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toee mtagfne tfcattfcete is an^ pecultar tjetfae iu*
clofeD in tfeem: bnt eonttauUufe totafee t0i$h§
fo* en at&e, to leaoe fcs fftatgbt to Cfotft,ana to
fòfee ùi Sitra falfcation, ano all onr feltcttte.
* Z '°cu lffàlt ^ then bc re q u M «n the miniftration
oithem,howare they given vnto vs to ftrengthen
vs in the fàith,and to aflure vs ofGoDs promiie.s?
C. 3t ts not eneugb t&at fattfc be once begnn in fcs
m a ttme, M it mnft fttU be noteatu^o mh matn *
fatneo/otliat itmas gtofooa^anotjemeceafeo in i
t«: foa tftenoinatftment^rengtb,! tnciEafe ttjeteof,
©o* lmt& gtt»n %& m 6>actaments, tDfncl? tbtag
S<. Pau! aedaretb, fatfng, t&at tfce t>fe of t&em ùs to
leate t&e pjomtfejs of €>$© tn out tieartè.
■•"<-% Btitisnotthisatokenofinridditie,when !
wee doe not beheue the promifès of God, vnlcflg
they be confirmed vnto vs by fome vifibìe fiene, as
anaidejoyned vntothèm?
* £" * 3t ** * token of a &* a ^ f3 *^> anfc pet ffi@
fòttu of ati tfje cbttojen ef #€)S> ts fuc^, nottous*
fianoing tbe* ceafe not tberefsje to ba» fait^fail, ®\*
fcett mv tjatte nctag pct attameo mtùt^ perfe*
ttton tfteiecf jroafolong as to®iiuei)ate tn tbu
of tmbeìtcfc tn onc flea, ; ana ttoefoje U>* mnff &
cettonr,efen bp a i mesmes contmualls top^fite
ano tncreafe tn tartb.
XLViir. fJ 0wman ySacramentsaFetherc
3n~iirfc X J ^ thc Chur ch Of CHR I S T? '
c-. ffrfarettoote^arecommonfentoallmen

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