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i94 E N T O M
with a pale waved flreak on their pofterior part. 172.
A native of Europe 5 on the pea and broom, confuming
their pods. Larva naked, and of a nifty colour, mark¬
ed with four yellow lines 5 head of a carnation colour.
Pupa dark brown j the divifions between the fegmcnts
of a blood colour.
tritici. Of an afh-colour ; the wings marked with two pale-
coloured fpots, and with a tingle blackifli one. 179.
A native of Europe •, on the ears of wheat and oats.
Larva naked and yellow j marked with three white
Jiavicornis Upper -wings of an afh-colour, marked with three
black ftreaks 5 antennae yellow. 182. A native of Eu-
,rope 5 on fruit trees. Larva naked, greenilh, mark¬
ed on the Tides with white dots} head of a carnation
§ § Tongue prominent and membranaceous. Tinece.
a. Wings four, unequal.
€ ere lla. Wings gray, emarginated behind \ back of a dark
brown, and furrowed. 282. A native of Europe } in
bee hives, feeding on the wax.
padilla. The upper wings of a livid colour, and marked with
20 black dots-; the under ones brown. 351. A native
of Europe ; on apple trees. The larva gregarious;
living in fwarms, under a common covering: it is
naked, and gray, marked with a black dot on each fide
of its fegments. Pupa yellowiih.
* pel Hone l- Wings gray, marked in the middle with a black dot.
la, 372. It is to be met with everywhere in woollen fluffs,
which it deftroys, lying concealed within a covering.
Larva whitifh, marked with a red line on the back.
Pupa yellowifh.
*tape%ella Wings black, under ones whitifh ; head pure white.
371. A native of Europe ; on tapeflry, furs, and fkins,
into which it gnaws holes.
*fnfcitella Wings of an afh-colour; thorax marked on each fide
with a white dot. 373- A native of Europe; in cloths
and furs, which it deflroys. It lies concealed under a
* mello- Wings whitifh, growing purple towards their exterior
nella. part, marked with a white ftreak ; the fcutellum black,
and white at the tip. 375. A native of Europe; in
bee-hives, where it penetrates the honey-combs. Larva
is naked, and gray, with a light brown head. Pupa
light brown.
* prole tel- Wings whitifh, marked with two dark brown dots ;
la. tongue bent inwards. 379. A native of Europe; on
different fpecies of cabbage ; on the horned poppy; and
on the oak, An individual, in the fpace of a year, may
produce many millions, as they propagate every month,
each depofiting a great number of eggs.
b. Feelers divided the length of the middle, two in
*granella. Wings variegated with black and white ; head very
^ white. 377. A native of Europe ; in granaries,
where it delfroys the grain and colle£fs it into knots; it
climbs up the Avails of houfes in winter.
§ § § Wings divided into many divifons. Alucitae.
*dida£lyla Wings fpreading and brown, marked with white
ftreaks; the fuperior wings bind; the pofterior ones
divi-ed into three divifions. 4;4. A native of Europe;
•n the geum rivale, and on the convolvulus. Larva green,
O L O G Y. Neuroptera.
covered with tufts of hair. Pupa long; with two
lines of tubercles on the back, each furnifhed with four
prickles. ,
-* * * § * * Antennce moniliform and fbort. Hepiali.
Wings yellow, with tawney ftreaks; the wings of the * humuli:
male of a fnow-white colour. 84. A native of Eu¬
rope ; at the roots of the hop : the hop-planters manure
Avith hogs dung, as a remedy againft this troublefome
infeft ; it depofits a very great number of eggs.
1529 fpecies of this genus haAre been deferibed in the
laft edition of the Syftem of Nature.
Wings four; naked; their veins forming a net-work.
Tail unarmed.
72. Libellula, Dragon-Fly.
Mouth furnifhed with jaAvs. JaAvs numerous. Lip di¬
vided into three. Antennae fhorter than the thorax;
very flender and filiform. Wings extended. Tail
of the male furnifhed Avith a hooked forceps.
* Wings fpreading when the infeci is at ref.
A. The central divifon of the Lip very minute.
The under Avings marked at the bafe Avith a blaekifh * quadru
fpot; and all the wings marked on the middle of their rnaculuta
upper furface with a blackifh fpot; the abdomen flattifli
and doAvny. 1. A native of Europe ; in Avaters.
The under Avings becoming black at the bafe ; the * rubicun-
body quadrangular. 4. A native of Europe ; in frelh ga
Avaters. The one fex is Avaved on the back with red,
and the other Avith yelloAv.
All the wings black at the bafe ; the abdomen de- * depreffa.
preffed ; the tides yellow'ifh. 5. A native of Europe ;
in frefh Avater. The abdomen of the male bluifh, mark¬
ed on the fides, near the bafe, Avith yelloAv fpots; the
abdomen of the female brown, and yellow on the
B. The divifons of the Lip equal. Atfhnse.
Abdomen yelloAv, marked with two black lines ; the minuta.
under wings yelloAv, marked with two black fpots. 42.
A native of China. Small : head yellow ; eyes broAvn;
thorax with yellotv lines beneath ; abdomen with two
black lines above, and one beneath ; upper ones black
at the bafe, Avith a yelloAv fpot.
Thorax black ; marked with various yelloAv charac- * forcipatu
ters; tail furniflied Avith crooked hooks. 11. A na¬
tive of Europe.
* * Wings erect when the infeB is at ref ; the Eyes di-
fant from one another; the exterior divifon of the Lip
fightly divided. Agriae.
Wings coloured. _ * virgo.
a. Body fhining, greenifh blue ; Avings bluifh in the
middle, the bafe and tip whitifh, the margin without
b. Body filky ; Avings bluifh green, the tip brown,
the margin without fpots.
c. Silky,

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