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A. Leo, Four Chapters of North’s Plutarch, 1878, folio; R. Simpson, The
School of S., 1878, 2 vols. 8vo.
IX. Special Knowledge.
Angling : H. N. Ellacombe, S. as an Angler, 1883, 8vo. Bible : T. R.
Eaton, S. and the Bible, 1858, 8vo ; J. Brown, Bible Truths with Shakespearian
Parallels, 3d ed. 1872, 8vo ; J. Rees, S. and the Bible, Phil., 1876, sm. 8vo ; Bp.
C. Wordsworth, S.’s Knowledge and Use of the Bible, 1864, 8vo; C. Bullock,
S.’s Debt to the Bible, 1879, 8vo. Botany : J. E. Giraud, Flowers of S., 1847,
4to, plates; S. Beisly, S.’s Garden, 1864, 8vo; H. X. Ellacombe, Plant-lore
and Garden-craft of S., 2d ed. 1884, sm. 8vo; L. H. Grindon, S.’s Flora, 1883,
8vo. Emblems : H. Green, S. and the Emblem Writers, 1870, 4to. Folk¬
lore : W. Bell, S.’s Puck and his Folks-lore, 1852-64, 3 vols. sm. 8vo ; W. J.
Thoms, “ The Folk-lore of Shakespeare,” in Three Notelets, 1865, 8vo, re¬
printed from Athenxum, 1847 ; B. Tschischwitz, Nachkldnge Germanischer
Mythe in S., Halle, 1868, 8vo ; [W. C. Hazlitt, editor], Fairy Tales, Legends,
and Romances illustrating S., Ac., 1875, 8vo; T. F. T. Dyer, Folk-lore of S.,
1884 , 8vo. Learning : P. Whalley, Enquiry into the Learning of S., 1748,
8vo; R. Farmer, Essay on the Learning of S., 1767, 8vo, reprinted in the
variorum (182H and other editions, criticized by W. Maginn, see S. Papers,
annotated by S. Mackenzie, N.Y., 1856, sm. 8vo; [K. Prescot], Essay on the
Learning of S., 1774, 4to; E. Capell, The School of S., 1780, 4to (vol. iii. of his
Notes and Various Readings to S., 1779-83, 3 vols. 4to); P. Stapfer, S.
et Vantiquite, Paris, 1879, 8vo, translated 1880, 8vo. Legal : W. L. Rushton,
S. a Lawyer, 1858, 8vo, S.’s Legal Maxims, 1859, 8vo, S.'s Testamentary
Language, 1869, 8vo, and S. illustrated by the Lex Scripta, 1870, 8vo ; Lord
Campbell, S.’s Legal Acquirements, 1859, 8vo; H. T., Was S. a Lawyer? 1871,
8vo ; J. Kohler, S. vor dem Forum der Jurisprudenz, und Nachwort, 1883-4,
2 pts. 8vo; F. F. Heard, S. as a Lawyer, Boston, 1884, 16mo; C. K. Davis,
The Law in S., St Paul, U.S., 1884, 8vo. Medicine: G. Barren, Essays on
Mania exhibited in Hamlet, Ophelia, Ac., 1833, 8vo; J. C. Bucknill, The
Medical Knowledge ofS., 1860, 8vo, and The Mad Folk ofS., 1867, sm. 8vo;
C. W. Stearns, S.’s Medical Knowledge, N.Y., 1865, sm. 8vo; G. Cless,
Medicinische Blumenlese aus S., Stuttgart, 1865, 8vo ; A. O. Kellogg, S.’s
Delineations of Insanity, Ac., N.Y., 1866, 16mo; H. R. Aubert, S. als
Mediciner, Rostock, 1873, 8vo; J. P. Chesney, S. as a Physician, St Louis,
1884, 8vo; B. R. Field, Medical Thoughts of S., 2d ed., Easton, U.S., 1885,
8vo. Military: W. ,T. Thoms, “Was S. ever a Soldier?” in his Three
Notelets, 1865, 8vo. Natural History : R. Patterson, Insects mentioned
in S.’s Plays, 1838, 8vo; J. H. Fennell, S. Cyclopxdia, 1862, 8vo, pt. i.
