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Ponalijson Jpija, flab, gamg and uouUry aalosmitn, llanshoater BSa
ijovj Jr,iin, iiai-jted ivatur lOiiaulnctni-er, lilnsgow.. ,. .. '.. SSS
i>uva .r,,i.,, .4 I',, ejiuent ^^a cuui;ru|,e wprTts, Neivoa^tle-oai '
J?uva Joliu ol (Jo,
Tyue , _ 2g,^
Dovii Joliu X. ceiiiout nu4 cjucreta ivjrks, Newuastlc-ou-iyue ^Bl
i>u\v .(; L)uui:a|i, iron, sluul JO iiietiil meichiiul,s, Duuilee ..
AJovva tiii^uooii mill Paatry li.ir, EJuumgu'
i->roii, Oil- ^ (Jo. tool oiiLliLiis iiud ujiVcUmists, Glu&yow
IJrviiiuu jloti.4, Vl'ultc-r JJuiiliauaiJ, Kiyiuuu
JJlultjeoii HuUiJit i; (Jo. clothiers, aJiu-t makers, &o. EiliubuVgll
l>uit riju.iias oi Uo. Binudle alW llyor makers, Glaig.nv '. . . .
i>4ke of Atliole's Arms Hotel ((iraiit's), Duukeld .. ..
iJuueau's (Jounii..'ro(al Travellers' stoon Sl»u(v Kooms, Glasgow Si^
OJUUdee Advertiser Newspaper (John Leng), Dundee IB^
JJuiidee Courier auij Afam l^ewspaper ((Jliaries ^lexaud'er &
Oo.j, Duudee .. .. ■ Ig,
Duuiermmie (The) Foundry Co. engineers,"miliwright3^ &p'
Uuulermiine ^7 ., gy
Dium .X Wright, slationers, printers, &c.(iiasgow.'. .'. .'. ' ' 82U
l>uuuachie James, lire Uriels munuiaeturer, Glasgow i Siu
liildie, Giiohrist Ot iU'i.eod, engmeerij, millwrights and smiths',
Jiuness.. .. , log
Eadie James li Sons, patent lai)- welded iron tubes! iSicl' Buther- "
glen, Glasgow ,. . .; ..
Earle House Institution tor the Uduoation of Young Ladies'
lUiss I'liiiaysou, Bi ought)' Ferry r .,".'. ..
Eastman U. li. ceui:
-- — nent, plaster 01 Paris, &c. Glasgow . 27^
Jiastwood John, agent lor Don cSs Dunean (iJa«dc«), hessians
niannuiclurer, IJiadford .. ' l"" '*'=°' '"♦^ g
Edge William, bleachers' blue manufacturer, jj*olton * " " 85'
lidiuuurg" " ' ■ '- *' ■'
01 on
Edinuur gh
-. *.i....u, uii.tiv-u,;ia etuo inaiiuiacLurer, isoiton ..
urgn Hoyai Asylum & S.choollor the Bliud, manufacturers
nsnes, uasaots, tic— Oa end cuncru/ the Diuciuiii
irgk iustUiUion for classical, matliejnatical, ic. educa-
tlou— ttobert lU. Ferguson, Ph.D., f.u.s.e., Ed.nburgh . .
i.dkins Charles, Imtlous, buckles, clasps, i:c. liirmliigham '
gdmoiiston A Co. linglisli it loreigu liuruiy, Edinburgh
Edwards William, insuiauee agent, Edinburgh ....
Edwards Wilham it Bon, edge tools, spades, shovels, gardiin
tools, iu. Wolverhampton .. .. .... .. .....' .7
Eguntoij Arms Hotel, A. M'Kenzie, Ardrpssan* V. [\ ']' *'
Elgin ot Wellwood Collieries (T. tepowait liQo.) .'.'
Elliott William i; Co. brewers' agents, Newoastle-op-Ty'pe.' .' ' '
English, Scottish iv Australian Chartered ijayk, Loudon ' . . \.
Essex E. & Co. sheepskin rugs, iJ:c. London '. ,
Evening ('I'lieJ News oc btar, Glasgow .. .. .. \\ \\ ''
Evening (The) News (treadle, llutlieson & Co.'iiDiindeiJ
Evoniug (i'ne) Telegraph (John Long), Dundee .'
