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upon him towards the Re-introdu&ion and Eftablifh-
mcnt of Popery, or atleaft of Epifcopacy the Daugh¬
ter of Popery.
zdo, That our Sovereign K. George's Perfon and
; Government are thereby expofed to the utmoft Jeo¬
pardy, is the profeffedly chief Defign of the prefent
War. It remains only to be noticed, that if the Li¬
berty of Election be originally in the People, and
that their Confent either by themfelves or their Re-
prefentatives is what cdnftitutes a Perfon’s Title to
be their King; if K. George had the free, voluntary,
unconftrained Choice and Confent of thcfe Nations
to be their King; and if an explicite formal owning
thereof, by folemn Oaths, Addreffes and otherwife,
were lawful; Then furely he is our only rightful and
lawful Sovereign; and they mull be wicked Sons of
Belial, that dare, by taking Part with the Pretender
againil him, involve themfelves in Treachery, Per¬
fidy and Villainy. And,
pio, That our Country in general is hereby in
danger of Suffering in their worldly Jnterefts, confi-
der thefe Things; (i.) That the War hath been
hitherto carried on folelvupon the Charges and Ex-
pences of the Country,- ami that levied in the moft
arbitrary and unequal Manner, to the almoft utter
Ruin of many true and loyal Proteftants, while thefe
that ftand well affefttd to the pretender’s Intereft
have been paft by; witch firft-rijpe Fruits of his Go¬
vernment give us a genuine Swatch of what we may
(in cafe of his Succefs) day tur Account with here¬
after. (i.) Suppofing this Pretender to fucceed in
his Enterprife, then, befides the Reftoration of the
Eftate of Biihops among ourfelves, and conferring
at the leaft all their antient Rents upon them, to the
diminifliing of moft of the Eftates in the Nation; the
Creditors and Benefactors of his-Family fall next to
befatisfied: The Debts contracted by them for Fifty
feven Years Time, and in their feveral Expeditions
and Invafions at and fince the Revolution, have been
computed to Fifty Millions Sterling; and where this

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