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What mufic fo fweet or harmony fo neat,
as the bagpipes, \*hen join’d with the German flute.
Then turning up hiscyes. the blythefome damereplies
when the bagpipes plays with braw Johnny Bute.
Play on bonny lad, for I've got great ftore of gold,
your bags (hall be fill’d, while your pipes you dp play
But you ne’er Avail return to a climit fo cold,
while yourkifles are lb fweet, & warmer than May,
Qyorh he, ne’er mourn, for I never (hali return,
while here I can tafle of the golden fruit,
Then his pipes faft he ftay’d, and another liithc play’d
in concert fo fweet with her German flute.
Now, ye Eoglifh fools, you no more dare pretend,
a mufic to vie with my bonny Highiandmen,
No more Ihall the lafles of England commend,
the brave merry jigg to compaic with t«y John;
For a merry drain, which enlivens every vein,
wha the d-r-1 with a Scots date dilpure,
But his bagpipes alone has too much of the drone,
and, of need muii be join’d with the German flats.
Come on, bonny lads, with courage advance,
your poor empty ferips and your wallets difown,
Johnny Bute bears the bell, & he lifts up the dance,
at the grand raafquerade at the rhiflle and Grown.
Where there’s fwset meats & wine to invite you to dine
your hunger aflbage and your fpirits recruit,
Whilfl molt faft to the ear hark the bagpipes fp clear
in concert refound with the Get man flute.
A brave Englifli fiddle occurs to rpy ftrain,
a better never was play d on before,
•The French horn, at a difiance will join it amain,
andJhe Spanifh guitar has play’d it before.
But woe to the man who’d be join’d in the band,
the fiddle would be broke & the fiddle-flick to boot.
For an Englifhman born wou’d defpife a French horn,
thp’ his tar wou’d be ticklV with the Qarman flute.

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