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Knights to wait on him at table and be.,
caufe Sir Robert S^ul reiuiec) to do it, they ,
moft inhumanly beat out his br-ms with (
a great flick.
Hugh Spencer, Blfhop of Norwich^ to,
fupprefs thefe infults by his noble ex-i
ample drew the Knights ana gentleme^1,
refiding thereabouts to arm themfelves,!
and take the field, who loon afterwards',
put the rebels to tout, aud took their cap*:
tain, whofe head he fcon caufed to be,
flruck off. He alfo took their Chap ail
Wraw prifoner who was fmt to London f.
to receive his trial where he was* ac< |,
cording to his demerits, hanged, drawn.:
and quartered.
Likewile upon the Saturday following
Corpus Chrifti Day the Fownfmen oil
Cambridge by threats enforced on James:
Granfler to be their leader, exading .
an oath from him and his brother i ho>
mas to be loyal to the execution of theil
t'; tiertly after they fell upon Corpus i
Chrifti College which they miierabie tarJ1'
lacked; by tearing, burning, or fpoilinja
whatfoever writings, chattels, and book;

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