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96 L 10
70 P 8
S' ' .... 103 G 5
■" “ " 9
Barry Bock (L.H.), England... 1| G
Barrydale, Cape Colony o7 ii.
Barrylway (Point), New-
Barry’s Head (point), Ireland 16 E
Barryton, Mich.,
Barry town, N. Y., U. o.
Barryville, Mo., U. o „ N
Barryville, N. Y., U. S 8Q H
Barryville, O., U. S ou
Bars (co.), Hungary ^
Barsac, France •••••••■•• 27 r 2
Barschwil, Switzerland •••••••••
Barschwyl, or Barschwil, 07 F 2
Switzerland 9*V ^ =
Barseback (L.H.), Sweden ... -
Barsema, Turkey in Asia f 5
Barshori, Br. Baluchistan 41 A 5
Barsi, India ••••••■• 1 - ^ 4!
Barskimming, Scotland H f. m
Barso (island), Germany 22 B 10
Barston, England nii t s
Barstow, Cal., U S US J 8
Barstow, 111., U. S. 93 E 2
Barstow, Tex., U. S ;••• ••• 89 D 6
Barsuki, Desert of, Asiatic
Russia 37 J 4
Barsur, India 42 H 10
Bart, Ky., U. S 82 G 7
Bart, Pa., U. S ^3 K 7
Bartelso, 111., U. S ot S qq
Barten, Germany 24 1) dd
Bartenstein (East Prussia),
Germany 24, D 32
Bartenstein (Wurtemberg),
Germany 23 O 10
Barterville, Ky., U. S § t
Bartfeld, or Bartfa, Hungary 28 N 2
Bartfeld, or Bartfa, Hungary
(on travel map) 3 P 4
Barth, Germany 22 v ib
Barth, Germany (on travel
map) •••••• 3 E i
Barth (explorer’s route),
Tripoli 00 Lr -j
Bartheney, Tenn., U. S 83 O 2
Bartholdi, S. Dak., U. S. ...... 100 F 3
Bartholomaussee, or Kbnigs
See (lake), Germany 23 R 16
Bartholomeo (river), Brazil... 123 H 7
Bartholomew (co.), Ind., U. b. 93 E 6
Bartholomew Bayou (stream),
Ark., U. S 86 J 7
Bartholomew (River), New
Brunswick , 1 ^ o
Barthomley, England 11 H 2
Barthorpe, Acklam with, „
England •.••• 7 E, ,
Bartibog, New Brunswick ... 63 H 4
Bartibog (River), New Bruns- (
wick “3 D .
Bartibog Station, or Bartibog, t
New Brunswick 63 D .
Bartica, Br. Guiana 122 h .
Bartin, Turkey in Asia 38 E .
Bartin (river), Turkey in
Asici ^
Bartle Frere, Mount, Queens-
]_an(jl 50 H
Bartlesville, ind. Ty., U. S.... 106 L
Bartlett, 111., U. S 93 J
Bartlett, la., U. S 101 B '
Bartlett, Kan., U. S S -m
Bartlett, Mo., U. S 104 K 10
Bartlett, Neb., U. S 10j F 2
Bartlett, N. H., U. S ®« at
Bartlett, N. Y„ U. S ^0M
Bartlett, N. Dak., U. S 99 F
Bartlett, O., U. S. 91 G
Bartlett, Tenn., U. S °3 B
Bartlett, Tex., U. S 88 K
Bartlett Deep (depression),
Caribbean Sea ID e
Bartletts, New Brunswick ... 63 B
Bartletts (Island), Me., U. S. 60 G
Bartletts Narrows (channel),
Mp U. 65 D
Bartlettsville, Ind., U. S 92 D
Bartley, Neb., U. S 10| »
Bartley, N. J., U. S. 72 F
Bartley, W. Va., U. S " C
Bartlow, England v ° ^
Bar told Valley (St. Louis),
Mo., U. 193 ^
Bartolo, San, Mexico Hu L
Bartolo, Nicaragua l^E
Bartolome (Cape), Alaska .... llh W
Barton, Ala., U. S -.nn R
Barton, Col., U. S 109 O
Barton (Cheshire), England ... 11 F
Barton (near Ormskirk,
Lancs), England 7 B
Barton (near Preston, Lancs),
England 7 B
Barton ( Yorks ), England 6 H
Barton (co.), Kan., U. S 105 D
Barton, Md., U. S 75 B
Barton (co.), Mo., U. S 104 D
Barton, N. Y., U. S 71 K
Barton, N. Dak., U. S 99 D
Barton, O., U. S 90 J
Barton, S. C., U. S 79 B
Barton, Vt., IT. S 66 F
Barton, South, Vt., U. S 66 F
Barton, Wis., U. S •••••• 97 K
Barton Harbour (bay), Philip¬
pine Islands 47 B
Barton-in-the-Clay, England... 9 E
Barton Landing, Vt., U. S.... 66 E
Barton-le-Street, England ... 7 H
Barton Mills, England 8 G
9 B
13 J
7 J 4
Barton Moss, England 7 C
Barton-on-the-Heath, Eng¬
Barton St. David, England ...