Zoology, Man (all published); J. E. Harting, Ornithology of Su 1871, 8vo;
C. R. Smith, The Rural Life of S., 1874, 8vo; J. Walter, S.’s Home and Rural
Life, 1874, 4to, illustrated; B. Mayou, Natural History of S., 1877, 8vo,
quotations; E. Phipson, Animal Lore of S.’s Time, 1883, sm. 8vo. Philo¬
sophy : W. J. Birch, Philosophy and Religion of S., 1848, sm. 8vo;
V. Knauer, W. S., der Philosoph, Innsbruck, 1879, 8vo. Printing : W.
Blades, S. and Typography, 1872, 8vo. Psychology: J. C. Bucknill, The
Psychology of S., 1859, 8vo; E. Onimus, La Psychologic dans les Drames de
S., 1876, 8vo. SEA : J. Schuemann, See u. Seefahrt in S.’s Dramen, 1876, 4to.
X. Periodicals.
S. Museum, edited by M. L. Moltke, Leipsic, 23d April 1870 to 23d February
1874, 20 Nos. (all published); Shakespeariana, 1883, sm. 8vo, in progress.
From the commencement of Notes and Queries in 1856, a special Shakespeare
department (see Indexes) has been carried on. See also W. F. Poole’s Index
to Periodical Literature, Boston, 1882, and supplements.
XI. Shakespeare Societies and their Publications.
Proceedings of the Sheffield S. Club (1819-29), 1829, 8vo; Shakespeare
Society, various publications, 1841-53, 48 vols. 8vo; New Shakspere Society,
Transactions and other publications, reprints of quartos, &c., 1874, &c., 8vo,
in progress; Deutsche S. Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch, Weimar, 1865, &c., in pro¬
gress. The S. Societies of New York and Philadelphia publish transactions.
XII. Music.
W. Linley, S.’s Dramatic Songs, n. d., 2 vols. folio; The S. Album, or
Warwickshire Garland (C. Lonsdale), 1862, folio ; G. G. Gervinus, Handel u.
S., Leipsic, 1868, 8vo ; H. Lavoix, Les Traducteurs de S. en Musique, 1869, 8vo ;
A. Roffe, Handbook of S. Music, 1878, 4to ; List of Songs and Passages set to
Music (N. S. Soc.), 1884, 8vo. See also the musical works of J. Addison, T. A.
Arne, C. H. Berlioz, Sir H. R. Bishop, C. Dibdin, W. Linley, M. Locke, G. A.
Macfarren, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, H. Purcell, G. Verdi, &c.
XIII. Pictorial Illustrations.
C. Taylor, Picturesque Beauties of S., after Smirke, Stothard, &c., 1783-7,
2 vols. 4to; W. H. Bunbury, Series of Prints Illustrative of S., 1792-6,
oblong folio; S. Harding, S. Illustrated, 1793, 4to; S. Ireland, Picturesque
Scenes upon the Avon, 1795, 8vo ; J. and J. Boydell, Collection of Prints
from Pictures Illustrating the Dramatic Works of S., 1802-3, 2 vols. atlas
folio, 100 plates, forms supplement to Boydell’s edition; reproduced by
photography, 1864, 4to, reduced, and edited by J. P. Norris, Philadelphia,
1874, 4to; S. Portfolio, 1821-9, roy. 8vo; Stothard, Illustrations of S., 1826,
8vo ; F. A. M. Retzsch, Gallerie zu S.’s dramat. Werken in Umrissen, Leipsic,
1828-46, 8 vols., obi. 4to; J. Thurston, Illustrations of S., 1830, 8vo ; F.
Howard, The Spirit of the Plays ofS., 1833, 5 vols. 8vo; L. S. Ruhl, Skizzen
zu S.’s dram. Werken, Frankfort, 1827-31, Cassel, 1838-40, 6 vols. oblong
folio; G. F. Sargent, S. Illustrated in a Series of Landscape and Archi¬
tectural Designs, 1842, 8vo, reproduced as The Book of S. Gems, 1846, 8vo;
W. v. Kaulbach, S. Gallerie, Berlin, 1857-8, 3 pts. folio; P. Konewka, Ein
Sommernachtstraum, Heidelb., 1868, 4to, and Falstaffu. seine Gesellen, Stras-
burg, 1872, 8vo ; E. Dowden, S. Scenes and Characters, 1876, 4to, illustrations
from A. F. Pecht’s S. Gallerie, Leipsic, 1876, 4to; J. O. Halliwell Phillipps,
Hand List of Drawings and Engravings Illustrative of the Life ofS., 1884, 8vo.
