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Pra&icc. M E I) I
General 2. Paraphonia (raucu), in which, by reafon of the
Arrange- Jj-ynefs or flaccid tumor of the fauces, the voice be-
Sfeares. comes rou^ ar}d ^oarfe.
y —') 3- Paraphonia {refonuns), in which, by reafon of an
obftru&ion in the noftrils, the voice becomes hoarfe,
%vith a found biffing througli the nofhils.
4. Paraphonia (pcilatina'), in which, on account of
a defeft or divifion of the uvula, for the moft part with
a hare-lip, the voice becomes obfeure, hoarfe, and un-
5. Paraphonia (clangens), in which the voice is
changed to one acute, {brill, and fmall.
6. Paraphonia (comatofa), in which, from a relaxa¬
tion of the velum palati and glottis, a found is produced
during infpiration.
Genus CXII. Pfellifmus *, a defecl in the articula¬
tion of words. The fpecies are,
1. Pfellifmus {hcejitans'), in which the words, efpe-
cially the firil ones of a difeourfe, are not eafily pro¬
nounced, and not without a frequent repetition of the
firft fyllable.
2. Pfellifmus (ringens\ in which the found of the
letter R is always afpirated, and, as it were, doubled.
3. Pfellifmus (lallans'), in which the found of the
letter L becomes more liquid, or is pronounced in-
flead of R.
4. Pfellifmus {etno/Iiens), in which the hard letters
are changed into the fofter ones, and thus the letter S
is much ufed.
5. Pfellifmus (balbuticns'), in which, by reafon of
the tongue being large, or fwelled, the labial letters are
better heard, and often pronounced inftead of others.
6. Pfellifmus (acheilos), in which the labial letters
cannot be pronounced at all, or with difficulty.
7. Pfellifmus (lagojlomnium), in which, on account
of the divifion of the palate, the guttural letters are lefs
perfedtly pronounced.
Genus CXI 11. Strabifmus; the optic axes of the eyes
not converging. The fpecies are,
1. Strabifmus {Jiabitualis'), from a bad cuftom of
ufing only one eye.
2. Strabifmus (commodus), from the greater debility
or mobility of one eye above the other $ fo that both
eyes cannot be conveniently ufed.
3. Strabifmus {necejfarius'), from a change in the
lituation or ffiape of the parts of the eye.
Genus CXIV. Dyfphagia; impeded deglutition, with¬
out phlegmafia or the refpiration being affefted.
Genus CXV. Contraftura; a long-continued and
jigid contraction of one or more limbs. The fpecies
1. ContraCtura (primaria), from the mufcles becom¬
ing contracted and rigid.
a, From the mufcles becoming rigid by inflammation.
b, From mufcles becoming rigid by fpafm.
c, From mufcles contracted by reafon of their anta-
gonifts having become paralytic.
d, From mufcles contracted by an irritating acri¬
2. ContraCtura {articular is), from ft iff joints.
Order IV. Apocenoses. A flux either of blood or
fome other humour flowing more plentifully than ufual,
without pyrexia, or an increafed impulfe of fluids.
Genus CXVI. Profufio j a flux of blood.
CINE. 23g
Genus CX\ II. Ephidrofis ; a preternatural evacua- General
tion of fweat. Arrange-
Symptomatic ephidrofes vary according to the nature
of the difeafes which they accompany, the different na- '
ture of the fweat itfelf, and fometimes the different
parts of the body which fweat moft.
Genus CXVIII. Epiphora 5 a flux of the lachrymal
Genus CXIX. Ptyalifmus ; a flux of faliva.
Genus CXX. Enurefis 5 an involuntary flux of urine
without pain. The fpecics are,
1. Enurefis {atonica'), after difeafes injuring the
fphinCter of the bladder.
2. Enurefis (irritata),- from a compreffion or irrita¬
tion of the bladder.
Genus CXXI. Gonorrhoea 5 a preternatural flux of
humour from the urethra in men, with or without a
defire of venery. The fpecies are,
1. Gonorrhoea (pura), in which, without any im¬
pure venery having preceded, a fluid refembling pus,
without dyfuria or propenfity to venery, flows from the
2. Gonorrhoea {impura), in which, after impure
venery, a fluid like pus flows from the urethra with
dyfuria. The confequence of this is,
Gonorrhoea {mucqfa), in which, after an impure
gonorrhoea, a mucous humour flows from the urethra
with little or no dyfuria.
3. Gonorrhoea {laxorum), in which an humour for
the moft part pellucid, without any ereClion of the
penis, but with a propenfity to venery, flows from the
urethra while the perfon is awake.
4. Gonorrhoea {dormientium), in which the feminal
liquor is thrown out, with ereClion and defire of venery,
in thofe who are afleep and have lafeivious dreams.
Order V. Epischeses 5 fuppreffions of evacuations.
Genus CXXII. Obftipatio ; the ftools either fup-
preffed, or flower than ufual. The fpecies are,
1. Obftipatio {debilium), in lax, weak, and for the
moft part dyfpeptic perfons.
2. Obftipatio {rigidorum), in people whofe fibres are
rigid, and frequently of an hypochondriac difpofition.
3. Obftipatio {objlru&orum), with fymptoms of the
colica, ift, 2d, 4th, and 7th, above-mentioned.
Genus CXXIII. Ifchuria 5 an abfolute fuppreffion
of urine. The fpecies are,
1. Ifchuria {renalis), coming after a difeafe of the
kidneys, with pain, or troublefome fenfe of weight in.
the region of the kidneys, and without any fwelling of
the hypogaftrium, or defire of making water.
_ 2. Ifchuria {nreterica), coming after a difeafe of the
kidneys, with a fenfe of pain or uneafinefs in fome part
of the ureter, and without any tumor of the hypoga¬
ftrium, or defire of making water.
3. Ifchuria {vejicalis), with a fwelling of the hypo¬
gaftrium, pain at the neck of the bladder, and a fre¬
quent ftimulus to make water.
4. Ifchuria {urethralis), with a fwelling of the hypo¬
gaftrium, frequent ftimulus to make water, and pain in
fome part of the urethra.
All thefe fpecies are fubdivided into many varieties,
according to their different caufes.
Genus CXXIV. Dyfuria j a painful, and fomehow
impeded emiffion of urine. The fpecies are,
x. Dyfuria

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