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§ § § § TailJtraight.
fetifer. The anterior angles of the (hell furniftied with a tuft
of briftles. 30. A native of Europe j in llagnant
waters ; tranfparent, of an oblong oval form j antennae
divided into three, furnilhed with eight or more hairy
legs; the extremity of the tail terminating in two
very rarely found among petrefa&ions. There are
feven fpines on the anterior part of the back of the
thell: legs 14.
Shell oblong; the future before of the form of a * opus.
crefcent j tail compofed of two briftles. 3. A native
of Europe 5 in ditches, ponds, &tc. $ and though dried
in fummer, when the water has evaporated, yet they
revive when the water returns. This is the largeft
fpeeies to be found in Britain.
Head concealed; Antennce two, and hairy ; Legs eight.
Cytherse Mulleri.
Hindis. Shell kidney-ftraped and downy. 31. A native of
Europe; found on various fpecies of ficus and conferva ;
the extremity of the antennae terminating in three
points ; the fore-legs formed like hooks.
|| || || Head concealed; Antennce two, like hairs; Legs
four. Cyprides Mulleri.
*conchace- Shell oval and downy. 7. Found in clear ftagnant
waters •, the antennae wEite or yellowilh, and ftretched
out; fwims very fwiftly, with ten briftles. It is green,
opaque j feet yellowifti -, abdomen nearly bilobed and
orange-couloured, marked in the middle with a black
cifcle. It conceals itfelf w ithin its (hell, and fwims on
its belly. It refembles a mufcle in miniature, is very
minute, and feldom exceeds the tenth part of an inch.
-f- f f Thofe with Jhells conffitig of one valve.
J Legs four ; Antenna: two. Amymonae Mulleri.
*fatyrus. Shell oval; antennae obtufe, and extended in a ver¬
tical direftion. 46. It is frequent in clear frefli wa¬
ter ; it is agitated at intervals with a tremulous motion ;
the fhell is flat and membranaceous; antennae rigid,
furnilhed with three very ftiort briftles at the extremity ;
the fore-legs thick and bifid j tail terminating abruptly,
eight-cleft in the middle. The infed is tranfparent.
|| || Legs fx ; Antenna two. Nauplii Mulleri.
Ira&ealus. Shell orbicular, and without fpines or briftles. 52.
It is rare ; found in clear frelh vvqter j the Ihell very
tranfparent j the antennae refembling legs 5 the legs
terminating in three briftles j the eye not conlpicuous.
B. Eyes two. Binoculi.
f Thofe with Jhells compofed of one valve.
§ Eyes two placed beneath ; dntennce two ; Legs four
to eight. Arguli Mulleri.
*delphinus Legs eight. 55. Found in rivers.
§ § Eyes ftuated on the bad ; Antenna two or fx;
Legs varying in number. Limuli Mulleri.
\pohjphe- Shell orbicular $ future in the middle of the form of
• mu . a crefcent ; tail triangular, long and tapering. 1. A
native of' the Indian feas, particularly in the neighbour-
heo-j of the Molucca iflands. It is likewife found on
the (horei of Carolina. It is the largeft of all known
infeOs *, fometimes it grows to the length of four feet.
It is frequently found in pairs, male and female. It is
$ § § Eyes placed on the fdes; Antenna two,fetacecus ;
Legs eight or ten. Caligi Mulleri.
Body fhort 5 tail bifid, and compbfed of one thin dap. * pifeinus.
2. A native of the European feas. Found on flound¬
ers, cod-filh, falmon, &c. adhering on the outfide be¬
tween the feales j running fwiftly both on the fi(h and
on the water.
f f Thofe with Shells compofed of two valves ; Head
not enclofed voithin the Jhell; the Eyes placed on the
fdes; Antennce two or four, refembling hairs, and
placed beneath; Legs eight and more. Lyncese
Tail infledted ; fhell globular. 60. A native of Eu- *fpheeri-
roper It is found about the edges of ftagnant waters, Ciis.
and among duck-weed. It is very minute j the fhell
is reddifh ; antennae tw-o ; legs twelve ; tail furnilhed
with a fmall hook at the extremity and concave beneath j
the ovaria green.
66 fpecies of this genus have been deferibed by
Gmelin in the laft edition of the Syftem of Nature.
118. Oniscus.
Jaw terminating abruptly, and furnilhed with fmall
teeth. Lip bifid. Feelers unequal, the pofterior ones
being longer than the others. Antennae fetaceous.
Body oval. Legs fourteen.
The fpecies of this genus feed on the leaves of plants,
on filth, and on the juices of animals j fome of them
are very injurious to the fruit of wall trees 5 they under¬
go no other change but a change of fkin. They are
found under ftones, in old walls, houfes, and woods 1
fome fpecies live in water.
Abdomen covered with two thin plates ; the tail fe- * aflus.
mioval. r. A native of the European leas. Vivipa¬
rous ; and is very injurious to fifties.
Antennae four ; tail long and lharp. 5. Inhabits * entomon.
the fea It fwims very quickly. It lives on crabs and
fifties; the fiftiermen dillike it very much.
Oval, and of a brownilh afti-colour ; tail obtufe and * armadiL
entire. 1 5. A native of Europe ; under ftone... When /©.
touched it rolls itfelf up into a hard motioniefs ball •
from which cireumftance it has received the name of
Oval ; tail obtufe, furnifhed with two Ample append- * afellus.
ages. 14. A native of Europe; in houfes, walls,
woods, &c. The young are contained in a follicle of
four valves on the abdomen of the mother. This fpe¬
cies was formerly ufed in medicine.
38 fpecies of this genus have been deferibed in the
laft edition of the Syftem of Nature.
Ff 2

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