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20 J 8
20 L
. 83 M
10S J
103 J
86 K
36 G
36 K
36 G
68 K
68 H
65 D
7 G
29 L
96 P
96 O
Aim ora, India ^ ^
Aimeral, la., U. S. IP,1 %
Almota, Wash., U. S. 111 H
Almudebar, or Almudevar,
Spain ....r....
Almudevar, bpain ^
Almunecar, Spain ....; •••••
Almunia de Dona Godina, La
Almy, Tenn., U. S
Almy, Wyo., U. S. ••••••-
Almy Junction, Wyo., U. o
Almyra, Ark., U. S.
Almyro, or Almyros, Greece..
Almvropotamon, Greece
Alm'yropotamos, or Almyro-
potamon, Greece
Almyros, Greece
Almys Pond (lake; Newport),
Almyville, Conn., U. S 68 W
Ain, River, England b u
Aina, Me., II. S
Alne, England ,
Alne, Great, England 11 ^
Alne, River, England 11 ^
Alne Station, England ' £
Alness, Scotland 11 £
Alnham, England b £
Alnmouth, England b D.
Alno (Island), Sweden f R
Alnvil, Sweden R
Alnwick, England........... b ^
Alnwick Abbey (Northum-
berland), England b Or
Alnwick Castle (Northumber-
Aloi, Br. E. Africa 56 R
Alone, Ky., IT. S „
Along (Bay), Fr. Indo-China.. 43 H
Aloni (Island), Sea of Mar-
mora •••. 38 B
Alonta, or Terek (river),
Russia tt
Alora, Spain
A.lori, or Ilorin, Nigeria 54 H
Alosno, Spain 20 E
Alost, or Aalst, Belgium 21 D
Aloys, Neb., U. S RR 11
Alpe, Hoch- (mt.), Austria
Alpena, Mich., IT. S ...
Alpena (co.), Mich., IJ. S.
Alpena, S. Dak., IT. S 100 F
Alpena, W. Va., U. S 77 Gt
Alpera, Spain... ■■ 20 L
Alpercatas, Rio (river), Brazil 1-3 H
Alperton, England 10 G
Alpes Graise, or Graian Alps
(mts.), Italy 81 B
Alpes-Maritimes (department),
France 1° , 11
Alpha, Ala., U. S 84 A 6
Alpha, Ariz., U. S 110 B
Alpha, Ark., IT. S 86 F
Alpha, Ga„ U. S 80 D
Alpha, Idaho. U. S 103 D
Alpha, 111., U. S 93 E
Alpha, la., IT. S 101 J
Alpha, Kan., IT. S 105 E
Alpha, La., U. S 87 C
Alpha, Minn.. IJ. S 98 C
Alpha, Mo., tl. S 103 F
Alpha, Nev., U. S 113 F
Alpha, O., U. S 91 B
Alpha, Okla., IT. S 106 F
Alpha, Oreg., IT. S 112 B
Alpha, S. Dak., IT. s 100 F
Alpha, Tenn., IT. S 83 P
Alpha, Va., IT. S 76 G
Alpha, Wash., E. S HI C
Alpharetta, Ga., IT. S 80 C
Alpheius (river), Greece 36 E
Alphen, Netherlands 21 E
Alphington, England 13 F
Alphonse (Island), Indian
Ocean 53 L
Alphoretta, Ky., IT. S 82 L
Alpika, Miss., IT. S 85 D
Alpine, Ala., IT. S 84 E
Alpine, Ariz., IT. S HO F
Alpine, Ark., IT. S 86 F
Alpine, Cal., IT. S 115 J 10
Alpine (co.). Cal., U. S 114 F
Alpine, Col., IT. S 109 F
Alpine, Fla., IT. S 81 E
Alpine, Ga., U. S 80 A
Alpine, Idaho, IT. S 103 C
Alpine, Ind., IT. S 92 F
Alpine, Ky., IT. S 82 G
Alpine, Mich., IT. S 96 K 11
Alpine, Mont., TJ. S 107 G 2
Alpine, Nev., IT. S Ill E 3
Alpine, N. Y., TT. S 71 J
Alpine, S. C., IT. S 79 C
Alpine, Tex., IT. S 89 D
Alpine, Utah, IT. S 113 C
Alpine (Pass), Col., IT. S. ... 109 E
Alpine (Tunnel), Col.-, IT. S. ... 109 E
Alpirsbach, Germany 23 Q
Alplaus, N. Y., IT. S 70 P
Alpnach Dorf, Switzerland ... 27 G
Alpnach See (lake), Switzer¬
land 27 G
Alpnacht, or Alpnach Dorf,
Switzerland 27 G
Alpnachstadt, Switzerland ... 27 G
Alpowa, Wash., U. S HI H
Alps, Dinaric (mts.), Austria 28 H
(mts.). Central
70 Q 6
Alps of Oisans (mts.), France 18 M
Alps, N. Hex., U. S HO M
Alps, N. Y., U. S. ............
