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Tertiana maligna peftilens, Riverii.
1 Morbus Hungaricus. Lang. Lemb. Rennert. Jor¬
Languor Pannonicus, Cober.
Amphimerina Hungarica, Sauv. fp. 10.
Hemitritaeus peftilens, Schenck. ex Corn. Gamma.
Febres peftilentes iEgyptioruxn, Alpin.
Febris tertiana epidemica, Bartholin.
Febres epidemicae, autumni 1657 Willis.
Febris fyneches epidemica, ab anno 165^ a<^
et poftea ab anno 1673 ad 1691, Morton.
Febres autumnales incipientes, Sydenham.
Affedlus epidemicus Leidenfis, ¥r. Sylvn.
Morbus epidemieus Leidenfis, 1669, Fanois.
Tertian* perniciofae et peftilentes, et febres caftren-
fes epidemic*, Lancijt.
Febres intermittentes anomalae et mail moris, Hoff¬
Febris cholerica minus acuta, Hoffman.
Febris epidemica Leidenfis, anno I7I9> Koker apud
Haller, Difp. tom. v.
Amphimerina paludofa, Sauv. fp. 19.
Febris paludum, Pringle.
Bononienfis conftitutio hiemalis 1729* Bcccan in
A. N. C. vol. iii.
Amphimerina biliofa, Sauv. fp. 22.
Febris caftrenfis, Pringle.
Febris putrida epidemica, Huxham de aere ad ann.
I729-. .
Febris biliofa Laufanenfis, Tiffot.
Tritaeophya Wratiflavienfis, Sauv. fp. 3. Hahn.
Epidemia verna Wratiflav. in App. ad A. N. C,
vol. x.
Tritaeophya Americana, Sauv. fp. 12.
Febris anomala Batava, Grainger.
Morbus Naronianus, Pujati.
Febris continua remittens, Hillary's difeafes of Bar-
Febris remittens Indi* Orientalis, Lind. diff. inaug.
Febris critica et febr. biliofa seftatis, Rouppe.
Febris remittens regionum calidarum, Lind on the
difeafes of hot climates.
A. Tertiana cholerica five dyfenterica. Tort. Therap.
Special, lib. iii. cap. 1. Lautter. Hift. Med. caf. 6.
16. 17. 20. Morton, App. ad Exerc. II.
B. Tertiana fuberuenta five atrabiliaris, Tort. ibid. Ne¬
ver feen by Cleghorn.
C. Tertiana cardiaca, Tort. ibid. Lautter. Hift. Med.
caf. 15. 16. 23.
Amphimerina cardiaca, Sauv. fp. 5.
Tritaeophya aflbdes, Sauv. fp. 6.
Febris continua aflodes, Vog. 27.
D. Tertiana diaphoretica, Tort. ibid.
Tritaeophya typhodes, Sauv. fp. 4.
Tritaeophya elodes, Sauv. fp. 5.
Febris continua elodes, Vog. 21.
E. Tertiana fyncopalis, Tort. ibid. Lautter. caf. II. 12.
13. 15. 16.
Tritaeophya fyncdpalis, Sauv. fp. 1.
Amphimerina fyncopalis, Sauv. fp. 4.
Amphimerina humorofa, Sauv. fp. 6.
Febris continua fyncopalis, Vog. 29.
F. Tertiana algida, Tort. ibid. Lautter. caf. 13.
Amphimerina epiala, Sauv. fp. 3.
Amphimerina phrlcodes, Sauv. fp. 7.
Tritseophya leipyria, Sauv. fp. 9.
Tertiana leipyria, Sauv. fp. 23. Valcarenglu Med.
Ration, p. 18.
Febris continua epiala et leipyria, Vog. 19. et 24.
G. Tertiana lethargica, Tort. ib.
Tritaeophya carotica, Sauv. fp. 7- Lautter. 1. 7. 14.
Tertiana apople&ica, Morton. Exerc. I. cap. ix.
hift. 25.
Tertiana foporofa, Werlhof. de febr. p. 6.
Febris epidemica Urbevetana, Lancif. de noxiis pal.
effluv. I. II. c. 3.
The remittent fevers are much more dangerous than
the true intermittents, as being generally attended with
much greater debility of the nervous fyftem and ten¬
dency to putrefcency in the fluids than the latter. Sal¬
vages divides his tritseophya, a remittent tertian into
the following fpecies :
X. Tritceophya fyncopahs, or that attended with faint- IJ5
ing. It begins like a tertian, with cold fucceeded by
heat and profufe fweating *, but attended with much
more dangerous fymptoms, fuch as cardialgia, enormous
vomiting, great weaknefs, fmall contrafted pulfe, cold-
nefs of the extremities, and, unlefs timely afliftance be
given, kills during the fecond or third paroxyfm.
2. The caufus, or burning fever of Hippocrates, 140
returns every third day without any new fenfation of
cold *, and is attended with great thirft, heat, but with¬
out diarrhoea or fweat, and continues only for one
week or two at the utmoft. It attacks chiefly young
people of a robuft and bilious habit of body, who have
been accuftomed to much exercife, and expofed to the
fun during the heats of fummer, and have alfo ufed a
phlogiftic regimen. The tongue is dry, fometimes
black ; the urine of a red or flame colour j together
with pain of the head, anxiety, and fometimes other
fymptoms ftill more dangerous.
3. Tritceophya VratiJJavienJis, was a peftilential difeafe 141
occafioned by famine, during which the people fed on
putrid aliments : the air was infefled by the vaft num¬
bers of bodies of thofe flain in battle, and the inhabitants
were alfo dejedfted by reafon of being deprived of their
harveft, and other calamities •, to all which was added
the continuance of a calm in the atmofphere for a long
time. It began Avith an acute fever, leipyria or coldnefs
of the external parts and a fenfation of burning heat
inwardly } general Aveaknefs j pain of the head and
prgecordia ; ferous, or bilious diarrhoea j a delirium, in
fome furious, and accompanied with a dread of be¬
ing expofed to the air on the fecond day the thirft
was \Tiolent, attended Avith a bilious vomiting, as Avell
as diarrhoea, tough vifeid fpitting, fainting, burning
heat in the boAvels, the tongue dry and feeming as if
burnt Avith a hot iron, a fuppreffion of the voice, anxi¬
ety, ftupor, after which quickly folloAved eommlfions
and death. In fome fevers leipyria came on Avith an
exceeding great cold of the extremities, prefently fol-
loAA'ed by an intolerable heat of the vifeera, Avith fymp-
tomatic fweats, violent diarrhoea, folloAved by a very
itchy miliary eruption. On the fourth day came on
copious fweats, fpafms of the loxver jaxv, naufea, invo¬
luntary palling of urine, flight delirium, a flux of ichor¬
ous matter from the noftrils, an exceeding tough fpit¬
ting, an epilepfy, and death. Profeffor Hahn, Avho

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