

Britannia shall mourn gallant Havelock is gone
No General on earth e're was bolder,
His equal I fear we shall not see again
Such a vallient and true British soldier,
He marched on with joy for to fight the Sepoy
Whose cruelty long bad distressed him
To conquer he cried, like a Briton he died,
Sir Henry Hevelock, God rest him.

To conquer he tried and he fought till he died
No General ever was bolder
Britannia shall weep while brave Havelock
shall weep
That gallant and true british soldier.

The wretches who caused Britannia such pain,
Havelock was resolved to subdue them
Who the daughters and children of Britain
had slain,
Oh fate has ordained we should loose him
He was loved by his army wherever he went
Every true British soldier carressed him.
His valorous days in the battle he spent
Did Sir Henry Havelock—God rest him.

On the twenty fifth day of November that's
Eighteen hundred and fifty and seven
On the sad plains of India he breathed his last
And his spirit ascended to heaven
The last words he uttered before he did die
When the soldiers around him all blessed him
"Was innocent blood for vengance to cry"
And then he expired—God rest him

He had made the black tyrants in sorrow bewail
His motives he soon did them let know
With connon and ball how he made them to fall
At Delhi Cownpore nud at Luckuow

Havelock was a Wellington noble and bold
And the heart of a soldier possesed him
And when that Britannia the tidings was told
She silently uttered— God rest him

Sir Henry Havelock could fight like a man
And make the black tyrants to tremble
In heat and in battle he boldly did stand
And fight with brave Sir Colin Campbell.
The sights he had seen when he fought for his
In every moment distressed him            (queen
he innocent gore he beheld at Cawnpore
Did oft make him shudder—God rest him

The best of Old England's soldiers are slain
In India and Russia they're sleeping
Their equals I fear we shall not see again
Some thousands in sorrow are weeping
They are gone, they are dead their bold spirits
are fled
Brave men who all courage possessed 'em
For alas ! now alas that great General is gone
Sir Henry Havelock God rest him

Oh mourn Britain mourn, mourn and deplore
No hero could ever be bolder
Sir Henry Havelock we'll see never more
He died like a true british soldier
While fighting for vengeance on India's plains
Where every good soldier caressed him
Where the b t heting tyrants in thousands
were slain
By Sir Henry Havelock... God rest him

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

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