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'Obs.1I. Words Obsolete
j Jn Some Di ALBCT?, And
Retain'd In Others.
'fSeiniftir; A IVindow., \V .Y&-
[ Sgafla, A fort of Boat j W. yf-
f Skcinmnea;!;,^/<-*, niml>le,afii've.
W.Yfgavn, Ugtt.
tSleteora;tt,I*e/i'.- W. Lhedrad
i Slis, A SiJe i \V. Yftlys.
fSon, A yoke, a Sound; W. Sun
r Son, A Pole i W. Fon, a fiaff.
t Sroal [ Sroghal ] A Whip ,• W.
tSu.ul, Small i W.Sal, Mean.
fl'ai & T.ioi ; Silent; W. Teui,
To hold one's peace j & Tawcl,
Calme.Jtlent, ^c.
fl'al, Tteft, W. Tuylh, Fraud,
■jTealgadh, ACaJfing, hurlitig.&co
W. Taviy, To caft.
t Tcibhearfa, To dipt or drop i W.
\T'm, Thick; W. Teu.
jTrift, Sad; W.Trift.
f Trora,, Melancholy ; properly
Heavy ; W . Trum, Heavy ; alfo
t TuA;aidh, He came ; W. Daeth.
t Tins , A Jeivel; Wal. Dtwis ,
choice ; Tlus, a "Jewel.
t 'I'ul, The Countenance, the Vifa^e;
t Tur, ARequefl ; W. Tacr, Im-
There are alfo on the other hand.,
diverfi Words of common ufi to this
Day in the Ancient Scotifh, or ( as
Nov) call'd) Irifll Language; tekich
■were once common to them, with the
Britans, but have been longfncedif-
continu'dhy us : fuchas I . Ard High,
from whence probably we have taken
our Garth J a promontory ; as alfo
Ardh & Hardh in the names of
Places fuch as Ardhy [ or Ardh
ahy ] a very fteep Rock at Lhan Be-
ris /» the County of Caernarvon:
Hardhlcx nono Harie;e m Meirio-
nydh, <^c. 2 Blathuin [ Al. Blag-
huin ) To milk; whence our Guar-
iheg bhthion, milch Cows ; 3 . KvAi,
W. t Koeg; for what the Iridi call
Kna Kyxa, »>w Wellh Knay Koi-
gion. 4.. IsSx., a Jhcep , wheiice our
\s.or\zn, .a Jheepfold ; 5 Kara, a
friend, W. f Kar. 6 Match, Good,
W. t Mad. 7. Druim, a back, W.
I Trim 6c Drim, whence Drim y
To, & Drim y m\ nydh, ttx ridge
rf a houfe and of a mountain.
Glaine & Gloine, Glafs ; whence
thofe Old Druid Amulets call'd Ad-
dcr-fteucs ( tho' made of Glafs ) in
Scotland, are in Wales caWd Gh'i-
IV. nadroedh ; 8. Minna, an Oath,
whence our word J\,lyn always us'don
that occafion; as Myu lago, mvn
Mair, Myn Elian. 9. Mo/J, Early,
W. t Soon ; whence the Proverb
moz a dysk niuv mab huyad, Mo.x
artem difeit natandi, puUut anatis ;
and alfo fomtimes Early, as mayfecm |
from that Epithet of ike Sun, in \
Maiinogi; Mo;t;-dhuyrt-aug hyan :
jObs. JII. Transposition
I ' OfLetters.
hav ; Early-rifing Summer's Sun.
Atany more hijtances might be given
of t fords difcontinued, or at leafl re-
maining but htperfe&ly , m one
Tongue, and intirely prefervd in
others ; but the Examples here pro-
duced may fuffice, tojhew that a Cu -
rious Antiquary of any Nation, may
the better under/land the Oldeft Ma-
nufcripts of his own Language, by how
much the more, he is Mafter of fuch
others as are dertv'd from the fame
Accidental Tranff>oJition of Let-
ters or Syllables.
W. Traah, Corn. Drcath , The
Sandy Shore cover d at high water.
t Engl. Caerter & Ceafter, A City :
Acemanncs Ccaiter, the City of
Bath ; q. d Akc-mans Chclkr.
S. W. Ayv, Arm. Eyv, The liver.
Lac. Ablblutio, Ir. Easbaloid, Ab-
W. Pryny , Corn. Perna, To buy.
W. Bryn, Arm. Bern , AhiUock:
Bern Goz a mole hillock; q. d.
W. Brynkyn guidh.
fEngl. Cyrps, Cri§: Cyrps loc-
cax, cur I'd Locks.
t Engl. Aeps, An Afp or ajpen tree.
W.Guevl, Corn. Guelv, A lip.
\V . KyvlyA;y, Corn Golovas, The
travail of a woman in Child-birth.
