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W»^.!f ?"!' ''■•^ssmaker, 62 Chapei st
V: son f^^^'^t^^^ BuHa, Soeiet.,68 B.oad st
Watson Archibald, booksellir, llleoree st
Watson Barbara, lodging house, 46 See st
Wntann K,' ,1 • '""King nouse, 4B Dee st
S |??«a-S^S'.f — - «^"-gate
Wato°n Oeor'g^''\^';rEv;fT«' '" ^""^ ^v"'"^' ^'
Union st_S;S,,f^°„,K^^^-''«-«- * DiNiKO EooHS, 144
Wa «nS ?. ' ^''°Pl'«epcr, 108 Loch st
W :„°S Sri' :r4ttT,"'^[i^J„l{ri:S/' = >^o„se, 9 Unionrow
&,Sn"e!^iSy;.fir4"si;«^ r-^'-^^ ^'
Watson ■f;;ef''°?eing house, 1C8 High st. Old Aberdeen
S'eMde™ pla^e"""^ manufacturer (John WaJson' * Co.,, 34
Watson .Tohn, silk dyer, 101 Goorge st
Watson John, shoemaker, 55 Loch st ■
Watson John, eatinghouse keeper, 121 Geor™ <,t
W^tlo-n ^:^°cL"°SotX^prA^.X'|""^>»,>^ ^t
W-S° E!*-\''-V"°^e'r!??^Vats'eway"en° ^'- * '^ ««-«-'
^ilS?'^-^^^--nLe Place
V^t^sCrrlirarmftaT^^erSnT t^ ^t^C^f'^ fng's crescent
Watson Thomas R. linen drane?,TW, ^^T^*'' ''"• ^6 Canal rd
Watson Thomas R i Co Kirs' I.,T * °°-'' ' "'^'^'''''y ?'•■'<=«
nishers :31..33Gallowgkte"?r oS'stpaTst" "" ''""'''' '"'-
Wal:» ^; S ?S^j^|?k^« ST?' ^-e, 12Henry st
Watson WUliam H. sh?p J^ste'll Ymk °st ^'"''' ^""^^ "''"''^
Wa tL'"i''r- '' ^'-"^ ^'- OW Aberdeen
W^tf dt 'i°''smg house. Chapel st
Wa« rr »C''''''^-^ S™"^ Constitution st
Watt Andrew, grocer, 204 Gallowgate
^at Ann dressmaker, 78 Skene It
Watt r^off ' "?"^'^"«-. 64 Market buildings
Waft' Glori:'r'b ?,'ie^°,-,!?ant"T,^aYt?",'',^g °^^'«- ^'
Watt Isabella T. lo-dgtngiS fa Sal'arl s^"'^'"^' '""-""^
^"o'utTs'/ir^Jje^sT'^^Seft'™^ * spirT^rchant, 101 Union st,
\U S?n' -"""■' '""'"'^ Correet^on wynd
w|t jot„°;a^-°Cc;;t: TtJi^tr§r'\ i^ "j?- ^^ •^'^-''^ ^^
Cumine), 4 Correction wTd house Ri^f''°i"',P"'^'> t^^att .t
Watt John, bnilder (Watt "- PliJi^ ??'o ^'r'^nont st
Watt John,' iJ, J:;„S,".'^- J^»*J. ^,^3ri^^Sr?h"?t"'""™ ='
^lu^.lQ- tiZl ^"-'- ^^'^^^ to. 4 Ann place
Chants 1 tide faetorr?' '"^'•*«'-^' leather mer-
W^t^' Sir' r?c1r°/5'c'aSer'''^'|S"°-^^
Wa .S^S; ^C!Sl^;^/iS^:??:l ^' ' '^--. « J-mme ter
''w.'nd^nrK-"- '^ "« "-!■»'. S= East North st. . 63
Wotstr ■;■■'"<'«.. broker, 4 kagtnf
Wetle" Hen^;;Se"rr?f GrS'^"-'' "" ^^'«''^'«). "^ Skene st. West
Gilcomston Park "" ■n"cuant, U oigh House square ; hous
d ??^r"^^^-^1«Huntlyst
^e^s^:? ^^^; ^ 5^s^i£ J """" " "-^^
Weights & Measures Office, Lodge walk
"^L^nSd'c^oUag:"' "'^ '''"'""' ''''°'' ''™'°' ^'"^'''"= •"'°^^-
Welch Mary, hosier, 68 North Broadford; ho. 88 Spring garden
West Coast Railways (Caledonian & London & No?th Western)
Guild st— Alexander Gibb, traffic agent csiern),
Welsh Hugh, school inspector, 20 Osborne place
S'f ,, .England Insurance Company— James Asher 52 .*■ Ki
SchoolhiU, fi G. Cadenhead. Court House buildrngs! Castlf st
agsnis *
^oSse^"""'' ''''^'""'' ^^ '^'"'''^' buildings; house, MiUbank
White James, grocer (John Bisset & Co.), 95 Bon-Accord st '
269°Tj2i'o°n^t™'°°"'^''"' * """ merchant, 107 King st ; house,
White Robert, physician, 1 Ahbotsford place
White William R. supervisor, 90 Bon-Accord st
niiitecross WiUiam, custom house agent, 159 Crown st
Whitton William superintendent, East Coast Railways, 28 Market
st ; nouse, 58 Carden place
~xr a'7^~~ ^ I ^^y*''^ AJe.'iaurter, bootmaker, 86}^ John st
ao. i Guest row Whyte & JIurray, painters, 36 Cbapel st
Whyte George, grocer, 61 Causewayend
^hyto Johu, advocate (Davilson & Garden). 6 Crown terrace
nigglosworth Alfred, manager, Cuparstone rd
Wight Alexander F advocate, 11 Union buildings; house, 53
iiadden st. Woodside
Wight Barbara, draper, 5 South Mount st
Wight .lames S. druggist, 1 Mount Hooly; house, 36 Union st
Wight John, physician, 17 Golden sqnara
Wight Peter, teacher of dancing, 11 Park place
Wildgoose .James, grocer & spiiit dealer, 2 Stirling st; house
Greiglaw Cottage, ForryhUl ""is si, nouse,
Wilken Charlotte, news.ageut, 167 George st
Wilken James & Co. soap powder manufacturers. 169 George st
MMket\T°^ assistant agent. City of Glasgow Bank, 23
Wilkins John, Board of Trade surveyor, 28 Regent quay'
house, 40 Watson st o i aj ,
Will George, grocer, 8 Causewayend .