Ewart(Tbe) High Bcliool (John St. Clair, F.K.G.s.l.'Ne'wton-
iStewart .. ' iqis
Fairgrieve Andrew & Sons, plumbers, " bra'ssf'o'unclfirs, ' &'o' '
Greenock , ' _ i .--»
Fairlio James U. unfermented wine ma"nu'f.ictii'rer','Glasgo'w " 247
Eariiuharson & Co. win? and spirit merchants, Aberdecu ' ' 86-
Farrow & Jackson, wine A spirit merchants' engineers, Londo'n 177
iawcijct Ihomas C. engineer, niaChiniHt, iSc. Leeds ,. .. atllj
Fonner J. H. Ik, Co. tanners, leather merchants, maollino band
iSc. manufacturers, Hull ;. 29"
Ferguson, Elliott iSp Co. glass merchants .& agents, 'Edinburgh '' 61
Ferguson Kobert M. Ph.D., p.k.g.s. Edinburgh Educational
lus.itmijn ^ jq^
Feirier Brothers, seed & implement merniiants! Glasgow " "' 21)o
Fieldi; Allan, slate Oi glass nierchants, ,!te. Edinburgh " " 68
File ( The) Coal Company , Limited, coal owners 4 manufacturers '"
ol bricks a hro-clay goods, Leith .. .... ' " ' ga
Fiudlay Johu, general ironuioiiger, Greenock ' " " " ""21b
Finlay & Davidson, iron & brasslounders, s,c. Glasaow 830
Fiuiay Jst Gilchrist, machine merchants and miU fui-nishers '
Dundee Su
Finiay Jolin & Co. manufacturing ironmongers, &'c'. Glasgow V. 276
Finlay William, insurance agent, Edinburgh .. 37
Fiulayson iliss — , Earle House Instlfutiou for tjie Educatiou '
ol iouug Ladies, Broughty Ferry ..
Fisher's Koyal Hotel, puukeld .. .. .'.' ' " " " "
Fitter Joseph, macUinlst,Birmiugham' '.'. .' ',' '.' " '"
Fitton F, A. .i boij, spindles .i flyers, Manchester !' .. ,.
Fleming A. G. bank (K in;uranco agent, Dundee
Fleming D.H. ,St s;ous, hemp Ji jute spmners, Dundee
Fleming John, wood merchant, Dundee ^
Fleming P. .V K. &. Co. ir
Gavin Brothers, agents for Peter Gavin 4 Sans (Ltith), k,
cloth, iSc. Liverpool ;" ,
Gavin Teter * Bons, ropery & saii'clo'tii \viirks,'Le'i'tu ". "
Gellafly William & Co. seed crushers, ic. Dundee '.
General Life li Fire Assurance Company .. ...!
jibb Philip B, 111..1., F.B.s.t. Ficaruy Phice School,' Edinburgh!
T.Obs Alexander, stamen glass, <Sc. London .. .. . .
Gibson f-^ iNaj-ier, engineers & ciaue maueis, Glasgow! ! "! !
Glbspn 'Thomas & Sou, wire fencing, niitting, gales, ic. Ediu
burgh— Luertcif (It (111! tad - - -.v
Gibson Walter & Cu. hith splitters, &c. Greenock . . .
Gllbertheld House School [William Wood), bamilleu ..
Gillespie Japies i. Son, sialtrs, uc. Poll Gbisgow ,. .. !!
-lillies David, heiring iiei manulac'.uier, Largo ..
iijlott Joseph, celonuited steel pens .. .. ..
jllmi^ur iS Dean, desieneis, engravers, &c. Glasgow !! !! !!
Gilmour Brothers, bcllpws, poriable lorges, ilic. Clasgow
Gilpii} VVllliain, sen. & Co. screw augers, boring bits, edge't'oo .<
lie. Canuock, near Btalinrd ^
Glasgow Evening A Weekly Citizen, Glasgow ' ."!
Glasgow Heritable Securities Company, Limited, (jlas'gow' '
Glasgow North British Daily Mail Newspaper .. .7
Glasgow ]News Newspaper, Glasgow .'; !!
