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Chii-Eside George, Esq. Earington House,
Christie Rev. Alexander, Mordington
Haatie Mr. — , Edrington Mills
Miller Rev. David, Mordington Manse
Eenton Major Charles F. Campbell, Mord-
ington Honse
Wilkle John, Esq. j.r. Foulden House
Cockbum David, West Hedge, Mordington
Cockbum Jar.i -s, 'ireenttcld, Foulden
Craw Henry. ',V, ,„ jiaind, Foulden
Fender Amu •„ , Foulden Dean
Fender William & John, Mordington Mains
J'uUer John, Bates Strand, Mordington
Gavin Jack, Foulden, Newtown
Hay Peter, Nnnlands, Foulden
M'Dougal Robert, Foulden HUl
Mein William, Lamberton, Mordington
Millikeu Gilbert, New Mains, Foulden
Purves Elizabeth. New Farm, Foulden i Sharp James, stonemason, Mordington
Rae Robert, Burnb.ank, Foulden | SheddJas. master of Board school, inspector
Reuton Alexander, St. John's, Foulden | of poor, & registrar of births, deaths and
Sanderson Thomas, Cocklaw, Mordington i marriages. Foulden
Towerson — , Cumberland Bower, Mordington : Smith John, carpenter, Foulden
Wood James, Bastle, Foulden i Weatherstone William, tailor.di'aper & grocer,
___^^___^^_^_^^_^__^_____ Foulden
AUan John, shoemaker, Mordington
Blackball Alexander, shopkeeper, Mordington
Begue John, joiner & cartwright, Mordington
Cunningham Catherine, schoolmistress,
Elliott Robert, tailor, Mordington
Gibson James, shopkeeper, Mordington
Gray — , miller, Lamb's Mill, Mordington
Jeffrey George, blacksmith, Foulden
Jeffrey Peter, smith, Mordington
Mason Peter, shoemaker, Foulden
Muir Thomas, master of Board school, in-
spector of poor, and registrar of bii'ths,
deaths and marriages, Mordington
Established Chuuch, Foulden — vacant
Mordington — Rev.
Established Church,
David Miller
Free Church, Mordington— Rev. Alex,
The nearest Stations are at BER"tvics and
Ayton, each about 5 miles distant
iBEENLAWis a burgh of baron}', and considered ( although Dunse
is considerably larger) the county town of Berwickshire; it is 37
iniies s.E. from Edinburgh, 20 w. from Berwick, 12 e. from Lauder,
1% s.w. from Duuse, and 10 n.w. from Coldstream. It is situated in
a valley, on tho north bank of the Bliickr.dder. which stream is
crossed by two bridges, and consists of one long street, with a large
square ^r green, where tlje fairs are held, in the centre of which arc
the county buildings. After Berwick was taken by the English, the
Bheriff and county courts were transferred first "to Old Greenlaw
(which was one mile to the south, but of which no vestiges remain),
and subsequently to the present town, where they have been held
congregations, A cattle fair is held on the 22nd of May, and
another on the last Thursday in October. In 1871 the parish of
Greenlaw contained a population of 1,381, of this number the Tillage
had 823.
Gordon village is 5 miles from Greenlaw, on the rnad from Edin-
burgh to Kelso. Tho river Eden intersects the parish which extends
seven miles in length by from two to four iu breadth, and contains
9,713 acres. At Castles resided, as it is believed, the ancestors of
the present Duke of Gordon, and Huntly and Huntlywood, the
names of two farms in the parish, claim the honour of giving the
title of Jlnrquis of Hnntiy to his Grace's eldest son. Greenknowe
ever since, except for a short time during the turbulent reign of ]±^^^ ^^ -^"^^i^^^^'^ x.uiiLiv tu x^o ^l^^,^» ciu^a. «.m.. ^...x...o^.y
Charles I. when they held their sittings at Dunse. Being slated Tower, a venerable structure (now the properly of James Dalrympl .
near the centre of the shire. Greenlaw was bv roval charter in 1596, ^^A-h^'"'^. frequently had recourse to_as a place _of refuge by tho
and by act of parliament in 1696, ordained the head burgh of the
county. A sheriff court and one for the recovery of small debts are
held monthly; the justices' courl sits at Buuse. The old gaol and
inhabitants, who tied thither when suddenly surprised by the incur-
sions of the English, prior to the union between the two kingdoms.
An Established church and a Free church are the places of worship.
courthouse, which stood in the churchyard; have been "superseded J^^ ^^''f °\ ^<^"'^«" .^^^^ ^ ^^'^^ ^ population of 876. the village of
by the present strong and handsome prison and elegant county ; *^« ""^^^^^" ^^^^"S 336.
buildings, erected in 1831, at the sole expense of and presented to
the shire by the late Sir W. H. Campbell. " - -~
lies in the centre of the Merse, exteudini
Hume is a small village, situate 3 miles south from Greenlaw; it
'Jhe parish of Greenlaw it is a joint parish with Stichel (Roxhuj-ghshire.) The remains of
__ , ^ seven or eight miles in Hume Castle, noted during the contentions on tho borders, stands
length, from north to suutli, and on an average about two miles in on a bold eminence, which commands extensive and picturesque
breadth, containing about 12,149 acres. The surface of the land is views over the greatest portion of the Merse and Roxburghshire,
for the most part level, rising occasionally into slight detached The soil is very rich and fertile, and in a high state of cultivation,
eminences. Sheep walks, moor, and soil adapted to turnips are the A joint school is in the village, and a burial ground, but no place of
main characteristics of the laud. Besides the Established church, worship. The joint parish contains an area of 6,898 acres, and in
there are places of worship forFrce church audUnitedPresbyterian 1871 had a population of 848.
