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John MfDoNALD, commonly Iain Dubh Mac Iain 'Ic-Ailein, i. e. John of black locks,
son of John, the son of Allan, was a gentleman of the Clanronald family, and was born
about the year 1665. He received all the advantages of education, together with the
opportunities that the times in which he lived offered to a man of observation. He was
immediately descended from the Maer family—a great branch of the Clanronalds—of
whom many individuals were highly distinguished for prowess, wit, and poetical powers.
He resided in the island of Eig, on the farm of Grulean.
Mr M‘Donald was not a poet by profession, although he was considered by good
judges not inferior to any bard of his age. He lived in easy circumstances. Amid his
rural pursuits, he had ample time to woo the muses, or pass his leisure as inclination
or opportunity occurred. He, therefore, put himself under no restraint, but sung when
inspired, and made observations on men and manners ; and his remarks were generally
allowed to be shrewd and just. Few anecdotes can be expected of a man who passed a
quiet life in such circumstances. He always held a respectable rank in society. His
poems display taste and elegance, and his compositions, occasional and gratuitous as they
were, must have been numerous.
A Bhliadhna gus an Aimsir so,
Gu’m b’ fhoirmeil sinn an Ormaicleit,
Gu’m bi fid a gheala-bhratach,
’S neo-chearbach an tus comh-stri i,
'N cuirt an leoghainn mhearcasaich,
Ge fear-ghalach ro mhorghalach,
Tha chuis nd ar a dhearbhadh leibh,
Aig ro mhiad fearrdha’s crodhalachd,
Ge smachdail, reachdail calmar’ thu,
’S ro-anamanta neo morchuiseach,
A liuthad oigear barrcaideach,
A bhuaileadh taihn le stroic-lannabh,
Am beul o’m blasd’ thig argamaid,
’S tu dhearbhadh le ceart eolas i.
O Sheile ghlas nan geala-bhradan,
Gu Inbhear gainmhich Mor-thire.
Gur h-e fhad’s o’n dh’ fhalbh thu uainn,
Dh’ fhag ime-cheisteach an comhnaidh sinn,
Tha Cana’s Eig a’ geilleachdainn,
Do ’n treun fhear ud mar uachdaran,
Gu’m b’ fhearr leinn thu bhi sealgaireaehd,
Air talamh garbh na mor-thire,
O’n’s aim leatsa dh’ eireas iad,
Deun fein gach treud dhiu’ bhuachailleachd,
Thu fein’s do bhuidheann ainmeineach,
Na n eireadh farragradh fopa-san,
Am fiubhaidh gasda threubhach sin,
Nach labhar beuirtean truaillidh leo,
Bhiodh sunndach lughor arm-cleasach,
Sluagh garbh-bhuilleach, garg, comhragach.
An laochraidh thaitneach gheur-lannach,
A theid air ghleus gu fuathasach.

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