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Obs. XIX. Chance Of
The Labial Letters
p. B. F. (or Ph.) V. M.
W.Barv, ^ Beard; Arm. Barou.
W.Kcvcn, A B,uki Arm. Kcin
al Kciin.
W. Ivank, roM«^ ; Arm. Icuank.
W. Tavleii, ATable., Arm.Taul.
Lac. Abtcro , Seems to have been
fronounad Avi'ero, and thence
Autbro i J'o AuFugio,/roOT Avtu-
•^io or Abfugio, &c.
V Confinant is ne^jer the Initial
Letter of any word of the VVcllll,
Corniili or Armorique in its Pri-
mary i<fe : If^eu therefore you read
ViT.\,forBreadi Vaur Great,vyxm,
Small; Vyu, Living , S^c. you are
al/vays to wjidtrftatid the Initials of
fuch words in their primary iifi, to be
either R or M and that the V Con
finant is govern d of one of them:
So the Primary words of theje, are
Bara, Maur, ByA^an, Byu. The Irilli
Grammarians, have herein, iis'd ,
better method, by retaining allway
their Initial Mutes, and diflinguijh-
ing them, when the Sound ts alter'd
by fuch a point above them as is us'd
above [i] but there being no Iridi
Types , where this Book is Prifited,
that point is here allwaysfupplydby
an h after the Letter, which has been
alj'o the method m the publijlymg fe-
veral Iriih Books; and is recommend-
ed as the befl, by O MoUoy their
latefi Grammarian. ( * )
M chang'd into B.
\V. Melin , A Mill; Corn. Belin-
W Myskyl, Mufiels ; Corn. Bed.
\V. Maink, A Bench ,■ Com Benk.
W. Mynaued, An Awl; Corn.
W Muydion, The pith or foft of
any thing ; Arm. Biicden.
W. Moes, A Manner or Beha-
veour ; Ir. Bcs.
W. Menniu, A Womaft ; Ir. Bean.
V^. ^\iQn, A Place ; Ir. Bail.
W. Moel, Engl. Bald
Lat. Flamma, Fr.Flambe, Flam-
Lat. Marmor, Fr. Marbre.
L. Cammarus,ItaI. Gambaro Men.
Lat. Murmur, Ital. Borhoglio Id
Germ. Milch [ Milk ] Belg.iV/e/fyt,
Bohem. Mlico, W B/zV/f-.
Gr. M«A«« , A Limb or Member ;
whence our Kvmmal, a Joynt j
q. d. Kyd-OTfl/ Ir Bal.
Gr. Kii«<fi(S^, Faba.J£.o\ts mutabant
fiin ,3 : ita^i^fi' dicebant /it^ko.;
«ftfi^A«, &c. Voir
M ckangd into F.
W. Medry, To be able ; Ir. Fcidir.
W. Mofj The Sea; Ir. Fairj;e. q.
W. Karagoes, Bandy-legd ; Span
Cancaiofo. q.
Gr. AJi/'f^4; \ji.x.. Formica.
M charted into N.
fEngl. Aemec [al. Emmet] An
* Fnnc. O lAtlUj, Grammacici Licine-
Hibernici. Rom. 1S77. p. 119.
Obs. XX. Change Of The
Palatal Letters K
[tf/.C. orQ]G.;i;. [orCh]!!
Lac. Amita, Engl Aunt.
Lat Mappa, Fr. Nappe; & Matta
Lac. Mel'pilus, Ital. Ncjpolo.
Lat. Limpidus, Span Lindo.
\ Lat. Amnus, Annus ; Solcmnis ,
Solcnuis ; Dumtaxat, Duntaxat ;
Quom jam, ^Uioniam; Smciput,
Semicaput., &c. V'od.
Iss. Antiq. ] C- lulius lafon ^
Cocceia Tryphaena fecerunt fibt <^
Libertis Libert abujque J'uorum dum-
taxat qui ex famtlia eorum futjfent.
Fabr p. 1^4.. N. 109.
Vicifli prijcos lonceva etate parentes
Annis parve quidem fed gravitate
Nou luxus tibi cura fuit non gratia
Ponpac,&c. lb. p. 19%. A.
Pio Felici
lb. 412. N. 3^,-
Fedimus conditor Sacran Veneris
Cntdies cum porticum <^ Cocmatori-
um cojlitui itenque do7tavi. p. 4.97.
N. 4.
M chang'd iiito P.
W. ymmennydh. The Brain; Cor.
Gr. MoAuiai, Lat. FoUuo.
Gr. MjAk^A;, Lat. Plumbum.
whence the Lat. Ofia.
M chang'd to V Confinant.
fEngl. Hremn, A Raven; Hrem-
nes fot. The Herb Crow-foot.