POST OmCE, Greenlaw, Henry Miller, Post Master.— hetters from all parts arrive (from Edinburgh) at twenty minutea
past ten morning, aud from Dunae at twenty minutes past one afternoon, and are despatched to the North and South at twenty minutea
past fom- afternoon, and to Dunse at ten night.
Money Order and Telegraph O^ce and Savinps Bank.
Post O^ce, Gordon, James Brotherston, Post Master.— Ijettevs arrive from all parts at twenty minutes past ten morning, and
are despatched thereto at a quarter to five afternoon.
Bromfield William, Esq. of Old Greenlaw
Broughton Robei-t H. Esq. of Rowchester
Cameron Rev. Alex. Free Cburch, Greenlaw
Cunningham Mrs. Jane, Greenlaw
Cunningham WilUam P. Esq. Greenlaw
Fairbairn Rev. John, Free Church Manse, i
Fraser Rev. John. Greenlaw
Henderson Miss Agnes, Gordon
Hume Miss Isabel, Greenlaw
Inghs Miss Janet, Greenlaw
Johnson Miss Elizabeth, Gi-eenlaw
Kyuoch Mr. Patrick (surgeon), Greenlaw
M'Dougal David, Esq. Gordon Cottage, Green-
M'Dougal John, Esq. Gordon
Mercer Mrs. Mary, Gordon
Milne Rev. John, a.m. Greenlaw
Nisbet James. Esq. of Lambden
Phimister Rev. Alexander, Gordon
StoDbs Rev. William, the Manse, Gordon
TurnbnU Mr. George, Greenlaw
Turnbull Mrs. Geo. Lochiel House, Greenlaw
Turnbull Mrs. Grace, Greenlaw
Waddel Mrs. Elizabeth, Greenlaw
Walker Rev. John H. the Manse, Greenlaw
Watson Miss Agnes, Greenlaw
Wilson Miss Janet, Greenlaw
City of Glasgow Bank (Branch), Greenlaw
— draws on the London Joint Stock Bank,
London — Allen Purves and Thomas P.
Purves, joint agents
! AitUin George, Hume
! Brownlees Alexander, Greenlaw
' Brownlees Thomas, Greenlaw
Clark Robert, Hume
Clarke James, Greenlaw
Cockburn James, East Gordon
Matthewson George, Greenlaw
Matthewson John, Greenlaw
Waldie Robert, Gordon
Public Schools;—
Gordon — Nicholas Dodds, master
Greenlaw — John Williamson, master
Hume— James, Cook, master
Aldcorn Robert, Greenlaw
Borthwick Thomas, Greenlaw
Kerr James, Greenlaw
Murray Aaron, Go'rdon
Leitch David, Greenlaw
Alexander William & Son, Greenlaw
Gardner James, Greenlaw
Stewart Adam, Greenlaw
Wood James, Gordon
Common George, Greenlaw
Douglas Robert, Greenlaw
Kerr James, Greenlaw
Lindsay John, Greenlaw
Smith Stephen, Gordon
Stark William, Greenlaw
Whitclock James, Greenlaw
Young Adam, Gordon
Brownlees James, Hume
Burton James, Greenlaw
Denholm James (& builder), Greenlaw
Gardner James, Greenlaw
Harvey Joseph (& glazier & saw mills), Gordon
Henderson James, Greenlaw
Hislop Andrew, Greenlaw
Hunter George, East Gordon
Hunter George, Gordon
Leitch James, Hume
Millar Robert, Greenlaw
Wilson Alexander (& builder), Greenlaw
Wood John, Greenlaw
I Allan Richard, Eastfield
' Burton James, Angelraw
Dodds William. Elwartlaw
, Haig Peter, Woodhead
' Johnson Alexander. Foul^ihot lane
j Johnston George, East Kowlaws
; Knox John, Greenlaw
I Lauder Mrs. — , Slegden
'' Lithgow Sirs. — , Bedshiel
j Logan George, West Howlaws
i M'Dougal John, Ecclestoft, Greenlaw,
! Rowieston
MiUs David, Greenlaw Dean
: Robertson John & William, Clerkinvale
' Simpson Peter, Gordon Bank
Stevenson William, Cmmrigg
Walker John, Cowrig
Watson Andrew, Halliburton
Wood James, Whiteside
Allan David, Eastmains
Burnett George, Maxmill
Burnett John, Fawside
Hay John, Gordon
Henderson George, Huntly Wood
Hend.erBon James, East Gordon
Henderson John, Middle Third

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