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argynos. Under furfaces of all the wings of blue and filver ;
the upper wings black on their fuperior furfaces, mark¬
ed with two filver bands, and with two brown ones on
the under furface •, the under wings marked on their
fuperior furface with a broad filver-band, and with feven
fpots of blue and filver. 378. A native of Afia.
margin of the lower wings black, marked with feven
yellowiik dots.
4. Danai,
A. Candidi.
tffffftf Wings faintly notched.
idmencus. Wings nearly crenated, and of a dulky blue colour; the
under furfaces clouded, and adorned with two ocelli. 4 r.
A native of South America. The larva is reddifh, with
feathery protuberances let round it in a ring. The pu¬
pa is dentated, and furniihed with two crooked horns at
the head.
2. Helicon 11 .
terpf chore Upper wings yellow j under wings of a deeper yel¬
low than the upper, fprlnkled with black fpots. 55. A
native of Afia.
Wings yellow ; the upper marked with three black
flreaks, and the under with three black bands. 56. A
native of South America and India, Tips of the upper
Avings fpeckled with white.
Wings pale-yellow; the upper ones marked with a
bright yellow band, the under with three black bands.
58. A native of South America. Larva yellowdih and
Wings tawnev, dotted with black, and the under ones
have a black edge dotted with white. 3 59. A native
of India ; on the violet and borrage.
Wings brown ; the upper wings marked on both Tides
with two white bands. 63. A native of America ; on
the ricin'ts pa/ma chrifti; the bafe of the under wing
in the male marked with purple, in the female with
blue; the larva green, covered with white hairs.
3. Parnassii.
opollo. Wings white, fpotted with black; the under wings
are red at the bafe, and adorned with four ocelli on their
upper, and fix on their under furfaces. 50. A native
of Europe, and feeds on the fedum tclephium, and the
faxifrapa cotyledon ; flies about flowly ; the larva foli-
tary, filky, black, and furniflied with two tentacula at
the back part of its head ; all its fegments are marked
on each fide with two red dots. The pupa covered with
a flight follicle ; oval, bluifh, and marked on each fide
with red dots on the anterior part.
mnemofyne Wings white, with black veins ; the upper ones
marked with two black fpots near their edges. 31. A
native of Europe.
1 cratccgi. Wings white, with black veins. 72. A native of Eu¬
rope ; on fruit trees. It is very dertruftive in gardens
and orchards, and emits a fluid of a reddifli colour,
which has frequently given rife to the reports of Ihowers
of blood which are faid to have fallen in different pla¬
ces. Larva gregarious ; hairy and yellow, green be¬
neath; head black; body marked with three black lines;
pupa greenifli, with black fpots and dots.
tndroma- Wings of the fame colour, both on their upper and
pta under furfaces ; the upper ones dulky and naked, the
under yellow. 382. A native of New Holland. Head
black ; feelers yellow ; thorax black, with a yellow dot
on each fide ; bread fpotted. with yellow ; pofterior
Vol. VIII. Part I.
Wings black at the tips, marked with two black * braflcoe.
fpots. 75. A native of Europe; on fome fpecies of brafli-
ca. i ne upper wings in the male are without black
fpots, and the fame happens xn the two following fpecies.
i he larva folitary, doited with black, and marked with
three fulphur-eoloured lines ; the tail black ; pupa pale
green, marked with three yellow lines, and three of its
fegments globular ; eggs fet in duffers.
Smaller than the preceding fpecies; wings white,*fapec^
upper ones tipt with brown; the female has three brown
fpots on the upper, and one on the lower pair. 76. A
native of Europe ; on the turnip and other fpecies of
brajjica; alfo on the tropxolwn. Larva green ; marked
with a bright yellow line on the back, and bright yel¬
low on the fides; pupa greenifh, marked with three ful-
phur-coloured lines.
Wings marked on their under furfaces with broad * napec*
greenifli veins. 77. A native of Europe ; on feveral
fpecies of brajlicct.
Wings roundifti; of a dufky colour at the tips. 70. * finavis*
A native of Europe ; on the muftard. J ^
Wings white above ; the upper ones on their fuperior difeors.
£rface, black at the edge and tip, which is marked
with four white dots ; inferior furfaces black, marked
at the tips with four yellow fpots and a yellow bafe ;
the inferior furface of the under wings fcarlet, marked
with black veins. 881.
Wings roundifli, brown at the edges ; their under * daplu
furfaces of a grayifli yellow fpotted with white. 81. Adicce.
native or Europe; on different kinds of vefeda and brajji¬
ca ; larva covered with bluiffi hairs, marked with black
Ipots and yellow ftreaks.
Wings round ; the centre of the upper ones tawney ; * cards,*
the inferior furface of the under ones clouded with mines.
green. 85. A native of Europe; on the card amine, braf-
yteo, and thlafpis. Larva folitary ; greenifli above and
whitifh beneath. Pupa green, marked with a white
line on each fide ; thorax conical, aftending.
. W^gs yellow, with black tips, and alrown mzr-palant*
gm; the inferior furface of the under ones marked with
a filver dot. _ 99. A native of Europe, on the coronilla ;
wings fometimes whitifh. Larva foroewhat hairy ; green
marked with yellowr lines and black dots.
Wrings Angular and yellow; each marked with a rufty- * rhamm.
coloured fpot. 106. A native of Europe ; on the buck¬
thorn. Commonly flies about in Auguff, though fre¬
quently it lies dormant all winter, and appears early in
the fpnng. The male is very often of a fulphur colour ;
tnc female white. Larva fmooth ; and oreen with a '
dark line on the back. Pupa in the anterior part turgid
and drawn to a point. , G *
B. Fefivi.
Wings almoft entire, brown, with a rufly-coloured caffur
band divided at the point. The lower furface of the
under wings afh-coloured, and adorned with two ocelli.
JLhe laiva green, ftreaked with red, with two prickles

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