XIV. Biography.
A.—General Works.
N. Rowe, The Life of Mr IV. S., 1743, 8vo, the first separate life ; N. Drake,
S. and his Times, 1817, 2 vols. 4to; J. Britton, Remarks on the Life and
Writings of S., revised edition, 1818, sm. 8vo; A. Skottowe, Life of S., 1824,
2 vols. 8vo; J. P. Collier, New Facts, 1835, 8vo, New Particulars, 1836, 8vo,
Further Particulars, 1839, 8vo, and Traditionary Anecdotes of S. collected in
1673, 1838, 8vo; T. Campbell, Life and Writings of IV. S., 1838, 8vo; C.
Knight, S., a Biography, 1843, 8vo. reprinted in Studies, 1850, 2 vols. 8vo;
J. O. Halliwell Phillipps, The Life of l/V. S., 1848, 8vo, S. Facsimiles, 1863,
folio, Illustrations of the Life ofS., 1874, folio, and Outlines of the Life ofS.,
1881, 8vo, 6th ed. 1886, 2 vols. 8vo ; F. P. G. Guizot, S. et son temps, 1852, 8vo,
translated into English, 1852, 8vo; G. M. Tweddell, S., his Times and Con¬
temporaries, 1852, 12mo, 2d ed. 1861-3, unfinished; W. W. Lloyd, Essays on
Life and Plays ofS., 1858, 8vo; S. Neil, S., a Critical Biography, 1861, 8vo;
T. De Quincey, S., a Biography, 1864, 8vo; T. Kenny, Life and Genius of S.,
1864, 8vo; W. Bekk, W. S., eine biogr. Studie, Munich, 1864, sm. 8vo; S. W.
Fullom, The History of W. S., 2d ed. 1864, 8vo ; Victor M. Hugo, W. S., 1864,
8vo,—translated into Dutch, German, and English; H.,G. Bohn, Biography
and Bibliography of S. (Philobiblon Soc., 1863), 8vo, illustrations: J. Jordan,
Original Collections on S. and Stratford, 1780, edited by J. O. Halliwell
Phillipps, 1864, 4to ; J. A. Heraud, S.’s inner Life as intimated in his Works,
1865, 8vo ; R. G. White, Memoirs of the Life of W. S., Boston, 1865, 8vo;
S. A. Allibone, Biography of S. (in Dictionary, vol. 2, 1870); H. N. Hudson,
S.—his Life, Art, and Characters, Boston, 1872, 4th ed. 1883, 2 vols. 12mo;
R. Gende, S., sein Leben u. s. Werke, Hildburghausen, 1872, 8vo ; F. K. Elze,
IV. S., Halle, 1876, large 8vo; G. H. Calvert, S.—a Biographic, ^Esthetic
Study, Boston, 1879, 16mo; W. Tegg, S. and his Contemporaries, 1879, 8vo;
W. Henty, S., with some Notes on his early Biography, 1882, sm. 8vo; E.
Hermann, Ergdnzungen u. Berichtigungen der hergebrachten S. Biograph.,
Erl., 1884, 2 vols. 8vo; F. G. Fleay, Chronicle History of the Life and
Work of IV. S., 1886, 8vo.
B.—Special Works.
Autograph : Sir F. Madden, Autograph and Orthography of S., 1837, 4to ;
S. ’s Autograph, copied and enlarged by J. Harris, &c. (Rodd), 1843; J. O.
Halliwell Phillipps, S.’s Will, 1851, 4to; H. Staunton, Memorials of S.
Photographed, 1864, folio ; J. H. Friswell, Photogr. Reprod. of S.’s Will, 1864,
4to. Birthday : B. Corney, Argument on the Assumed Birthday, 1864, 8vo.
Bones : C. M. Ingleby, S.’s Bones, 1883, sm. 4to; W. Hall, S.’s Grave, Notes
of Traditions, 1884, 8vo. Crab Tree : C. F. Green, Legend of S.’s Crab Tree,
1857, 4to, illustrated. Deer Stealing: C. H. Bracebridge, S. no Deer
Stealer, 1862, 8vo, illustrated. Genealogy : J. Jordan, Pedigree of the
Family of S., 1796, in vol. iii. of R. Ryan’s Dramatic Table Talk, 1825-30, 3
vols. 8vo ; Memoirs of the Families of S. and Hart, 1790, ed. Halliwell, 1865,
4to; G. R. French, Shakspeareana Genealogica, 1869, 8vo; J. O. Halliwell
Phillipps, Entries respecting S., his Family and Connexions, 1864, 4to.
