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"aedTa'l8M,"witb 'offices, friud aud i'ii°l«f'=\°'fS°w''herrrboat"may"b6 "drawn up. Th«
Z?:s,VaUing-=ra-ni ^ c^Ue pen. ^ a litU^ to t.e north ^ ^^^efA^^^/.s^f 'Jlf by tL so. Jaffa i-i^ited fiv.^or
town in MuU and i" " '"'■'"> "i^nmiacent aiauici, uu
ana occupies u u^^^.^^^ „„. .'°Se savage clans and roving barbarians derived
and the elegant mansion, erected °\ *%„°f ?f ,viii be much I arches, and the fl'i«ly-J'^''".e"J'„,u:°';nctS isle, supply the
:fA-£^/'„r„Ll7 """^ 'a\.e^?h^c^unt ^bSdlngs, a Bubstantial eontenipla ivc niind A parlia^^ The _ inhabUants
cascades, ine of which is PJf"""^,';^'?; Sings isubstantiai contemplative mind ^ ^''^''iP^'J'SLrschoor'TTe'inhabitants
^^S,',^^1;* fimRACH "The Bay of the Boat," on the south-west
situated above the town are »<>«.°^^^^V,",iffr^court, procurator
erection of stone, embracing the P"50ii; smj" \°°,u an ordinary
flscal's offices, &c. ; here the 'b^f^^rv d irin" se sions ; a police
and smaU debts court, every V. '=il"«f'jy .f,". 's ° Tobermory is the
court is also held hero as b"""f/ "'IXdters resting in the
polUng station, at county el^S,''™^' mva afd in Morvln. By
islands of MuU, Coll, I^-^sTyree Ulva and in Morv ^y
ascending a hUl in the JfShbourhood a view ol im^^^^ ^ .^ _^^
Tyroe, Coll, Eit;g, Muck fekye -^ ■ '°«l?,t\°e"e°ption of the poo.
September P'\P!;lfi°° j,° \8' ^ '!.•;■•;■ ai^out fifteen miles distant
pietlly fill the mind that there is no room '"'' -"'""f^f ""''"f.b ^,„!
inSht^torc'tVTnt-ofteiea. Thrislandi^^^^^^^^^
Population in 'f"' f-f/lj^,... jg rather a sterile and mountainoua
•^' 'l^/'^^^lfuie tl™ Hc^^sm^an i \'Ti ^ of'^^^^^^^^^^
rock BuachaiUe tlio utrusmau '='*>'„ jje^e presents an
bigh.^sibleonlyatlow.wate^. The Cause^W ^^^^ P^ ^^^^_^^^_
extensive smface. It " lormeu " ' ,^^; 1 exceeds the
once continuous to the he ght of the cliffy. |his^»^.^^^ ^^ ;„ ^1^^
o"o&rTnTh\Tsda7ief';rria"st Wednesday. In 1871 Ardnamur-
Chan had a .P°P"l^'Xnfi« d^triot bounded on the south-west by
th^^o^u\^a'c^Vull,^ofhr^oft'f by'-L^^^^^^ Sunar. and on the east
•ning sun that bard, is well worthy '"f^^'^o"" ? ";i,\e„;,e of the Kings or Lords
afternoon; and are despatched 1° <joan)Di^=^^^^^^^^^^ ^ .^.j^^^ Stornoway.
eleven night. To Greenock on Tue^daj s ^^^J^^^^J J,,, ^d.^rai-). Office and S.n-ings Banl.: ^^
^««. Oaice, Is^.NB or COLL. Duncan Gilchrist, P..« .ir.i.tcr.-Lotters from Tobermory as often as weather peimits,
timofammith during the summer, and fom'duru,gto^ejmter.^^^ ^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^ ^^ ^^.^^^_

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