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(972) next ›››

&c., when these have remove 1 upon service, and will
be deliveied to them withoJi any charge fur re-
direction. The same privilege extends to the letters
of n n-com missioned officers, schoolmasters in the
army (of all but the first-class), hchoolmistresses in
tlie army, private soldiers, and stanren (but to these
1 nly), re-directed from one part of the United
Kuif^dom to aiio her, or from the United Kingdom to
a place abroad, provided the original pus'age be
prepaid, and the leiters do not exceed 4 oz. in weight.
4. Notices of removal, aid applicaiion for the re-
direction of letters must, in all cases, be duly signed
by the persons to whom the letters are addressed,
and forwarded to the Postmaster.
5. A Postmaster is not bouud to re-direct letters
for a person temporarily leaving his home, and not
having a private bag or box, unless the house be
left uninhabited.
(1 5.) Postage Stamps.
1. Every Head-postmaster is required to keep for
sale to the public a sufficient stock of the different
postage stamps in use, as al-o envelopes bearing »n
eiiibossed penny stamp, newspaper wrappers bearinj^
an i npressed halfpenny stamp, and post cards, both
inland aiid foreign. The stair.ps are of the respec-
tive values of ^d.. Id., l|d,, 2d., 2^d, 3d., 4d., 6d.,
9d., IDd., Is., 28., and 5s. The embossed envelopes
are made of four sizes, viz. 4j iirches by i<-{-^
(square shape), 4f by 2f ii.ches, 5J by 3 inches,
and -^ by b| inches; and are suld at the following
piii.es : —
Size, 4f inches by 3} J, square chape: —
s. d. s. d.
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

li 6-

2^ 8 -

3^ 1 12-

4i 1 24 -
iter Siz s: —

lA 1 6-

2^ 1 8-

H 12-

H 24 -


1 -
2 -
3 -
4 - -
The newspaper wrappers and the inland post-cards
are not sold singh'.
The wrappers are sold in packets of 12 for 6jd.
The "stout" Post Card.i are sold at the rate of 8d. for
12 cards, or 4d. for 6 cards. The "thin" cards are
at the rate of 7d. for 12 cards, or 3^d. for 6 cards.
Foreign Post Cards are sold "t the rate of Ijd. each.
2. Sub-p»simasters are required to keep ^d. and
Id. stamps and p^st-cards only, but they are bound
on application to piocure any i-tamp.s of other
values, embos-ed envelopes, or newspaper wrappers.
3 Every rural messengHr is authorized to sell penny
postage stamps at the u^ual p'ice of Id. each; and
â– when any person appli>s to him for postage stamps
ihe messenger must either supply them, or (if he
have none in his p sses-iion) must with'ut extra
jbarge receive the postage in money, and on his
irrival at the Post Office obtain postage stamps for
Jhe amount, and affix them carefully to the letters.
4. Payment of po-tnge cannot be made by n eans
of postage i-tamps which have bten to n cut, or
otherwise rend-ied inpcfect; or of eii.bos-ed or
imp'essed stamps cut tut f om the envelopes, cards,
or wiappnrs on which such stamps were embossed
or impr ssed (even ahhough the stamps hive Lot
been before used or sent by post;, or of rectipt or
other inland revenue stamps.
5. To disBiurage the transmission of coin by post
all postniasters in the Uniied Kingdom at whose
offices money ord-r business is transacted, are per-
mitied, though not compe'led, to purcbae p 'Stage
stamps from the public (provided the stamps be not
soiled or otherwise damaged), at a charge of 2J per
ce t.; the charge, however, never bting less ihan
one ha fpenny. Under this arrangement the chaigea
are as follows : —
For stamps not exceeding Is. 8d. in value, ^d.
Above Is. 8d., and not exceeding 3s. 4d., Id.
" 3s. 4d., " " 5s. - l^d.
" 6s , " " 6s. 8d., 2d.
" 6s. 8d., " " 8s. 4d , 2^d-
and so on.
6 In order to prevent the temptation to steal
stamps attached to letters, which might be aiForded
by facilities for selling theiu, no separ^ite stamps can
be purchased. Thej' must in all casts be prt-sented
in stiips containing at least two stamps unseparated
f om tne anoihtr.
7. In consequence of rpp espntations m-ide to the
Post Office by various firms, that thiiie s reas in lo
believe that their postage sia ops were fiur oiued by
persons in their employ, the Department has recom-
mended that the name or initials of tims, <Sc, be
either p inted on the lack of the stamps (by ariange-
ment with the Inland Revenue Office. Somerset
House), or the initials peiforated through the stamps
by means of a machine devised for the purpose; so
that, the sale of such Siamps being thereby lend^ied
difficult (Postmasters having been instructed liOt to
purchase any of them), there may be little or no
tempi a ion to steal them.
8 Paper taken by the public to the Inland
Revenue Office can be impressed with po^tage stamps
under conditions which may be learnt on application
at that office.
9 Application from persons not in the service of
the Post Office fir liten-es to sell po^-t-^ge stamps
should be made to the distribu or of stamps in the
inland revenue office of the district.
(16.) Registration (Inland and Foreign).
1. The fee for regi-tering a letter, newspaper, or
book-packet passing betwe n bUy two places in tde
United Kingdom is fourpence.
2. The f(?e chargeable for registration to places
abroad will be found in the column headed "Regis-
tration fee" in the Table of ColoniHl and Fo eigu
postage. To some count ies, as shown in that Table,
a letter can be registered only to the port of arrival;
it teing left, in those cases, to the postal authoriiies
of the country to which that port be'ongs to cjtitinue
the registration or not as they may think proper.
To a few fountries. as al.-o shown in the Table, there
is no arrangement whatever for registration.
3 Kegislration is applicable equally to letters,
newspapers, book-packets, and patterns addressed to
placB.s abroad.
4. No letter or other postal packet addres-ed to
initials or to a fictitious i a i e can be registce'l, nor
c^in any letter be acc-pie i for registration unless the
enc'O-U e be secuiely pUced so as not to m.ve about,

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