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MAMMALIA. Richard Lydekker, F.R.S., F.Z.S.
MANCHESTER. W. E. A. Axon, LL.D., Author of
“The Annals of Manchester” and Manchester a
Hundred Years Ago.”
MANNING, CARDINAL. The Rev. A. W. Hutton, M.A.,
Author of “ Cardinal Manning.”
MAP. E. G. Ravenstein, Author of “Systematic Atlas,
&c., and Dr. Sophus Ruge, Professor of Geography,
University of Dresden.
MARKET. Wynnard Hooper, M.A.
MARRIAGE. Europe, Thomas Barclay ; United States,
\\T. F. Wilcox.
‘MARTIAL LAW. Sir John Scott, K.C.M.G., Deputy
MARTINEAU, J. The Rev. A. M. Fairbairn, D.D.,
LL.D., Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford.
MARX, HEINRICH KARL. Eduard Bernstein, Author
of ‘ ‘ History and Theory of Socialism, &c.
MARYLAND. W. T. Brantly, Ex-Secretary of State,
MASSACHUSETTS. Hon. Roger Wolcott (the late),
sometime Governor of Massachusetts.
F. M. E. Henrici, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
MEADE, GENERAL G. G. Gen. A. S. Webb, Author of
‘ ‘ The Peninsula. ” ‘ ‘ McClellan’s Campaign of 1862, ” &c.
F.R.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering, University
College, London.
MEDICAL EDUCATION. Europe, Sir John Batty
Tuke, M.D., D.Sc,, M.P. ; United States, W. H.
Howell, Ph.D., M.D., Dean of the Medical Faculty,
Johns Hopkins University.
john, M.B., B.Sc., Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence,
School of Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Edinburgh.
MEDICINE. Thomas Clifford Allbutt, M.D., D.Sc.,
F.R.S., Regius Professor of Physic, Cambridge.
MELBOURNE. J. D. FitzGerald.
MERCURY. S. B. Christy, Professor of Mining and
Metallurgy, University of California.
METAL WORK. J. Starkie Gardner, Author of
“English Enamels,” “Iron Work,” &c.
METALLURGY. Sir W. C. Roberts-Austen, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., Chemist of the Mint.
METAPHYSICS. Thomas Case, M.A., Professor of
Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, Oxford.
METEOROLOGY. Professor Cleveland Abbe, Ph.D.,
LL.D., Meteorologist, U.S. Weather Bureau.
METHODISM. The Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, M.A.,
Editor of the “Methodist Times,” and the Rev. J. M.
Buckley, D.D., LL.D., Editor of the “Christian
Advocate,” New York.
MEXICO. Geography and Statistics, The Hon. W. W.
Rockhill, Head of the Bureau of American Republics,
Washington, and I. P. A. Renwick, M.A., LL.B. ;
History, J. S. Mann.
MICHIGAN. A. C. McLaughlin, A.M., Professor of
American History, University of Michigan.
MIGRATION. The late Professor Richmond Mayo-
Smith, Ph.D.
MILAN. Luca Beltrami, Author of “Storia della
facciata di St Maria del Fiore in Firenza,” &c.
MILITARY LAW. Sir John Scott, K.C.M.G., Deputy
J udge-Advocate-General.
MILITIA. Major A. B. C. Williams, Indian Staff Corps.
MILLAIS. Cosmo Monkhouse (the late), Author of
“British Contemporary Artists,” “The Italian Pre-
Raphaelites,” &c.
MINIATURES. G. C. Williamson, Litt.D., F.R.S.L. ;
Author of “Portrait Miniatures,” &c.
MINING. C. Le Neve Foster, D.Sc., F.R.S., H.M.
Inspector of Mines.
MINNESOTA. Frank L. M'Vey, Ph.D., Assistant Pro¬
fessor of Political Science, University of Minnesota.
MISSIONS, MODERN. Eugene Stock, Editorial Secre¬
tary of the Church Missionary Society.
MISSISSIPPI. R. B. Fulton, LL.D., Chancellor of the
University of Mississippi.
MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Gen. C. B. Comstock, U.S.A. ;
sometime President of the Mississippi River Commis¬
MISSOURI. M. S. Snow, A.M., Professor of History,
Washington University, St. Louis.
MODELS. Ludwig Boltzmann, Professor of Physics,
Vienna University.
MOLLUSCA. Paul Pelseneer, D.Sc., Lecturer, Brussels
Wilkinson, M.A. ; Author of “The Brains of an
Army,” &c.
MONGOLIA. Prince Kropotkin.
MONROE DOCTRINE. T. S. Woolsey, Professor of
International Law, Yale University.
MONTANA. Hon. William M. Hunt, Governor of
Porto Rico ; formerly Justice of the Supreme Court
of Montana.
MONTENEGRO. J. D. Bourchier, M.A., Correspondent
of “ The Times ” at Athens.
MOON. Professor Simon Newcomb, Ph.D., LL.D., D.Sc.;
formerly Director U.S. “Nautical Almanac,” Pro¬
fessor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins
MORMON CHURCH. G. M. Marshall, Ph.B., Professor
of English Languages and Literature, University of
MOROCCO. Budgett Meakin, Author of ‘ ‘ The Moorish
Empire,” &c.
MORRIS, WILLIAM. Arthur Waugh, Author of
“Alfred, Lord Tennyson.”

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