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General by the Post Office Act, 1870, the regula-
tions relating to the registration of publications for
transmission abroad as newspapers have been revised.
The definition laid down in the Act in regard to
newspapers which may be registered for transmission
through the post in the United Kingdom is alike
applicable to those which may be registered for
transmission abroad, excepting that for foreign
transmission a newspaper may be published at inter-
vals of thirty-one days, and that it (but not its sup-
plement) may be printed on sheets stitched together.
Newspapers going abroad are also subject to the
following regulations.
§ 1. " Prices Current " and " Market Eeports,"
but not private price lists, or trade catalogues, are
admitted to the same privileges as newspapers for
foreign transmission.
§ 2. Publications registered for transmission abroad
must be posted within eight days from the date of
publication, including the day of publication.
§ 3. The collected numbers issued during the month
of a weekly, fortnightly, tri-monthly,&c., publication,
will not be allowed to pass as a monthly publication.
§ 4. The postage must be prepaid with postage
labels. The rates are shown in the Tables of Colonial
and Foreign Postage.
§ 5. Publications not on the register at the General
Post Office cannot be sent abroad at any rates lower
than those applicable to Book Packets.
§ 6. Every Newspaper or Packet of Newspapers
must be posted either without a cover, or in a cover
open at both ends, and in such a manner as to admit
of easy removal for examination.
§ 7. Every Newspaper must be so folded as to
admit of the title being readily inspected.
§ 8. No packet of newspapers must exceed two
feet in length, or one foot in width or depth.
§ 9. It is forbidden to introduce into Kussia,
through the post, political newspapers, even in covers
open at the ends or sides; and the only means by
which persons residing in Russia can obtain news-
papers from the United Kingdom is by subscribing
for them at one of the Russian Post Offices. This
prohibition does not, however, extend to political
newspapers, or any other publication, addressed to
members of the royal family of Russia, the imperial
ministers, or members of the Diplomatic Corps. The
admission into Russia even of newspapers not of a
political character is permitted only when they are
addressed to the house of some established bookseller,
to the higher schools, to the Imperial Public Library,
or to the Academy of Sciences in Russia. Printed
prices current, however, as well as printed circulars,
in covers open at the ends or sides, are allowed to be
addressed to any person residing in Russia.
§ 10. At the following rates of postage, book packets
may be forwarded to the undermentioned British Col-
onies and Foreign Countries on the conditions of the In-
land Book Post, with the exception shown on margin.
Not ex-
to 2.
to 4.
to a
s. d.
s. d.
s. d.
s. d.
Exceptions, <tc.
Australia, 1
Borneo, I
Ceylon j
(1.) China, I
India, I
Japan, !
Java, j
New South Wales^ |
New Zealand, I
Philippine Islands, |
Queensland, J
Accra, )
Alexandria, via Southampton, J
" via Brindisi,
Ascension, "1
Bathurst (Gambia), V
Belgium, by direct Packet, J
" via France
Bolivia, Chili, Central America, Ecua- >
dor, and Peru, via Panama,, j"
Brazil, by British Packet,
British Columbia, via New York,
" via Canada,
(4.) British North America, direct,
" via United States,
Buenos Ayres, by British Packet, f
Cairo, via Southampton, J
" via Brindisi,
Cape of Good Hope, \
Columbia, United States of, j"
Constantinople, via Marseilles,
" via Austria,
Cuba, by British Packet, "I
Curacoa, by British Packet, I
Falkland Islands,
(2.) France and Algeria, |
French Guiana, !
Gibraltar, ,, (
Gold Coast,
Guadaloupe, by British Packet,
Hayti I
Heligoland, by Ship, J
Holland, via Belgium, )
Italy, I
" via Southampton."
210 4|0 80 4
" via Brindisi,"
1 2
The limitation of Tv-eight is not the
same to places abroad as for in-
land circulation. See foot notes
to Tables of Colonial and Foreign
No Packet for France or Algeria
may exceed 18 inches in length,
width, or depth. In all other-
cases the limit is 24 inches iu
length, and 12 in width and depth-
The admission to the privileges of
the Book Post of Circulars not
wholly printed (see page 19)
does not apply to Circulars sent
1. Book Packets can be sent to
Amoy, Canton, Foo Chow Foo,
Hong Kong, Ningpo, Shanghai,
Swatow, and Whampoa only.
2. "Water colour drawings are not
allowed to be sent in a Book
Packet to France or Algeria.
3. The Danish West Indies are
St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St.
4. Including Canada, New Bruns-
wick, Nova Scotia, and Prince
Edward Island.

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