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'* convol¬
'•* utropos.
^ te!erio»
® elpenor.
* euphor-
jlegmsnt but one of tbc abdomen,
vexed, and light brown.
Wings faintly angular and green ; variegated with
bands of pale or dark green, and yellow. Native o£
Europe ; on the nerium. The larva folitary, dotted
with white, and marked on eaeh tide of the neek vbth
a blue ocellus. The tail is bent down, and almoft joint¬
ed. The pupa yellow, marked with a black line and
black dots on the back.
f j- JVings entire,.
Wings clouded ; the under ones faintly marked with
bands; the abdomen marked with belts of red, black,
and white. 6 . Native of Europe j on the convolvulus.
It fmeils of ambergrife. Its eyes are very bright. The
larva furniihed with a tail; marked on each fide with
oblique white lines, and dotted with faint ocelli. The
pupa light brown, furnished with a reflected involuted
The under wings reddilh, marked with three black
bands ; the abdomen red, lurrounded with black belts.
8. Native of Europe 5 on the privet, lilac, afh, and
elder. The larva green, and furniihed with a tail j
marked on the fides wyth oblique breaks of a carnation
colour towards the anterior part of the body, and white
towards the poflerior. The fore part of the body is
ere£l, and it refts with the feet elevated. The pupa
brown \ with a tail formed of four fmall projections.
The under wings yellow, marked with brown bands j
the abdomen yellow, marked with black belts. 9,
Native of Europe ; on the jefiamine, potato, and hemp.
It is alfo a native of Africa and Afia ; but the varie¬
ty to be met with there, is double the fize of that in
Europe. It makes a noife by rubbing its feelers againft
its tongue. The larva is folitary,. and lies concealed
under ground all day, coming out in the evening to
feed. It is yellow dotted with black, and fumilhed
with a tail which is bent down ; it is marked on the
fides with crofs lines, half blue, half green. The pupa
light brown, marked on both fides with black fpecks.
Wings gray, marked with white breaks 5 the under
ones with brown ones, and with fix red fpots. 12.
Native of the Ihuth of Europe 5 on the vine. The
larva is brown, marked on the fides with two white
lines, and with two ocelli on each fide of the neck. It
is furniihed with a tail. The pupa is of a dark brown
before, and of a light brown behind.
The wings variegated with purple and green •, the
under wings red, and black at the bafe. 17. Native
of Europe \ on the French willow, the balfam, the con¬
volvulus, and the vine. The larva is furniihed with a
tail, and is fpotted with black •, it is alfo adorned with
two blue ocelli on each fide of the neck. The pupa on-
the anterior part of the body is of a dulky gray, and
brown on the pofterior part, marked with dark-coloured
Wings gray •, the upper ones marked with two green
bands 5 the under with two red bands, with a black
break at the bafe j the antennae a pure white. 19.
Native of Europe ; on the euphorbia. The larva is fur-
nifhed with a tail, and is black, marked with white j
marked with a blood-coloured line on the back, and on
â– the fides with yellow dots. The pupa light brown,
Marked with black fpecks..
The wings entire ; the Tail furniihed with
a beard; the Tongue projecting, and terminating a-
brupthj ; the Antennce cylindrical.
The fides of the abdomen variegated with black and * fl llata-
white 5 the under wings of a ruby colour. 27. Na- rum.
Live of Europe j on the madder, and on the reft of theie
plants which form the natural order called Jieiiatce.
The larva is fpotted with white, and is furnixiied with a
blue tapering tail, ot a ruby colour at the tip. 1 he
pupa brown..
The abdomen black, marked with a yellow band j * fucifor.
the wings tranfparent, with a black edge. 28. Na- mis.
tive of Europe j on the woodbine, and on the feabious.
The larva is green, marked on the fides wiili a yellow
line, and furniihed with a reddilh horn, i he pupa
black, marked on the fore part of the body with yellow
breaks, and encloled in a lollicie.
The wings tranlparent 5 the abdomen yellow, with * apifor-
black incifures j the thorax black, marked with two nns.
yellow Ipots. 29. Native of Europe 3 on dowers.
The larva on the trunk ol the poplar-tree.
The upper wings brown, the under wings tranfpa-/e/Ta.
rent 3 the abdomen black, marked with three yellow
belts. 102. Native of Europe.
The w-ings tranfparent, with a black edge and black * vefpifon
band 3 the abdomen black 3 the feeond and lalt leg- mis.
ments marked with a yellow margin. 31. Native of
The wings tranfparent, with a black edge and black * tipuli-
band 3 the abdomen black ; the incilures aie akerna; alyformis.
marked with a yellow margin. 32. Native of Europe.
Feeds on the pith of the common red currant.
* * * Zygaence Fabricii, f. Adfcitae. The Tongue
projecting, and fetaceous ; the Antenna: thicker in the
The upper wings blue, marked writh fix red dots 3 the * flipen-
under wings red with a blue edge. 34. Native ofdulee.
Europe 3 on the fpircea flipendula. There is a varie¬
ty of this fpecres (A peucedanij dibinguibied by a red
belt on the abdomen, which feeds on the peucedanus.
The larva is thick, of a fulphur-eolour 3 marked with
four rows of black dote, and furniihed with a tail. The
pupa is brown, of a fulphur-colour in the middle, and
marked with brown fpecks.
Black 3 the upper wings green, marked with threepythia.
oblong blood-coloured fpots, placed near one another 3
the under ones red. 106. Native of Europe. The
larva hairy and white 3 the head marked with two lines
of black dots; the fore legs are black 3 the hind legs
Blue 3 the upper wings green, marked with five rcitfulvia,
fpots 3 the under ones of a blood colour, and without
fpots. 107. Native of Europe ; on the lotus corni-
Greenilh-black 3 the wings marked with tranfparentphegccc
dots, fix on the upper, and tw'o on the under wings 3
the abdomen marked with a yellow bell. 3 ;. Native
of Europe 3 on the oak, &c. The larva brown, with
reddilh head and legs 3 with tufts of whitifli feathers on
the back.
Blue 3 the upper wings marked with fix red dots ; the ophite*
under ones with one red dot 3 the abdomen girt with a
red belt. 36. Native of the fouth of Europe 3 on the
c mcdicago*.
E N T O M Q L O G Y.
The pupa is unco- * * ‘Afre

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