Ghost-Belief: A. Roffe, The Ghost Belief of S., 1851, 8vo; T. A. Spalding,
Elizabethan Demonology, 1880, 8vo. Name : J.' O. Halliwell Phillipps, New
Lamps or Old? 1880, 8vo, advocates “Shakespeare.” Occupation: see
Special Knowledge, above. Religion : F. Fritzart, War S. ein Christ ?
Heidelberg, 1832, 8vo; W. J. Birch, Philosophy and Religion ofS., 1848, sm.
8vo, thinks him a sceptic; E. Vehse, S. als Protestant, Politiker, Psycholog,
u. Dichter, Hamburg, 1851, 2 vols. sm. 8vo; J. J. Rietmann, Ueber S.'s
religiose u. ethische Bedeutung, St Gallen, 1853, 12mo; A. F. Rio, S., 1864,
8vo (S. Roman Catholic); W. Koenig, S. als Dichter, Weltweiser, u. Christ,
Leipsic, 1873, 8vo; A. Gilman, S.’s Morals, N.Y., 1880, 8vo; J. M. Raich, S.’s
Stellung zur Kathol. Religion, 1884, 8vo. Stratford-upon-Avon : R. B.
Wheler, History and Antiquities of Stratford, 1806, 8vo, Account of the Birth¬
place, new edition 1863, 8vo, and Collectanea, 1865, 4to; F. W. Fairholt, The
Home of S., 1847, 8vo, engravings reproduced in S. Neil’s Home of S., 1871,
8vo; J. O. Halliwell Phillipps, New Boke about S. and Stratford, 1850, 4to,
Brief Hand List of the Borough Records, 1862, 8vo, Descriptive Calendar,
1863, folio, Brief Guide to the Gardens, 1863, 8vo, Historical Account of the
New Place, 1864, folio illustrated, and Stratford in the Times of the S.s, 1864,
folio; E. Lees, Stratford as connected with S., 1854, 8vo ; J. R. Wise, S., his
Birthplace and its Neighbourhood, 1861, 8vo; J. C. M. Bellew, S.’s Home at
New Place, 1863, sm. 8vo, illustrated, with pedigrees; R. E. Hunter, S. and
Stratford, 1864, 8vo; J. M. Jephson, S., his Birthplace, Home, and Grave,
1864, 4to, illustrated; J. Walter, S.’s Home and Rural Life, 1874, 4to,
illustrative of localities; C. M. Ingleby, S. and the Welcombe Enclosures,
1883, folio ; S. L. Lee, Stratford-on-Avon, 1884, folio, illustrated.
XV. Portraits.
G. Steevens, Proposals for Publishing the Felton Portrait, 1794, 8vo; J.
Britton, On the Monumental Bust, 1816, 8vo; J. Boaden, Authenticity of
Various Pictures and Prints offered as Portraits of S., 1824, 4to ; A Wivell,
The Monumental Bust, 1827, 8vo, and Inquiry into the S. Portraits, 1840,
8vo ; H. Rodd, The Chandos Portrait [1849], 8vo; R. H. Forster, Remarks on
the Chandos Portrait, 1849, 8vo ; J. P. Collier, Dissertation upon the Imputed
Portraits, 1851, 8vo; J. H. Friswell, Life Portraits of IV. S., 1864, 8vo ; G.
Scharf, On the Principal Portraits of S., 1864, 12mo ; E. T. Craig, S. and his
Portraits, Bust, and Monument, 2d ed. 1864, 8vo, and S.’s Portraits phreno-
logically considered, Philadelphia, 1875, 8vo ; G. Harrison, The Stratford Bust,
Brooklyn, 1865, 4to; W. Page, Study of S.’s Portraits, 1876, sm. 4to; J. P.
