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C 73+ ]
AlMOSFHZHE, denfity of, leaft at the
equator, and greatell: at
the poles, N°
â– weight of, the fame all over
the globe, ib.
forms two inclined planes,
meeting at the equator, ib.
in the northern hemifphere
lefs inclined in our fum-
mer, and v. v. ib.
Augujl, the warmed; month in the fou-
thern latitudes, jg
Barometer, Hands liigheH at the level
of the fea, 2
medium height there, 30
inches, p
varies very little in the tor¬
rid zone, 10
tropical daily variation cor-
refponds to the tides, ib.
table of the range of, ib.
range of, much lef* in N.
America, ib.
feems to have a tendency to
rife towards evening, ib.
range of, greater in winter, 11
high in ferene weather, and
on the approach of eafter-
ly and northerly winds, ib.
low in calm weather, on the
approach of rain, high
winds, or with a fouther-
ly wind, ib.
axioms on, by Cotte, 12
variation of, accounted for, 13
why higheft in winter in
northern latitudes, 14
whether affe&ed by the fun
and moon, ib.
Capper on the winds, (
Clouds, always form at fome height
above the earth,
theory of, uncertain,
Congelation, perpetual term of,
tables of,
Cotters writings on meteorology,
axioms on the barometer,
on the thermometer, ^
Currents of air, different, in the atmo-
fphere at once, 75
Dalton's writings on meteorology, 6
table of the quantity of vapour
at various temperatures, p. 713
and Hoyle’s experiments on
evaporation, N° 29
Drought, figns of, N° 108
Evaporation, confined to the furface, 26
proportional to the tem¬
perature of the air, 27
rate of, how eftimated, p. 715
goes on continually, 7x6
mean annual, at Liver¬
pool, ib.
over the globe, N° 31
from land, 28
experiments on, by Dal¬
ton and Ho)le, 29
may go on for a month
together without rain, 34
Falling ftar probably of an electrical
origin, -76
analogous to the aurora borealis, ib.
Flail, figns of, 104
Howard's (Luke) writings on meteo¬
rology, 6
remarks on the influence of
the fun and moon on the
barometer, 14
Hygrometer, Leflie’s, defcribed, 38
January, the coldefl: month in all lati¬
tudes, 16
Ignis fatuus, probably a phofpboric
phenomenon, 77
July, the warmeft month in northern
latitudes, 1 g
Kirwan's writings on meteorology, g
mode of calculating the mean
annual and monthly tempe¬
rature of the air, p.710, note
(d), and p. 711, note (e.)
mode of eftimating the rate
of diminution of the air’s
temperature, 17
conclufions on the weather, 79
L •
Lamarck's writings on meteorology, 6
Leech, experiments with, as to its pow¬
ers of prognofticating the wea¬
ther, 111
Lejlie's hygrometer defcribed, 38
explained, qt)
Luc, de, vindicated from the charge of
plagiarifm, p. 706, note (a)
Meteors, 73
Meteorology, objeft of, 1
conneftinn of with che-
miilry, 2
Hill in its infancy, 3
P- 7i5
N° 6
Meteorology, means of improving,
importance of,
writers on,
divifion of,
direftion of,
Moon, effect of, on the barometer,
Morgan's remarks on the falling ilar,
Rain never begins in a clear Iky,
theory of, uncertain,
mean annual quantity of, greateft
at the equator,
in Great Britain, 37
falls mod in the day,
proportional quantity in different
months, Jj)<
often molt frequent in winter, 3 j
figns of from birds, 82
from beafts, 85
from infefts, 86
from the fun, 87
from the moon, go
from the clouds, 94
from a rainbow, 96
from miffs, 98
from inanimate bodies, 100
figns of its ceafing, 102
SauJJure's writings on meteorology, 6
Seafons, probable fucceflion of, " 79
peftilential, figns of, no
Temperature of the atmofphere tends
towards a mean in all
climates, ?• 710
mean annual, greateft at
the equator, N° 13
table of, ib.
how calculated, p. 710,
note (d),
mean monthly table of, p. 711
how calculated, ib. note (e),
of the air diminiflies as we
afeend above the earth,
N° 17
diminiflies in arithmeti¬
cal progreflion, 19
owing to the air’s con¬
ducing power, ib.
of the north pacific 0-
cean, 20
of the fouthern hemi¬
of fmall feas,
of North America,
of iflands,
• of open plains,
of woody countries,

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