S. W. Hcuvror, Corn. Huerval
[ & Huevral ] The month of Fe-
W. Dyfl-ryn , Arm. Trauien ^ A
[■ Engl. Haefeldan, Lat. Helvetii,
The Swizzers: Haeftldan figni-
fies as much as XJp-hiU Men or In-
habit ants of the High Fells.
Hiuhvoeliet { as a Cornijl} Britan
would pronounce it ) feemstohave
been the word out of which the Ro-
mans by Tranj^ofition and their
own Termination made Helvetii:
We of Wales would Jay Yu.;t;voe-
liaid, i.e. Altiorum montium In-
N.W. Mevis, Corn 8cS.W. Sevi
& Syvi j Straw-berries .
W.Hidhigl, Corn Filgeth; Soot.
W. TTangncdhev,al.Tangnevedh.
W. Aradr, Corn. Ardar, A Plow.
W.Taradr, Corn. Tardar, An
W. EdrvA;iad , Ir. Dearka&h ,
Sight. '
W .Deruydh, Ir. Draoidh, a Druid.
W.Dros & Draus, Ir.Tairis, Over.
t Eng. Ricfa & R ifca, A Ryjh.
t Eng. Fidas & Fifcas, F>Jh.
t Eng. Aclan, To Ask.
t Eng. Acfe & Afce, Ajlces.
W.KIommen, Ir.Kolm A Pigeon
W Klymmy , Corn. Kelma , To
N.W. Kuilidh, S W. KuidhU,
Shame; Ir Y.\XX.hi\, Baf'fiitt.
Ods IV^ Transposition
Of Compounds.
heard: W. Piiy a glouodh , Ir.
KiaPilialadh ; who hath heard}
W. Gloin,Corn. Kolan, A Coal.
W.Goleini, Ir. Glaine, I^g^r.
S. \V. Alhuedh, Corn.Ahuel ; A
W Ko[crurj Au Itinerant Muftcian,
Ir Klairleoir. a harper.
W.'l'alm, Ir. Tamal; Apart or
quantity, ajf>ace of Time, Sec.
1 Eng. Nluldcl , Midle : Middcl-
fc.\c , Midlefexe , Middcl-cunc ,
Mid k ton.
\ Eng. Sicel, ASickle.
S. W. & Ir. Anal, Armor. Alan;
S. W. &Corn. Banal. Arm Balan,
W . K ynta, 7 he Firfi or former, Ir.
Kcadna, the fame.
W Guneid & Guneithyd, To doe ;
Ir. Gnidhim, 1 doe or make.
W.Barcl, Corn. Balliar, A Barrel.
W. O heruydh, Ir. Ar adhvar, Be-
N. W. Y dhyrton. Arm. Terfian,
An Ague.
W. KrankjCom. Kankar, ACrab-
W . Garan, Corn. Krana, ACrane.
Germ. Rols, Angl. Horfe.
t E. Sifer & Sifre, Sober; Byrhtnefs,
Brightnefs , Thorp , a Village ,
whence JeveralVilf.-.gcs oft he name
ofThriip; Gaers, Grafs ; rchence
Gaerftun, Pij/wrf; Thc-orl'wald,
a Threjhold , Caerfe & Ctr.e,
Crefs, whence Ea-caerle , Water-
crejfes; Q,\i.xnhfi\oW'i.,Cumberland,
Culfre , a culver [ or Pigeon ]
Bleadre, a Bladder ; Bolltre, a
Bolfter; Authre, another; Ai-
re or Aldre, an Elder, lirun,Burn
& Bourn , a Brook ; as a'fo a
Spring ; Brig & Burg, a Bridge ;
Brid & Bird, a Chick, Sec.
N. W. Eskob [(7rEfgop ] S. W.
Esbo^, Ir. Easbag, Corn. Ifpak.
a Bijiop.
W . Lhefg, Ir. Lagfa, Feeble: Lhtd-
lel'g , ir. Leath-Iagl'a, fomewhat
Uisk I oruifg] The names of di-
verfi Rivers ;'w<Gaul and Britain,
has been vartoujly Pronounced by
the old^n^\\i\\: As ift. Kcs or
AcCc, whence Acfan- <»W Acfcan-
mynfter. zd. Eacs ^ '^ Ea.x ]
whence Eaclanceafter , Excefler ,
Eaclanminfter, Exminper ; £a-
xanmuth , Exmouth ; 3d. Ex ;
Exaceafter. 4th. Ox. whence
Oxnaford , or Oxford, ^th. Ux,
Vxbridge, &c. Nor does Wufa,
the Old Name of the River \i;s ,
feem any other than a Corrupt
Pronunciation of it.
Befdes this AccidentalTranjpoft-
tion of Letters, which is owing mere!-;
to mifspronunciation, there is aljo a
Defgn'd or Induftrious one of Com-
pound words ; which ( as indeed all
W. Klouodh, Ir. Kiialadh, He\Compounds) fo difguife thm; that
B - ^ Strangers

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