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4 £ 5° )
venant, and as one wilfing to contribute my beft Endea-
vours for the promoving of them, but efpeciatiy my de-
olaring for the Covenant, did bear unto the Truth and:
Ordinances of JefosChrift, againft this untowardGeneration.'
This I confefs to be no lefs than a denying of jefus Chrift,
and a being a foamed of !iis Words before Men; but I hope
live Lord, who remembereth that we arc but frail Dull:,;
foall not lay it to my Charge, but, according to his Faith-
hilnefs and Grace, will forgive me, who, by this publick
Contefoon, take to myfolf Shame and Confulion of Face,
and Hee to the Propitiation offered to all Sinners in JefuS
ChriiL And thele things as they have procured this Death
unto me, as an Aift of God’s Juftice, fo they mind me of
other Evils in mine own Heart, that have been the Source
©1 this my Lnwillingnels to take on Chrift’s Crofs : My
Heart hath nut ftudied to maintain that Spiiituality in
walking with God, and edifying Exemplarinefs with others
that became one that had received the Firfl-fruits of the*
Spirit, and aimed at the Minillry of tire Gofpel, Jiving in
Times of fo much Calamity for the Church of God, and
particular AfiMions as to myfelf. If I had fpent my Days
in groaning-after my Houfe from Heaven, would I have
fliifted fo fair an Occafion of being clothed with it ? Alas,
that I have loved my Lord and Mailer Jefus Chrift fo
little ! Alas, that I have done fo little Service to him, that
I have io little Labour to follow me to my everlafling
Kelt ! This I fpeak to thofe efpecially with whom I have
familiarly converted in my Pilgrimage, that, teeing the Lord
will not grant me Lite to teflify my real Reformation of
thefo things, my Acknowledgment at Death may have In¬
fluence upon them, to fludy not only Godlinete, but the
Power of it.
As I acknowledge, that I have not been free and inge¬
nuous in thefo Particulars forementioned, fo in other things,
wherein I interponed that holy Name of God, as to the
jaot being upon the Contrivance of this rifing in Arms, nor

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