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{till preferved by the times of aecefTxon ; that is, the
tin)'5 of the fourth paroxyfm’s coming on anfwers to
that of the firft, the fifth to the fecund, the fixth to the
third, &c.
The Quartan, accompanied with Symptoms of other
difeafes. Sp. I. var. 2.
Quartana cataleptica, Sauv. fp. 7* Bonet. polyalth.
vol. i. p. 805.
Quartana comatofa, Sauv. fp. 1 5* Werholf. de febr.
C. Pifonis Obferv. de morbis a colluvie ferof. obf.
166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 17.2, 173, 174.
Quartana epileptica, Sauv. fp. 8. Schol%u Conf. 379*
Quartana hyfterica, Sauv. fp. 10. Morton, Pyret.
exerc. I. cap. ix H. 10, 11.
Quartana nephralgica, Sauv. fp. 9.
Quartana metaftatica, Sauv. fp. 17*
Quartana amens, Sauv. fp. 12. Sydenham de morb.
acut. cap. v.
Quartana fplenetiea, Sauv. fp. 2. Ktmuller, Coll,
confult. caf. 25.
The Quartan complicated with other Difeafes. Sp. I.
var. 3.
Quartana fyphilitica, Sauv. fp. 6. Platen, obferv.
"’L. III. p. 676. Edin. Eff. art. xlvii. obf. 8.
Quartana arthriticia, Sauv. fp. 11. Mufgr. de Arthr.
fvmpt. cap. ix. H. 4. et 5.
Arthritis'febrifequa, Sauv. fp. 10.
Arthritis febricofa, Sauv. fp. 10. Werlhof. de febr.
Cockburn de morbis naviganlium, obi. ' 9.
Quartana fcorbutica, Sauv. fp. 14. Barthol. de med.
Dan. dilf. iv. Tim. L. VIII. caf. 18.
The Remitting Quartan. Sp. II.
Tetartophva, Sauv. gen. 85. 'iag. 699. Lin. 21.
Quartana remittens auftorum.
Var. 1. Tetartophya fimplex, Sauv. fp. 1.
2. Amphimerina femiquartana, Sauv. fp. 23.
3. Tetartophya femitertiana, Sauv. fp. 5.
4. Tetartophya maligna, Sauv. fp. 6. Lautter.
Hift. med. caf. 21. M. Donat. L. III.
cap. 14. ex M. Gatenaria Horjl. L. I.
obf. 15.
5. Tetartophya carotica, Sauv. fp. 4. Werlhof.
de febr. BianchiJMft.. hep. pars III. conft.
ann. P* 751,
6. Tetartophya fplenalgica, Sauv. fp. 2.
7. Tetartophya hepatalgica, Sauv. 3. Car. Pif.
in prefat. p. 33.
8. Amphimerina fpafmodica, Sauv. fp. 16.
To the tertian or quartan fevers alfo belong the Er¬
ratic# of authors. As all thofe above mentioned differ
only in the flight circumftance of the type from the in¬
termitting and remitting tertians already defcribed at
length, it is unneceffary here to take up time in defcri-
bmg every minute circumftance related by phyficians
concerning them, efpecially as it could contribute no¬
thing towards the laving down a better method of cure
than what hath been already fuggefted.
. . Quotidiani,
Genus III. QUOTIDIANAj the Quotidian '—
Quotidiana auftorum, Sauv. gen. 86. Lm. 15.
Vog. I. Hoffm. II. 33. Punch, tab. 79.
The Genuine Quotidian. Sp. I. var. 1. A.
Quotidiana fimplex, Sauv. fp. 1. 169
Quotidiana legitima, Sennert. de febr. cap. 18.
Defcription. This kind of fever generally comes on
about fix or feven o’clock in the morning, beginning
with a confiderable degree of cold and {hivering, which
lafts for about an hour •, and is often accompanied with
vomiting or fpontaneous diarrhoea, or both. It is fuc-
ceeded by a pretty ftrong heat, accompanied with thirft,
reftleffnefs, and pain of the head. When the heat abates
a little, a fpontaneous fweat commonly follows, and the
whole paroxyfm rarely exceeds fix hours. It returns,
however, every day almoft always at the fame hour, un«
lefs it be evidently difturbed.
Caufes of, and perfons fubjeEl to, the difeafe. The
fame general caufes are to be affigned for the quotidian
as for other intermittents. This kind occurs but rare¬
ly ; and is faid to attack people of a phlegmatic tempe¬
rament rather than any other : alfo old people rather
than young, and women rather than men.
The prognofis and method of cure are not different
from thofe of tertians and quartans.
The Partial Quotidian. Sp. I. var. I. B.
Quotidiana partialis, Sauv. fp. ;6. Cnojfel, E. N. C. ifa
D. I. A. III. obf. 205. Edin. Med. Eff. vol. i.
art. 31 vol. ii. art. 16.
Quotidiana cephalalgica, Sauv. fp. 6. Mort. pyretol.
exerc. i. hift. 27. Van Swieten in Boerh. p. 534.
Cephalalgia intermittens, Sauv. fp. 7*
Cephalcea febricofa, Sauv. fp. 4. _ _
Quotidiana ophthalmica, Morton, ibid. hift. 17* Van
Swieten, ibid.
Ophthalmia febricofa, Sauv. fp. 23.
Thefe diftempers attack only fome particular part of
the body, as the head, the eye, arm, &c. producing
periodical affeaions of thofe parts returning once in 24
hours j they are to be cured by cinchona, as other in¬
termittents. They are known to belong to this elafs,
bv the evident intefmiflion of the pain or other affe£Hon
of the part. The quotidiana hysterica, Sauv. fp. 3.
quotidiana catarrhahs, Sauv. fp. 9. and quotidiana Jiran-
guriofa, Sauv. fp. II. feem to be fymptomatic difor-
The Remitting Quotidian. Sp. II.
Amphimerina, Sauv. gen. 84. Lin. 20. ifo
Quotidiana continua, Vag. 15. _
Quotidianae remittentes et continua; auftorum.
Amphimerina latica, Sauv. fp. 1.
Febris continua lymphatica, JEtmullcv^ Coll. coni,
caf. 32. River. Obf. cent. 1. obf. 57.
Amphimerina fingultuofa, Sauv. fp. 14*
Febris continua Lyngodes, Vog. 26.
Concerning thefe alfo nothing remains neceffary to '
be mentioned in this place, having already fo fully dif-
cuffed the remitting fevers in all the different parts oi
, the

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