Alps, Southern (mts.), New
Alpuente, Spain 20 M
Alpujarras (mts.), Spam ... 20 J
Alpuxaras, or Alpuj arras
(mts.), Spain “0 J
Alquezar, Spain 20 M
Alquina,AInd.,TU.aS. ............ 9- F
122 C
44 D
88 L
Alread, Ark., U. b-
Alresford (Essex), England... 9 K
Alresford (Hants), England .. 9 C
Alrewas, England n £
Alright (Island), Quebec 63 H
Alro (island), Baltic Sea 25 G
Als, Denmark L
Alsa, Tex., U. S. •••••••••• 88
Alsace (old province), France 17 C
Alsace (province), Germany ^ ^
Alsace (territory), Germany
(on travel map) 3 11
Alsace, Lower (district), Ger-
many 2cs y
Alsace, Upper (district), Ger-
23 R
Alsact\ NewrimUL's:':: 92 F 6
Alsace, Ontario - bl * 1
Alsace-Lorraine (territory),
Alsager, England 11 £ f
Alsasua, Spain 20 K -
Alsasua, Spain (on travel 0^7
Alsea, Oreg., U S ^ U2 B 2
Alsea (River), Oreg., U. S. ... 112 B 2
Alsek (River), Alaska H6 U 7
Alsen (island), Germany 22 C 10
Alsen (island), Germany (on „ T -
travel map) 4 .
Alsen, S. Dak., U. S. l0o09? in
Alsen Sound (bay), Germany 22 C 10
Alsentia, Alaska H6 N 8
Alsenz (river), Germany "j 5, ^
Alsey, 111., U. S. 94 E 6
Alsfeld, Germany b o
Alsfeldt, Ontario 61 E J
Alsh, Loch (inlet), Scotland... 14 E 5
Alsham, or Syria (region),
Turkey in Asia 38 o o
Alsina, Fort, Argentina 124 E 11
Alsleben, Germany 22 J 14
Alslev, Norre, or Norre
Alslev, Denmark 25 K
Alsd-Feher (co.), Hungary 28 P
Also-Kubin, or Kubin, Hun¬
gary 28 L
Also-Lendva, Hungary 28 H
Also-Porumbak, Hungary 23 Q
Alsodde (L.H.; Manager
Fjord), Baltic Sea 25 G
Alstad, Wis., U. S 97 A
Alstadhaug, Norway 26 H
Alstahoug, or Alstadhaug,
Norway 26 -5
Alstead, N. H., U. S 66 E 10
Alstead, East, N. H„ U. S 66 E 10
Alsten (Stockholm), Sweden.. 26 L 8
Alsteno (island), Norway 26 H 4
Alster, Aussen (lake), Ham¬
burg, Germany 24 L 32
Alster (river), Germany 24 K 32
Alster An (river), Sweden ... 26 K 8
Alston, Ala., U. S 84 G
Alston, Ark., U. S 86 E
Alston, England 6 E
Alston, Okla., IT. S 106 D
Alston, S. C., U. S 79 F
Alstonfield. England 11 K
Alstonville, New South Wales 51 K
Alstrup, Denmark 25 F
Alswede, Germany 22 H
Alt-Becse, or O-Becse, Hun¬
gary 28 L
Alt Boyen, Germany 24 J
Alt-Bunzlau, Austria 29 J
Alt Christburg, Germany 24 E 29
Alt Dobern, Germany 22 J 19
Alt Ehrenberg, Austria 29 J 2
Alt-Erlaa (Vienna), Austria... 29 B 7
Alt Fraunhofen, Germany 23 Q 15
Alt-Gradiska, Hungary 28 J 6
Alt Kettenhof (Vienna), Aus¬
tria 29 E 7
Alt Kloster, Germany 24 J 23
Alt Landsberg, Germany 22 G 18
Alt Lublau, Hungary 28 M 2
Alt-Ofen, Hungary 28 P
Alt-Orsova, Hungary 28 O
Alt Paka, Austria 29 L
Alt Pazua, Hungary 28 M
Alt Prags, Austria 29 E 10
Alt (River), Hungary 28 R 5
Alt (River), Rumania 35 G 4
Alt-Rodna, Hungary 28 Q 4
Alt Ruppin, Germany 22 G 16
Alt-Sandec, Austria 28 M 2
Alta, 111., U. S 93 F 4
Alta, la., U. S 101 C
Alta, Kan., IT. S 105 E
Alta, N. Dak., U. S 99 G
Alta, Utah, U. S 113 C
