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â– whether before beginning their rounds, whilst on
their rounds, or after they have completed them, ex-
oppt such as have passed through a Post Office.
Neither are they allowed to receive any payment
beyond the postage for the delivery or collection of
any letter or newspaper, nor to deviate from the route
laid down for them. The prohibition, however, from
receiving payment in addition to the postage does
not extend to Christmas gratuities.
2. Delivery at Window. — No person living within
ihe town free delivery, or within the limits of a
Eural Post free delivery, unless he rent a private
box, can claim to have his letters delivered at the
Office window.
3. In order to prevent the additional trouble
which is sometimes caused by letters being directed
to the Post Office, for persons residing within the
free delivery, but who have no private box, the
officers of the Post Office are authorized, when such
letters arrive, to refuse to deliver them at the window
(even though initials may be substituted for the name),
and to send them out by the Letter Carriers.
4. Private Boxes. — Any person can have a pri-
vate box who is willing to pay the appointed fee,
which is fixed at one guinea per annum to be paid
in advance, and for a period of not less than a year.
1. When, owing to a great and unusual influx of
letters, books, &c., the transmission or delivery of
the letters would be delayed if the whole mail were
dealt with without distinction, book packets and
Post Cards may be kept back until the next de-
spatch or delivery.
2. It is forbidden to forward by post any indecent
or obscene print, painting, photograph, lithograph,
engraving, book or card, or any other indecent or
obscene article, or any letter, new^spaper, publication,
packet, or card having thereon any words, marks,
or designs of an indecent, obscene, libellous, or
grossly offensive character. Anything posted con-
trary to this prohibition will be stopped and sent up
to the Returned Letter Office, London.
3. Postmasters are instructed not to receive any
letters which there is good reason to believe contains
anything likely to injure the contents of the mail
bag or the person of any officer of the Post Office.
If such a packet be posted without the Postmaster's
knowledge, or if at any time before its despatch he
should discover any such packet, be is directed not
to forward it, but to report the case, with the address
of the packet, to the Secretary. The following are
examples of the articles referred to : — A glass bottle,
or glass in any form ; razors, scissors, needles, knives,
forks, or other sharp instruments ; leeches, game, fish,
meat, fruit, or vegetables ; bladders or other vessels
containing liquids; gunpowder, lucifer matches, or
anything which is explosive or liable to sudden
1. The Post Office is not responsible for any
injury which books or other articles forwarded by
post may sustain, and the public therefore should not
«mploy the Post Office for the conveyance of any-
thing likely to suiFer injury, unless such thing be
sufficiently protected; neither is it responsible for
any loss or inconvenience which may arise from the
mis-sending, mis-delivery, loss, &c., of a letter or
any other postal packet.
2. Limit to Size of Letters, ^c. — "With the following
exceptions, no inland or foreign letter, &c., can be
forwarded by the post which is more than one foot
six inches in length, nine inches in width, and six
inches in depth. The exceptions are —
§ 1. Packets to or from any of the Government
offices or departments, or public officers.
§ 2. Petitions or addresses to the Queen, whether
directed to her Majesty, or forwarded to any member
of either House of Parliament.
§ 3. Petitions to either House of Parliament,
forwarded to any member of either House.
§ 4. Printed Parliamentary proceedings.
3. Official Information. — No information can he
given respecting letters which pass through a Post
Office, except to the persons to whom they are ad-
dressed ; and in no other way is official information
of a private character allowed to be made public.
4. Letters cannot be returned to Writers. — Post-
masters are not allowed to return any letter or other
packet to the writer or sender, or to any one else, or
to delay forwarding it to its destination according to
the address, even though a request to such effect be
written thereon.
5. Should a letter be forwarded under cover to
any Postmaster, with a request that he will re-post
it at his office, the letter, on being re-posted, will
be endorsed with the words " posted at ,
under cover to the postmaster of ."
6. Re-directed Letters, ^-c. — Every re-directed
letter, or other postal packet, will be liable to an
additional postage (at the prepaid rate).
7. A registered letter, when re-directed, is onlj'
liable to the same additional charge as an ordinary
re-directed letter, and if re-posted, a second regis-
tration fee must be paid with it. '
8. Sunday. — During the time the office is open
on Sunday (viz., from eight to nine in the morning),
the public are allowed to prepay foreign and colonial
letters, to purchase postage stamps, and to have
letters registered; and all other duties are per-
formed as usual, except Money Order and Savings
Bank business, which on that day is wholly sus-
9. Sacramental Fast Days. — On the Sacramental
Fast Daj's there is one delivery bj' Letter Carriers,
commencing at 8.10 a.m., and letters are delivered
to Private Box holders and to strangers, as on Sun-
da3-s, for one hour after the office is opened at 8.10
a.m. The Paid Letter Office is again opened for the
sale of postage stamps and registration of letters,
from 4 to 8 p.m.
10. Private box-holders have the option of apply-
ing for letters at the office while it is open for deli-
very on Sunday, or of abstaining from so doing as
they may think proper; but no person can be per-
mitted to engage a private box for Sunday only.
11. Change and Bad Money. — No Postmaster is
bound to give change, or is authorized to demand
change; and when money is paid at a Post Office,
whether as change or otherwise, no question as to
its right amount, goodness, or weight can be enter-
tained after it has been removed from the counter.
1 2. Postmasters not hound to Wtiyh Letters for
Public — Except as regards foreign and colonial let-
ters about to be prepaid in money, tlie officers of the
Post Office are not bound to weigh any letters or

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