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■ i The Wonderful PredilUons of Mr Christopher Lov'ii
Few nighrs after he was fentenc’d to be behead *d on
Tower Hill, whichwas on the 22d day of Augnft, in
the year 1651, which was ten days before his appointed
1! time, by the fentence he received at the bar, being one night
iivifited by two intimate acquaintances, orbofom friends, as
. he himfeif call’1 them, in their private conference they began
to complain to him of the cruelty of the times, and the ma-
,; lice and ufage of the time lerving brethren, to which Mr
J! Love anl’wered, And think you this an evil time : No, no,
1 this is the very time when grace and true godlinefs can be
J diftinguilhed from hypocriiy, many have followed Chrift.
I hitherto for the loaves, and are jiow turned back becaufe of
the roughnefs of the way, aud the fore trial and tribulation I
| met with by others that are gone before them ? There are ;
i many in London at this very day, who think to go to heaven |
iin there gilded coaches, and have denied Chriftk. caufe be-
Ifore man (againfl: whom I am now witnefs) and Chrift in
his never failing word has promifed to deny all fuch before :
his Father and the holy angels, this is the time to difcern
iiljbetween him that ferveth God, and him that ferveth him ’
nor, they formerly were my familiar acquaintances in fel-
h wfbip and IWet converfe, I lent this day to have a few j
words of (hem here in he prifon, but they would not come, ;
for their counicnance is fallen, their coniciences woundi d,
they cannot look me in the face, bccaule I knew of their
refolurion, and was witnefs of their per juration. But, ahl
how will they look the blefled of J fus in the face in the
m^-tia g of the rcfurrection what anfwer or excufe will i
t'„ey have for what they have done ? O foolifti people 1 who
|think to efcape the crois, and come to the crown; but I tell
you nay, you muft all luiTer perfecution, who follow the
|Lamb, we muft be hated of all nations f or Clu ill's fake, we S
come thro’ great tribulation, thro’ the fiery furnace of.
jatti1 ilion, before we can enter the land of joy and felicity; 1
[know you nor th 1 the louls of thole that were for the
teilimony of Jefns, are placet! under the altar ? Happy, ha; -k
|py are thefe men at this day and ever Inal! be hanpy, vvuo

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