Alta Gracia, Nicaragua 120 C
Alta Mira, Mexico 119 K
Alta Vera Paz (department),
Guatemala 120 E
Alta Vista, or Altavista, la.,
U. S 101 J
Altadena (Los Angeles), Cal.,
•jj g Ho G
Altagracia, Venezuela
Altai, Great (mts.),
Altair, Tex., U. S. -••••■•■
Altaloma (Galveston Bay),
Tex U. S 88 M g
Altamaha, Ga., U. S. 80 G 8
Altamaha (River), Ga., U. S. 80 G 8
Altamaha Sound (bay), Ga.,
rj g oU J y
Altamaliaw, N. C., U. S 78 L
Altamont, Ariz., U. S 110 £
Altamont, Cal., IT. S 114 D
Altamont, 111., U.S.. 94 H
Altamont, Kan., U. S 10o G
Altamont, Ky., U. S. 82 H
Altamont, Md., U. S 7o B
Altamont, Mo.. U. S 103 D
Altamont, N. Y., TLS. 70 O
Altamont, N. C., L. S
Altamont, S. Dak., U. S 100 H
Altamont, Tenn., U. S 83 K
Altamont, Wis., U. S. 07 E
Altamonte Springs, Fla., U. S. 81 O
Altamura, Italy 3^ v 13
Altamura, Isla (island),
Mexico H9 E
Altan, N. C., U. S 78 J
Altan Ruins, Russia 33 IS,
Al+ar, El (volcano), Ecuador 122 B
Altar, or El Altar (volcano),
Ecuador 122 B
Altar, Mexico 119 C
Altar, Rio del (river),
Mexico H9 c
Altar de Collanes, or El Altar
(volcano), Ecuador 122 B
Altarnun, England 13 C
Alta? Torres, or Madrigal de
la Altas Torres, Spain 20 H
Altata, Mexico 119 E
Altata, Russia 33 J
Altavilla, Irpina, Italy 32 R 13
Altavista, la., U. S 101 J 1
Altavista, Kan., U. S 105 F
Altay, N. Y., U. S 71 H
Altberun, Germany 24 M 29
Altbreisacb, Germany 23 Q
Altbtiron, or Allbiiron, Swit¬
zerland 27 F
Altcar, Great, England 7 A
Altdamm, Germany 22 F 20
Altdollstadt, Germany 24 D 30
Altdorf, Germany 23 O 13
Altdorf, Gross, Germany 23 O 10
Altdorf, Switzerland 27 H 4
Altdorf, or Bassecourt, Swit¬
zerland 27 D 3
Alte Vand (lake), Norway ... 26 L 2
Altea. Spain 20 M 6
Altea Bay (L.H.), Spain 20 M 6
Altefahr, Germany 22 D 17
Alten Elv (river), Norway ... 26 N 2
Alten-otting, or Allotting,
Germany 23 Q 16
Altena, Germany 23 K 6
Altenahr, Germany 23 L 4
Altenau, Germany 22 J 12
Altenbeken, Germany 22 J 8
Altenberg, Germany 23 L 18
Altenburg, Austria 29 L 6
Altenburg, or Saxe-Alten-
burg (duchy), Germany 23 L 15
Altenburg, Germany (on
travel map) 3 L 3
Altenburg, or Korosbanya,
Hungary 28 O 5
Altenburg, Ungarisch-, Hun¬
gary 28 H
Altenburg, Mo., IT. S 104 N
Altendorf, Germany 22 K
Altenesch, Germany 22 F
Altenessen, Germany 22 K
Altenfjord (bay), Norway 26 N
Altenkirchen (Pomerania),
Germany 22 C 18
Altenkirchen (Westphalia),
Germany 23 L 6
Altenmarkt (Carniola), Aus¬
tria 29 L 13
Altenmarkt (Lower Austria),
Austria 29 M 7
Altenmarkt (Styria), Austria 29 K 8
Altenstadt, Germany 23 Q 11
Altensteig, Germany 23 P 8
Altenwerder (Hamburg), Ger¬
many 24 N 30
Alter do Chao, Portugal 20 E 5
Althegnenberg, Germany 23 Q 13
Altheimer, Ark., U. S 86 J 6
Althein, Austria 29 G 7
Althorne, England 9 J 3
Althorpe (Northumberland),
England 7 H 5
Altborpe, Ontario 61 J 3
Althorp Park Station (North¬
ampton co.), England 8 B 5
Althouse, Oreg., U. S 112 B 4
