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Biiini A Stevenson, !>a Victoria rd
Ballantyne, Jab., 218 St. Vincent
Barclay, Aiiiinuv, Sons & Co.,
Ltd., Caledonia Blngine Works,
Baiclay «.<: Oo., .Ii'hil Kilinie Street,
Barclay, Ollrle & Co. Lintd. 8(5
Flnnleston street
Ban-, John, ;> Jamieson lane
Burr, Thomson A Co. Ltd. Kilmar-
Barrow field Iron Works, Ltd. (The)
(late Laldlaw, Sons, & Oaine,
Ltd.) LOO Korduouk 8J
Boardmoro, Win., & Oo., Ltd.,
Ditliii uir Shipyard, l>!iluuiir
Boardmoro, Wm. A Oo., Ltd., Park-
bead Forge
Belhavsn Engineering & Motors,
Ltd., - .!(if) Hope street
Bennle, Jas. 6b Sons, Clyde Engine
Works, Oardonald
Bennle, John, eleotrioal, hydraulic*
mul genei'al engineer and
maohlne maker, and maker of all
kinds of bydrauUo, eleotrioal,
ainiiii, 'mil bud power litis,
accumulators, pumping engines,
eke,, hand pumps, power pumps,
hydraulio it it c ■ mul screw presses,
and tohaooo machinery. Star
Engine Works, 148 to 166
Moucur st
Bennle, Win., & Sons, 86 James st.,
Biidgotofi oross
Berry, Homy, A Oo,, Ltd., Leads,
hydraulic machinery, cranes,
Ao ; rop., Edwin li. Judd, 98
Hope street
Biggar A llciuliv (Piokerlng typo
governor), L&9 Howard st
Blggart, AihIu'w s. 88 Preston st,
Bird, John K. 10 Morrison street,
Blair, Oampbell, A M'Lean. Ltd.
(brewery and distillery), Wood
viilo street, Govan
Bolton, A. A Oo., Manchester,
superheat speoialists; rap.. Edwin
ii. Judd, 98 Hope street
Hon Accord Works; specialities,
centrifugal pumps, high speed
engines for electric lighting, fans
for foroed draught and yentil*
atlng, nod rotary pumps, &c,
Bon-Aooord Works, Ferry road,
Yoker, Glasgow, W.
Bottomley A Liddle, chartered
patent agents, 104 St. Vinoent
Bow, M'Laohlan & Oo, Ltd, Thietle
Works, Paisley
Bowie, John, 8 rVrdgowan terrace
Bowman, Bros, 74 York street
Bowmafi, John, A Oo,, 88 Water
loo »t. and Millikoti Park
Boyd, J. & T. Ltd. (textile),
Shettleston Lou Works, ShetUes-
Boyle, Robert, A Son (ventllat*
big mid sanitary), I U) Bothwell
Brash .v Russell (eleotrioal and
general), Sprii glield Electrical
Works, 9 Springfield rd, ; sold
agents in Scotland for Ernest
s.ott A Mountain, Ltd., Gates
head- on -Ty no
Bridge, David, & Oo, OaStleton Iron
Works, near Manchester ; solo
makers und patentees of lloy-
wood & Bridge's Motion clutches
for power transmission, India*
rubber maohinery, ioe orushsrs,
elevators and conveyors,
" Sturgeon " patent dry air refri-
gerators ; " Pioneer " patent
steam dryers and oil separators;
Goo. A. M'Nab, representative,
1 1 1>7 Polloksbaws road
British Electric Plant Co.,
Ltd., ill St. Vinoent st
Broadfoot, John &. Sous, l.d., Inoh-
iioini Works, Whiteinoh
Browett, Lindlcy A Oo, Ltd.
makers of high-speed engines, 68
Gordon st.
Brown, A. Taylor, 119 St. Vinoent
Brown, A. T, 18 Gloncairn dr
Brown. W, G. (wire drawing wind-
ing machines, Ao>), '20 Old
ShettlestOn read, Shettleston
Bryden, Jobn, & Sous (hand power
hoist maker:)), 60 Renfield st,
Bryden A Middloton, iroti rooting,
light bridge work, smith work,
plain aiul ornamental gales and
railings, heating and laundry
engineers, Ao., Merlin iron Wks.,
W in.lsor St., SoOtBtOUO
Buchanan Bros, (makers of
Kiohard's and other patent
Indicators, steam and hydraulio
gauges, i'o ), It! Oarriek street ;
P.O. telephone No. lt'>!>6;
National SltfS X '• Argvlo
Biutlun, Juhu, & Sons, roofs,
light bridges, gates, railings and
general siiiithwork ^Burden's
patent beating furnace for rivets,
bars, plates, &o.), Oaldervale
Works, Hellshill
Burnet A Oo. (Lindsay). Moore
P«fk BoileX Works, Helen st.
Bornsiile. Win , lli» Orownpoint st
Butters Bros. A Co. QOWtractOW,
l'ercv Orane and Engine Works,
M'l.olluu street, Kiiining Park;
head offices, 18*80 Waterloo st
Cairns ,v, Lang (registered
ohemloal), ;"> Carlton pi,, and
branch 840 Albert rd., Pollok-
Caldwell & Co. Ltd. 130 Elliot
st root
Caledonian Stool Castings Co,
Helen street, Govan
Campbell, Andrew, & Co. Spring-
field quaj
Campbell, Binnie & Oo. CarntynJ
Foundry & Engineering Works,
Campbell. Blnnlo & Co.,
Greenfield Foundry & Engineer-
ing Wmks, Hamilton
Campbell & Calderwood, Murray
st,. Paisley
Oampbell, Dnnoan (of Campbell, I
Binnie & Co.), 10 Montgomeiie
orescent, Ivolvitisido
Campbell, Win. W., M.I.M.E., 82?
Gordon st
Carlaw, David, & Sons, type, litho-
graphic, and book-binding ma-
chinery ; steam, gas, and watflj
engines supplied, fitted up, and
repaired, mechanical models and
specialities in patents worked out,
ll Flnnieston st.| telephone Nob
Nat. Sti3 Argylo; P.O. 1268
Oarruthers, J, ll. & Co. Ltd.
Hamilton street, IVIui.idio
Oastol & 1,, it In, Kit! Buchanan
st rest
OhamberS, Seott & Co., cranes,
winohes, maohlne tools, oollierj
plant, Dalalel Engineering Wks.,
Chaplin, A. & Co. Helen St., Govan
Churchill, Ohas., A Go., Ltd., 9-11
Wellington st
Olarkson .v. Beokltt, hydraulio and
general engineers, special atten-
tion given to all kinds of repairs,
Maryhill Engine Works, Mary-
bill j telephone N»s., Nat, 10
Maryhill; P.O. M IS
Olarkson Bros., ltd., makers of
hydraulic machinery, hydraulio
presses, pumps, accumulators,
hydraulio, electric, passengoj
and goods Hft8, tobacco iiiaiuif ao-
turers' machinery for roll and
fancy tobaccos and cigarettes,
repairs of all kinds, City and
Temple Engineering Works,
Clyde (The) Machine Tool Co.,
Gordon Chambers, 90 Mitchells.
Clyde Model Dockyard & Engine
Depot (working models), 24
Argyll area le
Clyde Pattern and Gear Co., 4t
Dorset st
Clydesdale Steel and Foundry Co.
8] Garngad rd
Cochrane, John, Grahamston
Foundry, Barrhead
Oookburns, Ltd., Oardonald, near
Oolllns, J, M., 181 Swanstoj

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