Barton - under - Needwood,
England 11 K
Barton-upon-Humber, Eng¬
land ••••
Bartonheights (Richmond),
Va IT 76 A 3
Bartonsvilie, Pa., U. S 73 M 4
Bartonsville, Vt., U. S 66 D
Bartonville, 111., U. S 93 F
Bartos, Pa., U S a* L 6
Bartow, Fla., U. S on r 6
Bartow, Ga., U.S. .......^ 80 G 6
Bartow (co.), Ga^, U. S. ...... 80 B
Bartow (New York City),
xr V TT S by K 1^
Bartow Junction, Fla., U. S. 81 N 6
Bartram, W. Ya., U. S. 77 B
Bartsch (river), Germany ... 24 J 24
Bartschin, Germany |4 G 26
nd), Colombia 122 B 1
Barua, or Barrua, Nigeria ... 5o K 7
Barua, or Urua (tribe),
Kongo Free State “6 n 12
Barui (tribe). Port. E. Africa 56 P 15
Baruipur, India 41 ^
Baruk, Persia —
Barukansk, or Burukan
(Sikin), Siberia
Barum, or Barnstaple, Eng ^
Barun, Central Asia ■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4
Barun-sunity (province), Gen- ^ ^
tral Asia ,, -r,
Barun-zasak, Tibet •;•••• ••_• v"
Barung or Baroeng (Island), ^ ^
Barunj, Br.
40 H 3
37 Q 3
Baluchistan 41 B
Barus, Sumatra
Baruth, fiermany
Barutinkioi, Turkey 1 ^ G
Baevas56 Lower '"(Hebrides)
Barvasan Upper (Hebrides), ^ c
Scotland ..••• oi n
Barvaux, Belgium “9 „
Barver, Germany T
Barvinkina, Russia it K
India 41 E
B&rwalde in Pommern, Ger- ^
EArwalde-in - the' - Neumark,
Germany i-, -p«
Barwani, India
Barwari (tribe), Bechuana-
22 H 18
14 D 3
50 E
105 E
27 E
27 F
3 H
E 23
22 G 20
17 A
17 A
England « n 4
. England «n n m
Barwick, Ga., U. S. „ ,
Barwick-in-Elmet, England .. 7 I 4
Barwon or Darling (River),
New South Wales.51 H -
Barwon (on Port Phillip), Kfl . 9
Victoria 5U A 12
Barwon Head (point), Vic- . „
toria ■; S
Bas, or Batz, France d l
Bas, lie de (island), France..
Bas, He de (L.H.), France ..
Bis Senegal (district), Fr. W.
Basa (tribe), Nigeria 54 H
Basa-Komi, or Nupe (native
state), Nigeria 54 H
Basal, Turkey in Asia. 38 l
Basalt (Peak), Cal., U. S 115 G
Basalt, Col., U. S 109 E
Basalt, Idaho, U. S 108 G
Basan. Russia ”
Basanga (tribe), Fr. Kongo ... 56 L 10
Basarjik, or Bazardzhik, Bui-
garia 35 K
Baschi, Italy 3-, M
Baschurch, England 11 G
Basco, 111., U. S 93 C
Basco, Santo Domingo de,
Philippine Islands 47 C
Basco, Wis., U. S 97 H
Bascom, Fla., U. S 81 F
Bascom, Ga., U. S 80 H
Bascom, O., U. S 90 D
Bascomville, S. C., U. S 79 G
Bascunan, Cabo (cape), Chile 124 C
Base Line (survey), Ariz.,
U. S no
Base Line (survey). Ark.,
U. S 86
Base Line (survey), Mesa co.,
Col., U. S 109
Base Line (survey), Rio
Blanco co., Col., U. S 109 C
Base Line (survey), Fla., U. S. 81 L
Base Line (survey), Idaho,
U. S 108 F
Base Line (survey). 111., U. S. 94 F
Base Line (survey), Ind., U. S. 92 C
Base Line (survey). La., U. S. 87 G
Base Line (survey), Mich.,
U. S 96 L 13
Base Line (survey), Mont.,
U. S 107 G
Base Line (survey). Neb., U.S. 102 E
Base Line (survey), N. Mex„
U. S 110 K
Base Line (survey), Beaver
co., Okla., U. S 106 C
Base Line (survey), Greer co.,
Okla, U. S x 106 u
Base Line (survey), Oreg.,
g 11^ r
Base Line (survey), Utah,
U. 113 M
Base Station, N. H., U. S 66 J
Basecles, Belgium 21 o
Basedow Range (mts.), S. Aus¬
tralia •••••■
Basel, New, Kan., U. b
Basel, or Basle, Switzerland
Basel (canton), Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland (on travel
Basel Land (canton), Switzer¬
land •••••••
Basel Stadt (canton), Switzer-
Baselice, italy 32 R 12
Basenga (tribe), Port. E.