Glasgow (The) Wekio & Sauce Co. unfermeat'e'd wines, &V,
Glasgow „ ' . . . ' 378
Glasgow Weekly ijiail Newspaper .. .. .. ',.,'. ,' " ulfi
jlen J. 4 K. hagpipe makers, Edinburgh .. .. .. ',, '.] '" ^
Glenboig Fire-clay Co. Ure bricks, tiles, pipes, &a. G'lenboig k
Glasgow .. .. .. .. -■'? gj5
Glenboig Star Fire Brick Works, tiro brick mauulaoturei'S
Glenboig & Glasgow ,_ ^^ ^ ' a^q
Glenburn House Hydropathic Establi3hiu'ent','Hb't'he6'ay !'. ,'.! iSS
Globe Luncheon Booms, John Shaw ,t Co. Dundee .. \\ [\ '®
Globe Parcel E^:press (J. Hiushelwood & Co.), Glasgow,' L6I1- "
don, &.C ... " 637
Glydon, shorthouse &. Glydon, locomotive",' marine 'ot 'eastubc'e
Biripingbafn .. .. ;_ .'. ..' .° ;" ' j^g
Goldie James, satin iSi felt hat manufacturer, Edinburgh " " ill
Guldswoitby Thomas & Sons, emeiy, emery & glass cloths"* '
" Britannia " kliile polish, Wancheiiler . . .. ;. . ', . S&i
Good o( lUen^ies, oil mill luuchinery, &c. Hull! ! !! !! .'." " iiS
Goode John & Sons, guard it Albert chains, Birmingham '" " 163
Goodwin Jfimes Jt Co. ironfouuders, Ardrossan, lUotberwell. iS "
Johnstone |.'rj
Gord.on Arms Hotel, Duncan Kobertson, liiueardin'e O'Neiu il'j
Gordon James, pbotogiaphic artist, Fraserburgh " " bii
Gordon James, agricultural implement & manure meichar V
Castle Douglas \ ' jf^
Gornall Paul, spindles & flyers, bobbins, skewers, &'c. Biack'biu'i inj?
uraliamston Iron Co. iroiilounders, &c. Falkirk .. .. .' •lin
_ - , , , .im.ngers, Jtc. Glasgow ..
Flemmg iiobert H tarpauliu,hessians,&c.mauulacturer,Dundee
Ijorresler s Uestaurant, Glasgow ....
Forsyth, .Miller ol Co. iron it steel loun'ders,' Glasgow " " "
Forsyth Kobert, marine family boarding house, Portobe'llo ' ! ' !
Forsyth W. B. & E. "Inveruess Advertiser," Inverness .
Forth Bank foundry Co. ironiounders, lic. Bo'ness
Fortune iiobert, slater & cement worker, Edinburgh
Frame & Penman, engineers, boiler makers, &e. Glasgow "
France <Sj Morgan, brasslouuders, lie. Glasgow " "
Fxance Jt iUolgan, patent tallow lubiicaiois, Glasgow"
FraserJames;linpeiialHotel, Helensburgh .. 7
Fraser Kobert .>< Sons, clothiers i)t shirtmikers! Inverness' '
Freeman Chiirles .vi Co. poulterers, game dealers, ic. Inverness'
Fullerton, Uodgart ii Barclay, engineers, inillwiights, boiler
'■'"■■"i Paisley
makers & ironlouilders,
FyleKicbard, Ardeuadain Hotel, Holy Loch " ' ' 20')
GalOraith D. U. S. analytical chemist, Edi)ibur.''h
Gardenstone Anns, Robert Young, Lawrenceklrlt
Gariilurk (The) Fire-Clay Co. hre brick, block, Jtc. & gas ritort
makers, Glasgow
Garrad William, coflin furniture manufacturer! BirmiuRlu'.m
Garroway R. & J. manufacturing chemists, Glasgow
GiU-vie James & Sons, horticultural builders, hot wate'r' en-
fiineers, iVc. Aberdeen
Gateside Mihs Company, manufacttirers 'of 'shuttles,' pickers',
bobbins, ic. Stratbmiglo
Cavin & Co. canvas, &<:. merchants t
agents, Leith 68
Grangemouth Coal Co. coal owners & hre-clay goijde'mannfae-
turers, Grangemouth
Grant's puke 01 Atholes Arms Hotel! Du'n'keiii
Gray iluugo & Co. agents lor the Port Glasgow ANi^wark S'
Cloth Co. Glasgow 7. '
Gray William, oil, colour &. varnish merchant! Jiliitheiwe'l'l
Great Britain ('The) Fire Insurance Co. .