Will J. c. Ogilvie, physici.an, 12 Union terrace
Hill James, physician, 11 Kingst
Willet John, civU engineer, 123 J^ Union st ; house, 30 Albyn nl
V\ 1 let Joseph T. dock master, 4 Springbank place
n illiams Ann, dressmaker, 10 Broad st
^'1^!:?,%?; r?' ""^^s'aut inspector of poor for St. Nicholas
parish, 124 George pt
Williams James & Sous, coopers, flsh curers, &c. IS Virginia st
w? m^^' )H!^'"'|'™"' ''?™'' ^ ^""^ ^'; i^™'*"' 262 George st
ReS t™ ' ^ ^^ ^^"""^ ^ "^'"^ ''' ^P"'" merchants, 19
Williamson Adam, hairdresser, 20 Marischal st ; ho. 6 Hanover st
Wil lamson Alexander, traveller, 37 Whitehouse st
Williamson Alexander, flesher, Arthur's Seat Cottage, Polmuir
Williamson Alexander, refreshment room, Joint station ; house 11
bpringbank terrace
Williamson & aimpson, soap & candle makers, 79 Wales st
la'ca'™" ''''^'^' *^^'^"' ^^ Mai'kothail; house, 21 Wellington
Williamson Andrew, granite polisher, 18 Mount Hoolv
Williamson David, fleslier, 12 & 13 Market buildings; house
So Eon-Accord st "wuau,
Williamson George, farmer, Rubislaw
Williamson James & Sons, wine merchants, & agents to Truman
,i7"7,"° 'y' '^"•''ton & Co. brewers (London), 14 King st
™aJS/c°oM;i'erstoiket''''*^' '""'''°^^' * """'^ -'— ■
Willi.amson John, flesber,9 Market huildin-'s
Williamson John, flesher, 48 Market buildings
Willuimson UoDcrt C. wine merchant (J. Williamson & Sons) 7
Rubislaw terrace ''
Williamson William, soap manufacturer (Williamson & Simpson),
10 iiOU-Accord square
Williamson WiUiam, shopkeeper, 55 Commerce st
SSvtScT ^- '""" '"<='-'^'^*«' r J. Williamson & Sons), 7
Williamson WiUiam H. dentist, 15 Union terrace
V\ il ock R. C. physician, 75 King st. & 4 Golden square
UiUox James, builder, Gilcomston Park
Wilson Alexander, granite polisher (Boddie & Wilson), Spittal
Uilson Alexander, horn merchant, Spittal, Old Aberdeen
Wik^^ Alexander, commercial traveUer. 106 High st. Old Aberdeen
Crown '^t'' engmeer (Had, RusseU & Co.), 128
Wilson it Johnston, builders & masons, Wellington rd
Wilson Ann, lodging house, 77H Park rd
Wi son Ann, spirit dealer, 8 Littlejobn st
Wilson Catherine, shopkeeper, 83 Hardgate
wJ f ."^Fr "?' il-'";- 8« Union st. & 20 lunes st; house, 10 John st
VVils:in Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 81 Hadden st. Woodside
Wi son G. & W. grocers, Ac. 78 St. Clement st. & 32 Wellington
Wilson George, bootmaker, 57 Hutcheon st
Wi son George, bootmaker, 10 Jack's brae
Wilson George, tailor & clothier, 84 Hadden St. Woodside
Wilson George, builder (Wilson & Johnstone), Banchory
\\ilsou George W. photographic artist (George W. Wilson & Co.),
Queen's cross '
Wilson Geo.W & Co.photographic artiste,25 Crownst.&St.SwUheu st
V/i son Isaac C. gram merchant, 14 West North st ; ho. 20 Ivuid h.na
Wilson Isabella, shopkeener, 116 King st
Wi son Isabella, newsagent, 106 Rosemount place
Wilson James, provision dealer, 6 SchoolhiU
W 1 son James, bookseller, &c. (Hobt. Wilson Sc Son), Kingsland tsr
Wi son James, shipmaster, 29 Wellington place
W ilson .James, slater. Mount Hooly ; honse, 64 Gerrard st
Wilson James, broker, 59 Upper Denburn
W 1 son Jane, lodging house, 5 Abbotsford place, Fcirvh i
» ilson Jane, lodging house, 89 Springbank ttrrace

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