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Obs. XX. Change Op The
Palatal Letters K.
[al. C. or Q.IG. X. lorCh.']H.
yiro honeflo qui vixit arijiis Pmlx.
&c, lb. 899.4?8.
G (hang J into B.
\V .Qm\. A MaU . Ir. Balla.
W.Guaranc, AWarant, Ir. Ba-
W. Gr^g, Heath i Arm. Brijk.
Gr.'Ajyw, iiiColis, Asolibus' A{J«;.
ex quo Arpos. Serv. ad vcrfum
cccLXX'xvi Icptimi /Eueidos.
W. Glas, [Gr. & Lat. Glaucus]
Germ Blait.
fCek. Gueldre?. Lat. Befgium. Q_
G ckajt^d into C or K.
r/v Mutes ofthefirjf Initial P.T.
and K are us'd in Tcrmmatinns by
the Britans o/"France , {a^d partly
by the Cornilh ] but very fcldom by
the VVellll, ivho havechojen the Ter-
minating Jiich Tpordi by the MuteS
of the Jecond [mthl B. D. and G\
and Jometimes of the third, as being
the fitter Letters that the Wellll
Tpords (for example) Skvvamog,
A Hare ; Helig , a Willoyp-tree ;
Kvphylog, a Wood-<ock,S>CC. are
in the Comijh , Skyvarnak, Hclak
<j»</ Ky vclak . Arm. Haiek, Kephe-
]ek,^c But this change ofQ into C
is fi fmall an Alteration, that I Jh all
only exemplify ijifomefetc Incriptions
D. M.
M- Antonio Extricato Vlavia
Hermione conjuci/«o B. M. Fabr.
(Jo. 55-j.
Vicifli prifcos lonccva atate. &c.
p. 191. A.
L. Namitivs. Felix
MoNiMETVM. Fecit Sibi.Et
Et Libertis. Et. Libertabvs
QvE Svis
Ibid, i 1 1,^50.
D . M
CONiyci Et
FiLio. Bene
Fecit. ^.iiz.7,6^..
G^ui cemitu trijli lacrimis te
deflet in oras
Dtilci conjugio quaeritur te luce reli-
tiilum lb 2,37. ^ag.
G chatig'd into X, or Ch
W.Kciliog, A Cock j Ir. Cailca/;.
W.Brag, Malt; Ir Braix.
W. Ta^y, To choak -, Ir. Ta;<;da.
W. Kroj^i, To Hang ; Ir Kroxa.
\V.Mvj;y, To Smother; Ir. MuAia.
W. [S.] Eaug, A Salmon, Ir. f la^;.
W. 1 ^ilidh. Together ; Ir.Da ;>:eile.
\V . Tuyfog, A Commander or Ge-
neral ifromTuyCotoleadi as the
Latin Dux /row Duco. Ir. Tyi-
W.Deg, r«»;Ir. Dei;K.
t W . Lhvg, A Moufi, whence Lhy-
god and Lhvgoden [Mod. a
Shrerp or Field-Ahufi'] LuAJ.
Wal. Milji, A Grey-komd; Jr.
Gcrm.Ewig, Terpetual; Belg.Eeu-
Obs. XX. Cha nc e Op The
Palatal Letters K.
[tf/. C.arQ_]G.A:. [orChJH
Germ. Trog, A Trough i Bclg.
\W.Gi.yir, A Goat; Fr. Chcvr.
W. Gualht, Hi>r; Fr Chcuelurc
\ Gr. l"«A-i«»ii, XxxZitn V'ofl"
G chang'd into D.
WGel, A Leech; Ir. Dyil. &
VVGloin, ACoal; Ir.Dcaian.
W- GuiA;iaJ, A Periwinkle or Sea-
Snail; Ir. Dao;eog.
W. Gclcyo, To shine; Ir. Dcaira
VV.Guahclh, A Bodkin, &cc. ir.
W.Guncyd, To Doe; Ir. Deana.
W.Guedi, After; Ir. Deis.
WGobaith, Ho/f , Ir. Dobh;>;as.
W. Gulith, Dew; Ir. Dru^jd.
W.Guydh, Trees; Ir. Feadha,
Gr. r>i!pi;. Dor. Ai«^o«.
Gr. r»«f !{.. §c Aii(ptfe¥.
Gr. rvifti-nif He Atifxinif.
Gr rpiixii, Lat. Dulcis.
Gr. T^ii'/j, Lat. Rodo
Lat. Ringo, Rideo. Vofl
G chang'd into F.
Divers -words that begin with G U
in the Britifll, begi7t with F m the
Irifli; -whereof fame hijlances are
given in the VII 1 Obferv and much
more might be added, fuch as :
S. W.Guadh, A Mole; Ir. Fadh
& Fadhv.
W.Gulcdh, AVeafl; Ir. Fleadh.
W. Guafjy, roPre/?,- Ir. Faifjea.
W.GuiAiiad, A Verminkle ; Ir.