Gr. M.»xxU, Lac- Vellus
Lac. Flamma, Flavus. V'ofif.
Lat Pluma, P«/x7»«x. Idem.
The Greek, Lat. and Teut M. in
the Midjl and Termination of words,
is commonly exprefs'd by V Conf. in
the Britijh and (which is one and
the fame as to Pro?iu>iciation ) by Bh
or Mh in the Irijh. See Example in
V. Confon.
Change Of The Palatal
Letters K. {al.C.orQ.1 G
X. lorCh.] H.
K. C. (?r Q^ chang'd into B.
VV. Kogurn, A fort of Sea Snail;
Arm. Bigurun.
Lat. Ledus, Ir Leabba.
Lac. Cut 5 VV. I buy ? q.
Lac. Quxfitus, Span. Bufiar.
Lat. Quotidie, Span. Cadadia. VV-
Bob dydh
Gr. '£«« [ W. Akku ] Lat. Ui.
Dor. T«r«i pro TnxM ; Tabes.
Lat. Facio, Faber. Voll
Succifana Tribus al. Subufana. Feft.
Into X or Ch.
Lac. Lorica, Ir. Laivrea;^-
Lac. Adjcftives that Terminal in
CUS, end aUways in g in Welfll,
Ons.XX. Change Of The
Palatal Letters K
k m the Arnioric aiid Cornidi ,
and in >. in the Irilh. as Lac. Gal-
licus. VV. Lvn61rhai J GMyd-
hekg, Arm. Galek; h Gallia y..
Lat.Saxonicus, VV Saefneg, Cor
ZoHznak, Ir Sa(^\iia^, ^c.
Lat. Caput, Fr. chef.
1 -at Caro, Fr. chair.
LatCanis, Fr. Chien.
Lac. Carus, Fr cher.
L. Unurquifquc, (by Tranff>oftion)
t Chalcun, 7iow chacun.
Lac^Cacena, Fi chame.
L. Calor, ¥t. Chaleur, Sic.
Ch was introduc'dmto the Hnolifli
Tongue by the Normans, as w^may
conclude from the following words
and hundreds ynore in the old Saxon
Manufcripts :
Ceaftcr, chefler; Acemannes Cea-
fter, Ciffa-Ceafter , Andredes-
Ceafter, Colncealler, ire
Cilteni, The Chiltem hills .
Circ&Ciric, A Church.
Cyppanhamc, Chippenham m Wilts.
\^\.c,Vy)ch; Sindmc, Sandwich
Birc, Birch: Birc hok, A Birch-
Boc, Beech ; Ceoca, A Cheek , Cild,
a child, Bracce, Breeches, &c.
Gr."AyKi>,®', Lat. Anchora.
Bfvxeif, B^i^®', Brtichus.
Into D.
W.Kan, A Song; Ir.Dan.
W.Keluydh, A Lye ; Ir. fDalv.
Germ. Kuhn, Bold; Ir. Dana.
Gr. Kiftft^t [ Sic. iUftf.(0ii ] Dama.
Into F.
W. Kaur , A Giant ; Ir. Fovra. Q.
W.Kaib, A Mattock; Ir. Fcak,
A Spade.
W.Kylgod, A Shadow; Ir. fFof-
\V. Kodac, Husks ; as of Peas, &c.
Ir. Fcichlcog.
W.Kael, To Get; Ir. Faail.
Lac. Bucca, leal. Buffa; whence the
word Buffoon. Menag.
Lat. Mucus, leal. Muffa. Idem.
Gr. Kxxio,. Lac. Fleo. VolT
Gr. K{i/'«, Lat. Frigus ; Id.
Gr. KeJfitci, Lat. Farma.
K. C. or Q_^chang'd into G.
N. W. Kyn , A Wedge ; Ir. Gin,
S. VV. Gairig, Corn Gedn.
W. Kil. A Jaw; Ir. GiaJ.
\W.K[o,ALock; Ir.Glais.
W.Kymmu;j, A Lobjier; Scot.
Gimma;<;, Ir. Glioma^;.
VV. Kravank, A Claw; Ir. Griv.
Griv partain, a Crabs claw.
VV. Koilio, To Believe; Germ.
Lac. Crypca, Fr. Grote.
Lac. Hemicranium , Fr. Migraiiu.
Lac. Cibarium, Fr. Gibier.
Lac. Acer, leal Agro.
Lac. Maccr, Ital. Magro.
Lat Alacer, Ital. Alegro.
Lac. CucuUa, Span. CoguUa.
Lat. Mucro , mucronare j Span.
Mogronar : mogronar vidcs, To
Prune Vines.
Lac. Mucor, Span. Mugre.
L.Quadrageffima, VV Grauisiiflir.

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