
Fourteen years & upwards this child ſtay'd there,
The farmer and his wife went to a fair,
And left this young Lady at home to ſtay;
But ſee what happen'd while they were away.

As ſhe was ſtanding that day at the door,
An old man begg'd of her, who was very poor,
My parents are not at home, ſhe reply'd
And to give their ſubſtance I dare not, ſhe cry'd.

With that the old beggar-man ſaid with a ſmile,
You are kep in ignorapnce ſurely, my child;
They are not your| parents whom you honour here,
Your father's a knight of ten thouſand a year.

Such a Knight is your father, ſuch a Lady your
Be ſides, children they never had other. [mother;
For this news, ſhe ſaid, here's five ſhillings for thee,
And into this matter I further will ſee.

When the farmer came home at night he ſmil'd,
And ſaid,What's for ſupper, my deareſt child ?
Her anſwer was to him,what makes you ſay ſo?
I'm none of your daughter, you very well know.

Such a Knight is my father ; and I tell you plain
I'll be ſatisfy'd e'er I ſleep again.
She took horſe and rid to the Nobleman's gate,
Where he and his Lady ſtood very great .

He ſaid, Girl, how do thy parents do?
Her anſwer was, Sir, that's beſt known to you.
The girl talks madly, ſaid he ;let me know
Upon what account you anſwer me ſo?

She ſaid, Sir, a beggar-man came to the door,
And he told me you was my father beſure:
If this thing be true , ſir, he tells unto me,
Why was I put off in my infancy ?