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296 E II P E T
Lizafds, tliey are fo difpofed as to produce an agreeable and
v—'> pleafing effea. This fpecies is a native of South
America, inhabiting woody and marfhy places.
It is faid that the monitory lizard, from the gentle-
nefs of its difpolition, is remarkable for its attachment
to mankind, warning them of their danger from the alli¬
gator by emitting a peculiar and ftirill found.
Var. Lacerta Vana, Variegated Lizard. Although
this lizard is fomewhat different in colour, and in the
xlifpofition of its variegations, which are rather of a ^ale
yellow than white, yet it is confidered only as a variety
of the preceding. It is a native of New Holland.
ii. Lacerta Acanthura, Spine-tailed Lizard.
Specif. Char.—Throat plaited beneath \ body covered
with minute fcales j tail long and verticillated with
carinated triple-fpined fcales.
The length of this fpecies is: about a foot and a half.
The head is covered with fcales, which are fmall and
nearly lix-fided } it is quite dillinft from the body. Ihe
whole fldn about the neck, throat, and beginning of the
fides, is quite loofe, which in the fpecimen defcribed,
• may have had a pouched appearance. All the other
parts of the body are covered with very fmall fcales.
The tail is very long, and ftrongly marked into nume¬
rous rings, which are compofed of long and ftrongly
carinated fcales, each of which terminates in alengthen-
-ed point, and produces the fpiny appearance. There
are five long toes on each foot j the claws are ftrong
and (harp. The colour on the upper parts of the body
is glaucous, variegated with fmall whitifh clouds and
It is defcribed by Dr Shaw from a fpecimen in the
3ritifh Mufeum.
12. Lacerta Lophura, Lizard.
Specif CVwr.—Body covered with diflimilar fcales j
back ferrated ; tail long, and fomewhat comprefied.
This is a very large fpecies ; there are large, rounded,
-and oval fcales fcattered here and there among the
fmaller ones. The tail is long and {harp-pointed ; the
back and tail are ferrated throughout their whole
This fpecies is alfo defcribed by Dr Shaw from a fpe-
cimen in the Britifti Mufeum.
O L O G Y. Chap. I
The general appearance of this fpecies bears fome re- Lizards,
femblance to the guana, and ftill more to the horned Y
guana, in having the appearance of a pair of {harp
pointed horn-like proceffes above and beyond each eye j
between thefe are placed fome aculeated fcales. The
fize of one which has been defcribed, meafures from
I 2 to 16 inches, from the tip of the nofe to the extre¬
mity of the tail.
Tt is a native of Afia, and of fome of the Indian iilands.
15. Lacerta Scut at a, Scutated Lizard.
Specif Char.'—Tail of moderate length, compreffed •,
dorfal future dentated ; two.pointed proceffes on the
back of the head.
This fpecies is diftinguifhed from the former by hav¬
ing a proportionally larger head, and a row of feales
more elevated than the reft, pafting over each eye j and
from thefe a ridge is continued towards the back of the
head, where they unite and extend down the middle of
the back, in form of a ftrort denticulated creft, to the
beginning of the tail. The body is covered with acu¬
minated fcales which are but fmall j the limbs and tail
with larger ones.
It is a native of the ifiand of Ceylon.
16. Lacerta Principalis, Smooth Crefed Lizard.
Specif Char.—Tail fubcarinated j gular creft plain
edge j back fmooth.
This fpecies is in general of a (lender form, and fmall,
rarely exceeding eight or nine inches in length, includ¬
ing both the body and tail. The colour is blue, the
head fmall, and the fnout taper.
It is a native of South America.
Var. Jjacerta bimaculata, Linn.
This is confidered as a variety of the former ; the co¬
lour is blue, fpotted here and there with black, with
two larger black fpots over the {boulders.
It is a native of St Euftatia, and is found alfo in
Var. Le Roquet, of Cepede, is confidered by Dr
Shaw alfo as a variety of the fmooth-creftedjizard, as
it refembles it both in fize and habit ^ it is however
deftitute of the gular creft.
It frequents gardens, moving nimbly among treeSj
and devours great multitudes of fmaller infefts.
13. Lacerta Dracaena, Draccena Lizard.
Specif. Char.—Large tail; long and denticulated along
the upper part.
This is one of the largeft fpecies belonging to the
tribe. Not only in the fize of the body, but in the pro¬
portion of the limbs and tail, k exceeds that of the
guana. The colour is brown, with a flight (hade of
chefnut. On the outfides of the limbs there are nume¬
rous fmall pale yellowilh fpots. The head is fmall, and
the fnout tapering.
It is a native of South America, and fome of the
Indian iflands; and it is faid that in fome countries it
is preferred as an article of food to the guana.
14. Lacerta Superciliosa, Supercilious Lizard.
Specif Char.—Tail carinated j back and eyebrows ci¬
liated, with upright lanceolated fcales.
17. Lacerta Strumosa, Strumous Lizard.
Specif. Char.—Tail long, round ; breaft gibbofe, pro-
This is of a fmall fize, has no dorfal ferratures, but
is furniftied with a large flat gular creft, of a pale red
colour ; the reft of the animal is of a pale bluilh gray,
with fome flight {hades of a more dulky hue. Ihe
limbs are {lender.
It is a native of South America.
18. Lacerta Marmorata, Marbled Lizard.
Specif Char.—Tail long, round; throat fubereftated,
back fmooth.
This fpecies is of a {lender and elegant form, and
meafures, including the tail, about a foot in length.

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