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fus Chrift, which by his Blood he hath purchafed, and
afcended up on high to beftow as a Gift upon it; as being
the very Gofpel Miniftry in its Simplicity and Purity from
the Inventions of Men, and fo the Mean by which other
Ordinances are adminiftered, and the moft fundamental
Truths made effectual in the Hearts of his People ; and
therefore that it ought, with that fame Carcfulnefs, to be
contended for ; Experience, both of the having and want¬
ing of it, hath given it this Epiftle of Commendation, ib
as it may be both known and read of all Men. Which is
allb true of the folemn Engagements of the Nation there¬
to, by the National Covenant, and folemn League and
Covenant, which I have efteemed, in their Rife and Re
newing, pregnant Performances of that Promile, Ifa. xliv.
5. where it is evident, that, where Church Reformations
come to any Maturity, they arrive at this Degree of fay¬
ing, / am the Lord's, and fubferibing with the Hand unto
the Lord. So was it in the Days of the Reforming Kings
of Judah, and, after the Relloration from the Captivity,
in the Days of Nehemiah. This fame Promile did the
Lord Jefus make Yea and Amen to us, when he redeem¬
ed us from Ipiritual Babylon; which is lb much the great¬
er Evidence,, that, tljefe were the very Motions of God’s
Spirit in our firil Reformers, that they were exprelsly de-
figned again(1 the greateft Motions of the Spirit of Dark-
nefs in Antichrill and his Supports, and again!! the greateft
Confirmations that ever thefe Abominations attained by
the Decrees of the Council of 'Trent, and that bloody Bond
called the Holy League. And therefore whatever Indignity
is dope unto thefe Covenants, I do cileem to be no left
than doing Defpite unto the Spirit of Grace, in his moft
eminent.exerting of himfelf; but efpccially declaring a-
gainft the fame, as flowing from a Spirit of Sedition and
Rebellion, to be a Sin of the fame Nature with theirs, who
aferibed Chrift his carting out of Devils to Beelzebub \ and

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