Norris, Bibliography of Works on the Portraits ofS., Philadelphia, 1879, 8vo,
44 titles, The Death Mask of S., 1884, and The Portraits of S„ Phil., 1885, 4to,
with bibliography of 111 references,and illustrations. An elaborate account
by A. M. Knapp of the portraits in the Barton collection, Boston Public
Library, may be found in the S. Catalogue, 1880, large 8vo.
XVI. Literary and Dramatic History.
E. Malone,. Historical Account of the English Stage, 1790, enlarged in
Boswell’s edition, 1821; J. P. Collier, History of English Dramatic Poetry,
1831, new ed. 1879, 3 vols. 8vo, Memoirs of Edw. Alleyne (Shakespeare
Society), 1841, 8vo, The Alleyne Papers (Shakespeare Society), 1843, 8vo [see
G. F. Warner’s catalogue of the Dulwich MSS., 1881, 8vo], and Memoirs of the
Principal Actors in the Plays of S. (Shakespeare Society), 1846, 8vo ; N. J.
Halpin, The Dramatic Unities of S., 1849, 8vo, ed. by C. M. Ingleby (N.S. Soc.,
series i., 1875-6); N. Delius, Ueber das Englische Theaterwesen zu S.’s Zeit,
Bremen, 1853, 8vo ; A. Meziferes, Predecesseurs et Contemporains de S., 1863,
3d ed. 1881, 8vo, and Contemporains et successeurs de S., 3d ed. 1881; Rev. W.
R. Arrowsmith, S.’s Editors and Commentators, 1865, 8vo ; W. Kelly, Notices
of the Drama and Popular Amusements of the 16th and 17th Centuries, 1865,
8vo ; C. M. Ingleby, Traces of the Authorship of the Works attributed to S.,
1868, 8yo, S.’s Centurie of Prayse, culled from Writers of the First Century
after his Rise, 1874, 4to (enlarged by Miss Toulmin Smith for N. S. Soc.,
1879), and S. Allusion Books (N. S. Soc.), 1874 ; H. I. Ruggles, The Method of S.
as an Artist, N.Y., 1870, 8vo; A. H. Paget, S.’s Plays, a Chapter of Stage
History, 1875, 8vo ; H. Ulrici, S.’s Dramatic Art, translated by L. D. Schmitz,
1876, 2 vols. 8vo; H. P. Stokes, The Chronological Order of S.'s Plays, 1878,
8vo; C. Knortz, S. in Amerika, Berlin, 1882, 8vo; C. Muerer, Synchronist.
Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Notizen iib. S.’s Leben u. Werke, 1882, 4to;
J. A. Symonds, S.’s Predecessors in the English Drama, 1884, 8vo; A. R.
Frey, S. and the alleged Spanish Prototypes, N.Y., 1886, sm. 4to.
Germany : S.'s Schauspiele erldutert von F. Horn, Leipsic, 1823-31, 5 vols.
8vo; E. A. Hagen, S.’s erstes Erscheinen auf den Btihnen Deutschlands,
Konigs., 1832, 8vo; K. Assman, S. und seine deutschen Uebersetzer, Liegnitz,
1843, 4to ; N. Delius, Die Schlegel-Tiecksche S. Uebersetz., Bonn, 1846, 12mo ;
F. K. Elze, Die Englische Sprache in Deutschland, Dresden, 1864, 12mo; F.
A. T. Kreyssig, S. Cultus, Elbing, 1864, 8vo; L. G. Lemcke, S. in seinem
Verhdltnisse zu Deutschland, Leipsic, 1864, 8vo; W. J. Thoms, “ S. in
Germany,” in Three Notelets, 1865, 8vo; A. Cohn, S. in Germany in the 16th
and 17th Centuries, 1865, 4to ; C. Humbert, Moliere, S., und d. deutsche Kritik,
Leipsic, 1869, 8vo ; W. Oechelhauser, Die Wilrdigung S.’s in Engl. u. Deutsch¬
land, 1869, 8vo; R. Gende, Geschichte d. S.’schen Dramen in Deutschland,
Leipsic, 1870, 8vo; M. Bernays, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Schlegelschen
S-, Leipsic, 1872, 8yo ; R. J. Benedix, Die S.omanie, Stuttgart, 1873, 8vo ; W.
Wagner, S. und die neueste Kritik, Hamburg, 1874, 8vo; J. Meissner, Die
englischen Combdianten in Oesterreich, Vienna, 1884, 8vo.

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