Great Britain (The) Mutual Lile Assurance Society " ' ' ' ,>;
Jreat North of Scotland ('The) Granite Co. Limited, El'i'iil'
workers, Peterhead ' .» ^_.,
Gi-een Edward « Son, patent fuel econ'o'mi's'ers!'iHanch'e- tei
London, Glasgow, &c _ ' - 2S&
Greenock Advertiser Newspaper, Grc'e'nocik " " " " " " 220
Greenock Herald Newspaper jDavid Blairj, Gr'eeniDck" '' " 311
Greenock Telegraph Evening Mewspaper (Grr, Pollock &'Oo.') -
Greenock gng
Grieve Mr.— , Waterloo Hotel, Eciinb'urg'h " '' " «
Grindlay & Co. insurance agents, Loudon,. !! '" ' gj
Guarantee ('The) Association of Scotland, Limited l&
Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Co. .. *■ " jjA
Guest A (Jhrimes, brassfounders, itc. Eothe!i-ham' & Glasgow' ka'i MO
Guivier J. P. & Co. Italian, Fr,inch & German harmMiiB "
strings, London "> - .
liunnAl£.iander. Argyll Hotel, Duuoo'n-iastrted'ai the end '
(juthrie Koberl,lunei 111 undertaker, Greenock '
daig Charles K. agent lor M'lSlurchy, Bnlston (i 'Co. '('cmnple-
(owi;i>, distillers, Loudon ....'....
Halket & Adam, sail, rope & twine maier's", Dundee
Hall ill: Gray, agents, Loudon - •
Hall Thomas, Spread Eagle Hotel, Kelso !!
Halley Brothers, manulaetureis of hackles! EJil's, &c. Dundee
Hamaton George, Abbey Hotel, Melrose ' ' *^^- "^ '
Hammond T. artist in hiewoiks, Edinburgh " " " « • '
llandoock E. K. insurance agent, Loudon gi
Haudley Theophilus, lish, game & ra'bbit"6ai(i6m'i;n, ' .-Ian-
Chester ' ggo
Hannan & Buijhamin, Kichard's patent in'dica'l'or3','sG! 'Glasgow BiO
Harcombe's Waveiley Hotel, F. Knmse, Inverness ' ■"('
Harper & Co. ironlouuder, engineers, *c. Aberdeen ' '; '■
Harris J. li Co. sewing machines, Birmingham '• " .^,
Hartley PercLval, insurance agent, Manchester 'i
Uaselgruve a Nephew, cotton sirinners, lamp &"candle"M.. i
manulacturers, etc. Manchester. ,
Halcn George,agent lor Forsjth, Miller li 'co! '( Giasoo'i!;), i- ■
able ironiounders, London . . . .
Hawldus & Co. iron, copper & bi-as's' sc'r'ews! ri'v'ets'.'iSic'.
miugliam .^ ' '
Hawley VViUiam Oo Co. mosaic paviimiint merchants, Edin'b'u.u;. 1!^
Hay John, Boyal Hotel, Penicuik.. .. .'.'.. 45
Hay P. iS B. dyers & dressers, Edinburgh ' ■,''
Hay William A. machine merchant, Dundee ,1:
Haymaii Thomas ct Sou, cartage contractors, itc. Glasgow' ' ' i
Hean Charles, engineer & machinery broker, DunueeT
Heathery Knowe Coal Co. co.il masters m lire-clay goods mane
lactnrers, Glasgow
Hector B.L. American, French, ic. ciiick6!Gla'sgnw
Henderson Adam, insmance agent, Glasgow .. .. ','. ',', !
. 198
. 1til>
. u«
' itii

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