Altilia, Italy 32 R 12
Altimur, Afghanistan 40 N
Altin (Lake), Siberia 37 L
Altinovka, Russia 34 J
Altinur, Bulgaria 35 F
Altkarbe, Germany 24 G 22
Altkirch, Germany 23 R 5
Altkischau, Germany 24 D 27
Altlag, Austria 29 K 12
Altman, Col., U. S 109 H
Altmannsdorf (Vienna), Aus¬
tria 29 *
Altmar, N. Y., U. S 70 1;
Altmark, Germany 24 1)
Altmark (district of Branden- ^
burg), Germany 22 0*
Altmuhl (river), Germany .... 23 1|
Altnabreac, Scotland 14
Altnaharra, Scotland 14 Eg
Altnau, Switzerland 27 E>
Alto, El, Argentina 124 1 j
Alto (San Francisco Bay),
Cal., U. S H4 m
Alto, Fla., U. S 81 14k
Alto, Ga., U. S 80 I
Alto, Ind., U. S 92 I}[
Alto, La., U. S 87 g|
Alto, Mich., U. S
Alto, Miss., U. S
Alto, N. C„ U. S
Alto, S. Dak., U. S.
Alto, Tenn., U. S
Alto, Tex., U. S
Alto, Va., U. S
Alto, Wash., U. S HI
Alto, Wis., U. S 97
Alto da Serra, Brazil 123
Alto de Garajonai (mt.), Can¬
ary Islands 20 11
Alto del Malpaso (mt.),
Canary Islands 20
Alto Orinoco (Territory),
Venezuela 122
Alto Pass, 111., U. S 94
Altofts, England 7
Altoga, Ind., U. S 92
Altolka, New South Wales ... 51
Alton, Cal., U. S H4
Alton (Hants), England 9
Alton (Staffs), England H
Alton, 111., U. S
Alton, East, 111., U. S. ..
Alton, Upper, 111., U. S
Alton, Ind., U. S
Alton, la., IT. S
Alton, Kan., U. S
Alton, Ky., U. S
Alton, Me., U. S...
Alton, Mich., U. S
Alton, Mo., U. S
Alton, West, Mo., U. S. ..
Alton, N. H., U. S
Alton, West, N. H., U. S.
Alton, N. Y., U. S
Alton, N. Dak., U. S
Alton, Nova Scotia
O., U. S
Alton' Upper, 111., U. S.
Alton, Va., U. S
Alton, W. Va., U. S
Alton Priors (Wiltshire), Eng¬
Alton Station, Ky., U. S
Altona, Germany
Germany (on local
Germany (on travel
24 (I
Alps, The , ,,
Europe 3 J
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index
Altona, 111., U. S
Altona, Ind., U. S
Altona, Mich., U. S
Altona, Mo., U. S
Altona, N. Y., U. S
Altona, Okla., U. S
Altona, Ontario
Altonbay, N. H., U. S.........
Altooey, Slieve (mt.), Ire
Altoona, Fla., U. S
Altoona, la., U. S
Altoona, Kan., U. S...
Altoona, Minn., U. S
Altoona, Pa., U. S
Altoona, Wis., U. S
Altorf, or Altdorf, Germany
Altorf, or Altdorf, Switzer¬
Altos de Algarroba (mt.),
Isthmus of Panama Hi
Altos de Calemu (mts.),
Valparaiso, Chile I-4
Altos de Coliguai (mts.),
Santiago, Chile I24
Altos de Maria Enrique
(mts.), Isthmus of Panama 121
Allotting, Germany "
Altranstadt, Germany -j
Altrincham, England '
Altsattel, Austria ^
Altsek or Alsek (River),
Alaska g.,
Altshausen, Germany "
Altsohl, Hungary -c
Altsohl, Hungary (on travel
Altstadten, or Altstetten,
Switzerland o}™#
Altstatten, Switzerland W
Altstetten, Switzerland.^.
Altstrelitz, or Strelitz, Ger-
Altun, Turkey in Asia *
Altura, Minn.. U. S
Alturas, Cal., U. S
Altus, Ark., U. S
Altus, Okla., U. S.
Altus, Utah, U. S.
Altus. Wyo., U. S.
Altvater (mt.), Austria

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