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Charity g; nisation Society, 1782
Ctiesb Club (Glasti' w), 1816
" Children of Zion " C urch,
17H2 & 1768
Children, National Society tor
Preveiit'On oi Crvjeity to 1773
Childrt^nV Leogue <f Pi y, 1'73
China, Ch'istian Literature
Sociery for, - - 1763
Christian Brethren, Assem-
blies of, . - 1761
Christ iaa Workers Anti-
Infidfl As-oi;ation, - ITfifi
Ctiurcb ot CliriBt, - 1760
Chureb iif *^CMtland, - 1757
CiiurchofS otland Lodging-
House Misbiiin, - 1787
Citizen-i' Union, - 1818
City Analysis, • - 17 U6
City Educational Endow-
ments Board, - - 1797
Cit? of Glasgow Native
Benevoleiit Association, 1770
City Mission, - - 17 68
Ciiy Mission, Ladies' Aux. 1767
City Porters, - - 1744
Clan Cameron, - - 177 1
Clan Campbell Society, 1780
Clan Donnachaidh Si^ciety, 1774
Clan Gregor Society, 1770
Clan Lamont Society, - 1777
Clan Macdonald Society, 1786
Clan Mackay Society, - 1770
Clan Maclean Society, 1787
Clan Macmillaa Society 17/5
Clarion Scouts, - - 1817
Clyde Amateur Rowing Club,1816
Clyde Canoe Club, - 1818
Cly de Industrial Training Ship, 1777
Clyde Lighthouses Trust, 1707
Clyde Navijjation, - 1706
Clyde Pilot Board, - 1707
Clyde Sailing Ship Owners'
Assoc. Ltd. - - 1818
Clyde Steamship Owners' As-
sociation, - - 1811
Clydesdale Amateur Rowing
Club, - - - 1816
Clydesdale Upper Ward Soc.,1769
College of Music, - - 1812
Col jny of Mercy for Epilep-
tics, - - - 1806
Colquhoun Bequest, - 1780
Commercial Associations, 1810
Commercial Friendly Society,! 77 4
Commercial Travellers' Soc.,1778
Commissioners for taking
Affidavits, - ■ 1709
Company of Siationers of
Glasgow, - - 1778
Congregational Union of
Scotland, - - 1760
Consumption, Nat. Assoc, for
Prevention of, - 1805
Convalescent Home (Glasgow)l788
Cookery, Glasgow School of 1797
Cookery, West- end Training
School of - - 1795
Cordiners', lu'orp., • 1778
Corn Trane (ijiasgow) Ass., 1812
Corn Trafie (Glasgow^ Ben,
Association, - - 1771
Corporation of Accountauts,
Ltd., - - - 1727
Corforation of the City of
Glast-ow - - 1695
Co'por^iion Public Halls I7ii6
Corporal io" Public Libraries, 1814
Cottage Nm'ses Traini> g
Hoiiip, - - - 1802
County of the City of Glasgow, 17 1 3
0>'Unt> Courts sh«nfl &c, 17 09
Court-house Commissioners, 17(i8
Cremation Soiifly, - 1H17
Cruokston Home, - 1782
CjclisTs Touring Club - 1816
Day- Nurseries Associatioti, 1779
Dwacoiis, Association of 17 7S
Deacons, Society of - 1771
Deaf and Dumb Instittttion,1774
Deaf and Dumb, Inst, foi: the
Eduration of - - 1775
Deaf und Dumb Mission, 1786
Deaf and Dumb, Royal Glas-
gow Insi. for, - 1785
Dean of Guild Court, 1708 & 1710
Delivery of Letters in Glasgow ,1602
DennistounM.idel Yacht Clubl817
Dental Hospital, - 1807
Dickens' Society - - 1801
Discharged Prisoners' Aid Soc.1773
Dispen^ary, Glasgow Cent., 1805
Dog and Cat Home, - 1782
Donnachaidh Society - 1774
Dorcas Society (Royal Infir.)l776
Dorcas Society(V'ictoriaInfir.)1770
Drapers' Association (Retail) 1811
Dunoon Seaside Homes, 1786
Duties (Stamp, Legacy,
Estate, &c.), - - 1669
EastPark Home for Children, 1770
Eastwood Club, - - 1777
Educational Endowments Brds.
The Glasgow General, 1796
The Glasgow City, 1797
Education Institute of Scot-
land, - - - 1800
Educational Institutions, 1789
Elder Free Ref. Library, 1814
Elders' Wives and Daughters'
Association (Church of
Scotland), - - 1786
" Empress " Training Ship, 1777
Engineers and Shipbuilders,
The Institution of - 1808
Epileptics, Colony of Mercy
for • 1806
Episcopal Church in Scot. 1760
Esperanto (The Glasgow) So. 1798
Evangelical Congregation
(Prnseian), - - 1762
Evangelization Society (Lon-
don), Scottish Branch, 1764
Ewing Bequests, - 1776
Eye Infirmary, - - 1804
Factories, H.M. Inspectors of 1710
l^acnltv of Physicians. &c.. 1720
Faculty(The) of Procurat' >rs, 1721
First C lurch of Cbrist,
Scii-niist. - - 1762
F'ireign and Colonial Mails, 1610
F'Undry Boys' Religious
Society, - - . 1766
Fri-e Presbyterian Church of
Scotland, - - 1762
Frieiidlfss Girls' Temporaiy
Home - - - 1788
Friendless Servant Girls'
T'ainiutj School, - 1777
Friends' Mt-etiug House, 1762
Ga-lic Society of Glasgow, 1796
Galloway Bro. Society, 1779
Garden City Associat inn, • 18 1 8
Gartnavel Royal Lunatic
Asylum, - - 1807
General Nursing Assocn. 1802
tiooloiiical Society of Glas., 1810
German Proiestant(^-bm'ch, 1762
Germa'i St-amen's Mission, 1767
Girls' Guildry, - - 1765
Girls, Inst, tor Orphan and
Destitute, - - 1774
Glasgow Aberdeenshire Assn. 1787
Do. Abstainers' Union 1767
Do. Academy, - 1799
Do. Aged Seamen's Relief
Fund,- . 1784
Do. Aged Women's
Society, - 1788
Do. Amateur Banjo-
Mandolin - Gaitar
Oichestra, - 1812
Do. Amateor Orchestral
Society, - 1812
Do. Angus and Meams
Benevolent Soc, 1780
Do. Archaeological Soc, 1809
Do. Arran Society, 1789
Do. Art Club, - 1809
Do. Athenaeam (Incor-
porated), - 1801
Do. AthoU and Breadal-
bane Association, 1788
Do. Atix. Lon. Mis. Soc 1767
Do. Ayrshire Society, 1772
Do. Bach Choir, - 1812
Do. Benevolent Society for
the Relief of Desti-
tute Sick, - 1781
Do. Browns' Society, 1787
Do. Bute Benevolent Soc. 1771
Do. Cabmen's Mission, 1766
Do. Caithness Benevolent
Association, 1773
Do. Cancer Hospital, 1806
Do. Cincerand Skin Inst., 1803
Do. Celtic Society, 1774
Do. Central Dispensary, 1805
Do. Chess Club, 1816
Do. Citizens' Union, 1818
Do. City Benevolent
Association, 1770
Do. City Educational
Endow. Board, 1797

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