
geria 54 j;
Bolo (Mountains'), Fr. Kongo.. 55 £
Bolobo, Kongo Free State 56 L
Bologna, Italy 31 K
Bologna, Italy (on travel J
map) 3 E;
Bologna (province), Italy 31 K
Bologne, France 19 1L
Bologoi, Russia 34 J
Boloko, Kongo Free State 56 H
Bolola or Koli (River), Port.
Guinea 54 C'|
Bolombo, Kongo Free State... 5ftL
Bolonchen, Mexico 119 (T
Bolonchen Ticul, or Bolon¬
chen, Mexico 119 C
Bolondron, Cuba 117 Ei;
Belong, New South Wales ... 51 H
Bolongo (tribe), Fr. Kongo ... 56 I.
Bolongo, Kongo Free State... 56 L
Bolotana, Sardinia 30, C!i|
Bolowodun, or Bulavadin,
Turkey in Asia 38 It
Bolsa (Point), Scotland 14 li
Bolsena, Italy 32 L
Bolsena, Lake of, Italy 32 Ij
Bolshe Kopani, Russia 34
Bolshe Vradievka, Russia 34 II
Bolshe-zemelskaia (Tundra),
Russia 332
Bolsheretsk, or Bolsher-
yetzk, Siberia 37
Bolsheryetzk, Siberia 37 =
Bolson de Mapimi (plain),
Mexico 119 S
Bolsover, England
Bolsters Mills, Me., U. S 65 E
Bolsuni, Russia 34 i
Bolsward, Netherlands 21 i
Bolt, Oreg., U. S 112 E
Bolt, La, S. Dak., U. S 100 3
Bolt Head (point), England ... 13 1
Bolt Tail (point), England ... 13
Boltana, Spain 20 5
Boltenhagen, Germany 221
Boltigen, Switzerland 271
Boltin (Cape), Korea 46 I
Bolton, Conn., U. S 68 I
Bolton (Lancs), England 7 (
Bolton, England (on travel
map) 3 t
Bolton, 111., U. S 94 t
Bolton, Kan., U. S 105 .
67 E
96 C
85 I
103 I
70 1
70 I
61 1
15 i
100 C
83 I
66 1
66 1
Bolton, Mass., U. S
Bolton, Mich., U. S
Bolton, Miss., U. S
Bolton, Mo., U. S
Bolton, N. Y., U. S
Bolton, North, N. Y., U. S. ...
Bolton, Ontario
Bolton, Scotland
Bolton, S. Dak., U. S
Bolton, Tenn., U. S
Bolton, Vt., U. S
Bolton, West, Vt., U. S
Bolton Abbey (Yorks), Eng¬
land ••••••
Bolton by Bowland (Yorks),
Bolton Centre, Quebec
Bolton Hall (Yorks), Eng¬
Bolton Hot Springs, Idaho,
U. S
Bolton Landing, N. Y., U. S..
Bolton-le-Sands (Lancs), Eng¬
land •••••••
Bolton Notch, or Bolton Sta¬
tion, Conn., U. S
Bolton Percy (Yorks), Eng¬
Bolton Station, Mass, U. b. ...
Bolton upon Swale (Yorks),
Boltonville, Vt., U.S
Boltonville, Wis., U. S
Bolts Burn England
Bolulu, Kongo Free State ...
Bolus, Turkey in Asia
Bolus (Head), Ireland
Bolva (river), Russia
Bolvansk (Bay), Russia
Bolzano, or Bozen, Austria ..
Bom, Mong, Fr. Indo-China ..
Bom Abrigo (Island), Brazil
Bom Fim (Goyaz), Brazil LW
Bom Fim (Minas Geraes),
Bom Jardim" (E. Bahia),
7 ]
7 fi
62 i
70 il
7 1
(W. Bahia),
Bom Jardim
Bom Jesus (Goyaz), Brazil... 123
Bom Jesus (Piauhy), Brazil...
Bom Jesus dos Meiras, Brazil n
Bom Retiro, Brazil
Boma, Kongo Free State ... »
Boma (district), Kongo Free
State ; ”
Boma, or Embona, Turkey in
Bomai Massanga, Kongo tree
Bomaneli, Kongo Free State
Boies, la., U. S
Further geographical information will he found by referring to the General Index, T ol. 35.
nomanen, ivungu a infi
Bomar Station, Ind. Ty., U.b. 1
Bomarsund, Finland
Bomba, Italy
Bomba, Port. W. Africa —

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