W. Gummun, Guyntimun & Gu-
ymnaA: ; Sea Wrack ; Ir. Fe-
W. Guern [ & Guernen ] An Al-
der-Tree; Ir. Fearn.
W.Guyth & Guythen, A Vim;
Ir. Feith, A Sijiew.
W.Guiir, Hay; \r.¥c\iT, Grafs.
W. Guay, To IVeave; Ir. Fiia.
W. Guyn, IVhite ; Ir. Finn.
W. Guydhbuylh, Apair of Tables,
Ir. Fithzille.
\V. G\i\n, Worthy ; Ir. Fiu.
W.[N. 1 Gueini,7b Serve; Ir.Fona.
W. Gualht, r^f hair of the Head;
Ir. Felt.
W. Guraig, A Woman; flr.Frag.
W.Gryg, Heath; Ir.Fry^;.
\V.Go);t, Lye > [Lat. Lixivium]
W.Guaith, ATurn; [Lat.Vicem]
Ir. FeaA:t & Faoi, Fr. Fois.
Gr. r«>.?, Lat. J-'elis.
G chang'd into H.
Lat Germanus, Sp. Hetmano.
Gr.n"er,Lat.H/>r7»w. V. Seal. Call
in Manil.
G chang'd into \ or Y .
W. Guegil, Lat. Jugulum Q.
Lat.Argentum, V^ Arrian & ar-
t Engl. j;eol & seohol, ckriftmas ;
in Northern Engl. lule.
t Engl, jeong, Toung -. Geong wif-
man, a Maid, a Girl.
fEngl. j;eorftendaegh , Xeflerday.
t Engl. Bc^condan, B»yona.
Ob J. XX. Change Of The
Palatal Letters K
[ol Cor Q.-\G.X. lor C\i:\H.
\ Engl Blegene, ^ J5/tf/« or Boil
t Fngl. Bracgcn, Bram, &c.
Ir. S'us, ^ P/w-rrM Gal.Narbon
Yeus, Ilex..
G chang'd in S.
W Gola:, /./;i;^r; |r .Solus.
Engl.Gofpcl, Ir Soivjgel
Lorn Gol, Kngl. Sail; Bclg Zcil^
W. Guyl, Holy., CJerm. Seclig,c^c
Tho' in fevcral fuch Examples it
[ccms not eajy to di/linguijh whether
the G be chang'd into 5. or the con-
The Britans of France , doe in
imitation of their Couvtreymen, fre-
quently change the ( J either into Sh
or /h. which yet are both m French
and Armoric written Ch.
\\ .G'i.xfx.yTheHams; Arm Sharrc.
W.Gardas, A Garter ; Arm, Sha-
Lat Gigas, -antis; Arm. Zheant.
Gr. i^ol. Mu}<(^.^ Lat. Mrfer
Lat.Algco, Alfiofus; Cold, Chill
G is very fe/dom chang'd into T.
W Gofgordh, A Guard ; a Tribe or
Family; f Ir. Talcor. CornKol-
gar, Lads, Xouth.
HxA. Tvf'^; [pro Tiv^f ] Turtur.
Mi(}a>,a, Mufiela. Menag.
Words Primarily beginning with
G havethree Initials in the W cUh,
G. U. Ng.
As Guas, A Servant : \K,
your Servant ; i Uas, his Serv ant ;
yng ngQas, my Servant.
Guaith , Work ; yx guaith, your
Work; I uaith, his Work; yng ng-
uaith, my Work
Guilio, Watching ; yn yx guilio,
Watchingyou ; yn i uilio, Watching
him ; yn yng nguilio [ and yn yng
nguilied ] Watching me.
'The Armoric Britans vary it alfo
into Gh. as Gurcc, A Woman;
Map yr ghurec, the Womans Son :
VelhyGaftjP^rrfw; Mapyrghaft,
Mdb y bytten, &c. Ar^eth rhy ar-
verol, ym mhlkh morwyr Lhy-
a; [ er Ch ] M very rarely chang'd
ir/to B.
W. A:uiu, Ir. Biheav; As ;euiu lei-
drin, Bihcavnach.
W. lur^c, A Roe- Buck ; Ir Earb &
X, chang'd into K. [ C. "! or G.
W. Bua:, a He-Goat , Corn. Bvk
W. Ymx, a Boat; Corn Kok. '
VV. [N.] A^uvsijen , A Bladder ;
Cor. G<zigan.
\V [ N.] ;ii;uare, Play or Sport; Cor.
\V Kra^;, DwarfiJI} ; Arm. Krak .
KraA:-huyadcn , Arm. Krakuat,
A teal.
W.iiax,AHook; Ir.Bakan.
W.SiJ^, A Plow-Share; Ir. Soc
W. Sctx, Love; -j- Ir. Scark
W. Myny^;, Frequent ; Ir. Minik
W.Kilx,L>me; Ir.Kailk, Chali.
W. Mar;e, A Horfe ; h .Mark.
W. Mo;eyn, A Hog; Ir. Muk, &
Dim. Mukin.
W. Lhe>:,

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