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Chap. I.
Hiftory. dinem connixis; polytoma vero quae ex pluribus fimul
i-/ adnexts compinguntur.
Classis Prima. Quce teftacea monotoma com-
pleftitur. Teftacea nionotoma quorum tefta indi-
vifa eft, in tres familias abeant : alia enim univalvia
funt, alia fpiralia, alia fiftulofa.
Familia I. Tejlaceorum univalvium. Monotoma u-
nivalvia dicimus quorum tefta fimplex eft, in os amplius
effufa. Gen. I. Lepas. Gen. 2. Eruca.
Familia II. Tejlaceorum fpiralium. Monotoma fpi¬
ralia dicimus teftacea quorum pars inferior in fpiram
contorquetur : horum autem fpirae feu helices exterius
patent, et fimpliciter fpiralia dicuntur, vel eorum fpira
intus reconditur, et convoluta dicuntur.
Divis. I. Teftacea monotoma fimpliciter fpiralia, feu
quorum fpira exterior eft. Gen. I. Murex. Gen. 2.
Murex alatus. Gen. 3. Murex aporrhais. Gen. 4.
Murex venereus. Gen. 5. Murex pyramidalis. Gen. 6.
Buccinum. Gen. 7. Buccino-murex. Gen. 8. Purpu¬
ra. Gen. 9. Buccino-purpura. Gen. 10. Peribolus.
Gen. 11. Turbo. Gen. 12. Verticillus. Gen. 13.
Cochlea. Gen. 14. Cochlea terreftris. Gen. 15. Ce-
ratites. Gen. 16. Cochlea marina. Gen. 17. Nerita.
Gen. 18. Auris marina.
Divis. 2. Teftacea monotoma fpiralia convoluta, quce
cochleam interiorem habent vix foris confpicuam.
Gen. 1. Concha venerea. Gen. 2. Concha perfica.
Gen. 3. Nautilus. Gen. 4. Conchilium.
Familia III. Tejlaceorum JiJluloforum. Teftacea
monotoma fiftulofa feu tubulofa, ut ex nomine patet,
fiftulae in modum tenuantur. Gen. 1. Dentale. Gen.
2. Entale. Gen. 3. Tubuli marini.
Classis Secunda, quae teftacea ditoma continet.
Teftacea ditoma femper ex duabus teftis ad cardinera
articulatis compinguntur, et vel ar£Ie undique claudun-
tur, vel utrinque hiant 5 unde in duas familias dividi
Familia I. Teftaceorum ditomorum quae ar£Ie clau-
duntur. Gen. 1. Concha. Gen. 2. Conchula. Gen. 3.
Oftreum. Gen. 4. Mytilus. Gen. 3. Pinna. Gen. 6-
Perna. Gen. 7. Pholas. Gen. 8. Peften. Gen. 9.
. Familia II. Teftaceorum ditomorum quae femper
hiant. Gen. 1. Chamae. Gen. 2. Solen.
Classis Tertia, quae teftacea polytoma continet.
Polytoma teftacea dicurjtur quorum teftae ex pluribus
partibus vel articulatis, vel per cartilaginem connexis
compinguntur 5 unde in duas familias abeunt.
Familia I. Eorum quorum partes articulantur. Gen.
I. Echinus.
Familia II. Eorum quorum partes per cartilaginem
connedluntur. Gen. 1. Balanus.
D’Ar. V. M. D’Argenville in 1742, publiftied at Paris a
ivifte. treatife on Conchology with 33 plates. A fecond edi¬
tion of the fame work appeared at Paris in 1757. In
this edition the number of the plates was increafed to 41.
A more fplendid edition was publiftied after the death
of the author, by M. M. de Favanne de Montcerville
father and fon. This edition is extended to 3 volumes,
two of which confift of letter prefs; and the 3d contains
the engravings, which are 80 in number, and are exe- Hiftory.
cuted with great accuracy and elegance. But the de- *" y
fcriptions of the genera and fpecies only reach the 19th
plate 5 fo that the work which was publilhed in 1780
is ftill unfiniftied.
In this fyftem (hells are divided into four parts. I.
Sea-(hells. II. Frefti-water (hells. III. Land-ftiells.
IV. Foflil-(hells.
Part I. Sea-(hells are divided into 3 Clafles. 1. Uni¬
valves. 2. Bivalves. 3. Multivalves.
Clafs I. contains 15 families, viz. 1. Lepas. 2. Oreil-
les de mer. 3. Tuyaux et Vermiffeaux de mer. 4.
Nautiles. 5. Lima^ons a bouche ronde. 6. Lima-
90ns a bouche demi-ronde. 7. Lintons h bouche
aplatie. 8. Cornets ou Volutes. 9. Olives ou Cylin-
dres. 10. Rochers ou Murex. 11. Tonnes. 12.
Porcelaines. 13. Buccins. 14. Pourpres. 13.
Clafs II. contains 7 families, viz. 1. Huitres. 2. Ca¬
rnes. 3. Tellines. 4. Moules. 3. Coeurs. 6. Peignes.
7. Manches de couteaux.
Clafs III. confifts of 7 families, viz. 1. Ofcabrions,
ou lepas h huit pieces. 2. Ourfins. 3. Glands de
mer. 4. Poulfe-pieds. 3. Conques anatiferes. 6.
Pholades. 7. Tuyaux de mer multivalves.
Part II. Frefti-water (hells are divided into 2 Clafles.
1. Univalves. 2. Bivalves.
Clafs I. contains 8 families, viz. 1. Lepas. 2. Nauti¬
les ou comes d’ammon. 3. Lima^ons a bouche
ronde. 4. Lima^ons h bouche demi-ronde. 3. Li-
ma^ons a bouche triangulaire. 6. Tonnes. 7. Buc¬
cins. 8. Vis.
Clafs II. is compofed of two families. 1. Games. 2.
Part III. Land (hells, conftituting a fingle clafs, viz.
Univalves, which contains 6 families j viz. 1. Lepas.
2. Lima^ons a bouche ronde. 3. Lima^ons a bouche
demi-ronde. 4. Lima^ons a bouche aplatie. 5. Buc¬
cins. 6. Vis.
Part IV. Foftil (hells, which confift of 3 clafles. 1.
Univalves. 2. Bivalves. 3. Multivalves.
Clafs I. is compofed of 13 families having the fame
names as the firft clafs of fea-fliells.
Clafs II. contains 7 families fimilar to the 2d clafs of
Clafs III. confifts of 3 families, viz. 1. Ourfins. 2.
Glands de mer. 3. Pouffe-pieds. 4. Pholades. 3.
Tuyaux multivalves.
IV. A fyftem of Conchology was publilhed by Klein of Klein,
in 1733, and illuftrated with engravings. In the fame
work the author enters into an inveftigation concern¬
ing the formation,' increafe, and colours of (hells. The
following is an abridged view of this arrangement.

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