Africa 56 O 14
Basentiello (river), Italy 32 L 13
Basento (river), Italy 32 U 13
Basey, Philippine Islands ... 47 1 7
Basford, England 8 B
Basford, Neb., U. S 102 H
Bash Khan, Turkey in Asia ... 38 E
Bash Nurashin, Russia 33 J
Bashekerd (province), Persia 40 G
Basham, Ala., U. S 84 C
Basham, Va., U. S (6 C
Bashan, Kan., U. S Wo D
Bashaw, Wis., U. S. 97 C
Bashee (Channel), China 37 P
Bashee (River), Cape Colony 57 J
Bashers Kill (stream), N.Y.,
U. 69 N
Bashi, Persia 40 D
Bashi or Bashee (Islands),
Philippine Islands 49 D
Bashi-lange, or Baluba
(tribe), Kongo Free State... 56 N 12
Bashimba (tribe), Ger. S. W.
Africa 56 K 15
Bashin, Persia 40 H
Bashkah, or Wady esh
Sheriah (river-bed), Pales-
-£2^0 c>y r> iu
Bashkala, Turkey in Asia ...
Bashkend, Turkey in Asia ...
Bashkoi (Erzerum), Turkey
in Asia
Bashkoi (Sivas), Turkey m
Basht, Persia
Bashukulompo, or Bashuku-
lumbwTe (tribe), Rhodesia...
Bashukulumbwe (tribe), Rho-
Basi, or Busi, India 41 E
Basian (Bay), La., U. S 87 K
Basiasch, or Bazias, Hungary 28 N
Basic City, Va., U. S 76 F
Basidu, or Bassadore, Persia 40 I
Basiento, or Basento (river).
27 F 2
27 E 2
C 5
A 4
38 K
38 J
38 J 3
38 G
40 D
56 N l-i
56 N 14
Basla, India 42 M
Basle, or Basel, Switzerland 27 F
Baslow, England 8 £
Basman Kuh (mt.), Persia ... 40 H
Baso, Abyssinia 55 (3
Baso (tribe), Sudan 55 My
Basoda, India 41 w|
Basodine (mt.), Switzerland.. 27 H
Basoko (Aruwimi), Kongo ^ 11
Free State 56 >
Basoko (Stanley Falls), Kongo
Free State 56 M
Basonge, or Bassongo (tribe),
Kongo Free State 56 M
Basongo, or Basoko (Stanley
Falls), Kongo Free State 56 M
Basongo-Mino, or Bassongo
(tribe), Kongo Free State... 56 u
Basque (Provinces), Spain ... 20 H
Basra, or Busra, Turkey in
Asia 38 IB
Basra (district), Turkey in
Asia 38 Itj
Basrah, India 41
Basruig, Afghanistan 40 >
Bass, N. C., U. S 78 >
Bass, Middle, O., U. S 90 1
Bass Harbor Head (point),
Mount Desert Island, Me.,
U. S 65
Bass Harbor Head (L.H.),
Me., II. S. (on local map)... 65 I
Bass (Island), Middle, O.,
U. S. 90 1
Bass (Island), North, O.,
U. S 90
Bass (Island), South, O.,
U. S 90
Bass or Maretiri (Islands),
S. Pacific 49 >
Bass (Lake), Minn., U. S 98 I
Bass Lake, Ontario 611
Bass (Lake), Wis., U. S 97 l
Bass River, New Brunswick 631
Bass (River), N. J., U. S 72
Bass (Rock), Scotland lo
Bass Rock (L.H.), Scotland ... 15
Bass Station, Ala., U. S 84
Bass (Strait), Victoria 50 I
Bassa, Grand, Fr. W. Africa... 54 j
Bassa, Great, Liberia 54 1
Bassa, Great (district), Libe-
-Ha. A
32 U 13
36 M
27 E
Basil, O., U. S r 7
Basil, Va„ U. S ••••••- ,1® S 7
Basil (Creek), Ind. Ty., U.S. 106 N 4
Basilan (province), Philip-
pine Islands 47 D 10
Basilan (Island), Philippine
Islands 47 D W
