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                THE :





                    Air—the Limrick Rake

The Feniaus are comeing without more delay
Their brave ships are ready to caoss ore the sea
They will tatter John Bull if he be met on the way,
They ere made to brave every storm
Their guns are well loaded with Powder & ball
Their Pikes are pure steel & as bright as the stars,
The shop boys for certain musr oin in the war
The moment the trumpet gives warning

The American fleet now wll shoatly apear
The Fenians will bid a happy new-year
John Bull is in terror & shakhing with fear
And closely he is watching each harbour
Now believe me for certain there is an old spleen
We are to iong in bondage most plain to be seen
They will come in thousands to Erin the green
And we will welcome the boys in the morning

There will be money like sawdust the truth I declara
Cheer up lads & lasses and do not dispair
John Bull will be runing Just like a mad hare
To save both his head aud his horns
That is not the question but where will he face
The Fenians will give him the hell of a chace
They will banish all tyrants of Luters black raoe
A long time they held them in scorn

This war will be greater than great Waterloo
The Saxons at present are all in a stew
They Yankeys & Paddies will cause th m to rue
In thousands they'l fall in slauter
This Devil is ready his fi ec-men & all
The ga'es will be open no humbug at all
The moment that John Bull will give the first call
They will welcome him straight home to his quarters

Now to conclude and to finish my song
ome toast to the Fenians their nnmbers are strong
ou will see no fun here til they are marching along
it that will be shortly some morning
e Cross on our banners most plain to be seen
e are true sons of Paddy and Eriu the green
re is long life to the Pope & the same to the queen
d to Hell with John Bull for fresh orders