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Chairman, W. S. Workman, Esq. ; treasurer, Ales.
Lamberton, Esq., (Messrs. J. Gray & Co.), Adelphi
Terrace, s. s., or c/o James Brown, 76 St. Vincent
Street ; secretaries. Rev. Geo. Gladstone, 28 Lans-
downe Crescent, George A. Turner, BI.D., 1 Clifton
Place, R. W. Henry (general), 62 Kelvingrove Street.
The London Missionary Society was founded in
1795 to spread the knowledge of Christ among
heathen and other unenlightened nations. It is en-
tirely unsectarian ; its fundamental principle being
" not to send Presbyterianism, Independency, Epis-
copacy, or any other form of church order and
government, but the glorious Gospel of the blessed
God to the heathen, leaving it to the minds of the
persons whom God may call into the fellowi-hip of
His Son from among them, to assume for themselves
such form of church government as to them shall
appear most agreeable to the Word of God." A large
staff of male and female missionaries, drawn from the
various evangelical denominations at home, and a
much larger staff of trained native ministers and
teachers, carry on its work in Africa, India, China,
Polynesia, &c. The annual meetings of the Glasgow
Auxiliary take place in the third week of November,
each year.
OF SCOTLAND (Glasgow Branch).
This society is quite unsectarian, and has for its
object, by means of Christian colporteurs going from
door to door, especially amongst the working classes,
to circulate pure, attractive, and elevating literature,
thereby endeavouring to supplant the pernicious and
sensational books and periodicals which do so much
evil to the community.
President, Jas. A. Campbell, LL.D.,M.P. ; vice-
presidents, James S. Napier, Esq., and Right Hon.
Lord Overtoun ; treasurer, Robert Gourlay, Bank of
Scotland; secretary, Patrick H. Aikman, C.A., 107
St. Vincent Street; superintendent and collector,
Daniel Graham, 43 Holmhead street.
Offices, Grove Street Institute, Glasgow.
Hon. secretary, T. A. Boyd, Esq., Shettleston
Iron Works; secretary, Mr. E. J. Mitchell, Grove
Street Institute. Income, £1200 per year. Number
of meetings taken annually, over 20,000.
The Evangelization Society is a company of
preachers associated to preach the Gospel. As
individuals they belong to various denominations
of the Christian Church, but as Evangelists they
belong to none. They go out through the Evangeliz-
ation Society not as members of any particular Church,
but only as Evangelists, to preach Jesus to the
! unconverted. The Society was established in
1868. Over one thousand Missions are supplied
annually with Evangelists in England, Scotland, and
Wales, on the application of Clergymen, Ministers,
â– and others. As no stated charge is made for the
services of its preachers, no place need be without
the Gospel at the hands of the Evangelist so long as
this Society exists.
This association was formed in 1874, for the pur-
pose of uniting the churches in evangelistic work
among the masses. In addition to ordinary evange-
listic services, open-air- preaching, &c., a hall was built
in Steel Street, off Saltmarket, at a cost of about
£16,000, where a free brealdast is given every Sabbath
at 8.0 a.m. to upwards of 1200 people, gathered from
the very poorest ; and at 2 o'clock p.m., about 1000
poor children receive a Bible lesson and a dinner.
Four Day Refuges have been carried on for some years,
where children, who are entirely or worse than neglected,
receive three meals a day, and are otherwise helped in
their education. There are also Homes at Saltcoats,
in which neglected or abandoned children are entirely
supported ; in addition there is a Rescue Hume at 302
St. Vincent Street for girls in danger of going astray.
In connection with the children's Sabbath dinner a
committee meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m., in the above
hall, to inquire into the cases of poor children sent
from any quarter. During the past year 7282 poor
children were sent to the country for a fortnight, in
connection with the Fresh-Au- Fortnight Fund. A
Bible-Training Institute for Christian workers has
been established at No. 1 Blythswood Square, to
qualify them for either the Home or Foreign field —
of which Mr. John Anderson, formerly of Ardrossan,
has been appointed superintendent. I here is also
the Bonar Memorial Mission to the Jews in Glasgow,
at 4 Carlton Place. Income of the association, for
all purposes, from voluntary contributions, about
£12,000 per annum.
President, Right Hon. Lord Overtoun, 7 W.George
St. ; hon. secretaries, John R. Miller, 2 Somerset place,
and J. W. Arthur, 40 Athole Gdns. ; hon. treasurers,
Robert Gourlay, Bank of Scotland, and Ales. Mao-
Keith, 19 West Howard Street.
Total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors as a
beverage, and the absolute prohibition of the manu-
facture, importation, and sale of intoxicating liquors
to be used as a beverage.
No person can be admitted to membership in this
Order unless he believes in the existence of Almighty
God as the Ruler and Governor of all things, and is
willing to take the pledge for Hfe. Under this rule all
classes are welcomed.
There are 700 adult lodges in Scotland, with a
membership of nearly 40,000, and 400 juvenile lodges,
with over 30,000 members. Each lodge meets weekly
for the transaction of business and the initiation of
new members. The Order is sustained by the weekly
contributions of its members. A regular staff of
agents is employed, who address meetings through-
out the country.
Tom Honeyman, 72 Great Clyde St., Glasgow,
grand secretary.
Lady Burns, Castle Wemyss, Wemyas Bay,
treasurer ; Mr. Robert Wilson and Mr. Thomas Neil,
missionaries, under the superintendence of the Glasgow
City Mission.

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