Basilan (Straits), Philippine
Islands 47 D y
Basildon (Berks), England ... 9 C 3
Basildon Park (Berks),
England 9 C 3
Basileios, Hagios (Athens),
Basilia, or Basel, Switzerland
Basilica di San Stefano,
Rome, Italy S n q
Basilicata (department), Italy 32 T 13
Basilisk Harbour (bay), Santa
Cruz Islands, Pacific Ocean 52 H
Basim, India 42 F
Basin, Idaho, U. S 108 F
Basin, Miss., U. S 8o G
Basin, Mont., U. S 107 D
Basin, Neb., U. S W2 E
Basin, Wyo., U. S 108 L
Basin (Creek), Col., U. S 109 A
Basin Depot, Ontario 61 G
Basing, England 9 C
Basingstoke, England 9 C
Basingstoke, England (on
travel map) 3 D
Basingstoke (Canal), Eng¬
land 9 D
Basinski, Mont., U. S 107 K
Basirhat, India 41M
Basiro (Togo), Africa 54 G
Basit, Ras el (cape), Turkey
in Asia 38 F
Baska, or Bescanuova, Hun¬
gary 28 F
Baskahegan (Lake), Me., U. S. 65 H
Baskan, Turkey in Asia 38 J
Baskatong, Lake, Quebec 62 C
Baskerville, Va., U. S 76 G
Basket Dome (mt.), Yosemite
Valley, Cal., U. S 114 K
Baskett, Ky., U. S 82 B
Basking Ridge (mts.), N. J.,
U. S 72 F
Baskinton, La., U. S 87 F
Baskunchak, Russia 33 J
Baskuntschak, or Baskun¬
chak, Russia 33 J
Bassa, Little, Liberia 54 1
Bassa, or Basa (tribe),
Nigeria 54]
Bassadore, Persia 40
Bassak, Siam 43
Bassaki. Persia 40
Bassali, Kongo Free State ... 06
Bassam, or Grand Bassam,
Fr. W. Africa °4
Bassam, Grand, Fr. W. Africa 54
Bassam, Little, Fr. W.
Bassama, Nigeria 55
Bassankussu, Kongo Free
State ^
Bassano, Italy M
Bassano, Italy (on travel
map) 3
Bassari, or Basiro, Togo,
Bassas da India (shoals),
Mozambique Channel 53
Bassas de Pedro (shoals),
India ••••••■■ 43
Basse (Martinique), West
Basse Terre (Guadeloupe),
West Indies (on large scale
Basse Terre (Guadeloupe),
West Indies 118
Basse Terre (district), Guade¬
loupe, West Indies (on local
map) •••- 11®
Basse Terre (L.H.; Guade¬
loupe), West Indies D®
Bassecourt, Switzerland
Bassee, La, France
Basseh, El, Palestine
Bassein, Burma
Bassein -(district), Burma
Bassein (river), Burma
Bassein, India
Bassein (Island), India
Bassendean, Scotland
Bassenger, Fla., U. S. ■•••••■
Bassenthwaite (Cumber¬
land), England
Bassenthwaite (Lake), Cum¬
berland, England
Basses, Great (rocks), Ceylon
Basses, Little (rocks), Ceylon
Basses-Alpes (department),
Basses - Pyrenees (depart¬
ment), France
Basses, Les (Marie Galante),
West Indies
Basset (Channel), Mich., L. b.
Basseterre (Saint Christo¬
pher), West Indies
Basseterre (L.H.; St. Chris¬
topher), West Indies
Bassett, la., U. S
Bassett, Neb., U. S
Bassett, N. J., U. S. .
Bassett, Tex., U. S
Bassett, Wis., U. S
. 118
. 118
geographical information will he found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.

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