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He went to Bed a little after Eleven of the Clock, and
•having flept well till Five in the Morning, he arofe andcall-
ied to his Comerade John JVodroin, faying pleafantly, “ Up
“ Jsbn, for you are too long in Bed ; you and I look not
like Men going this Day to be hanged, feeing we ly folortg.
“ Thereafter he faid to him, in the Words of lfat ah, xlii.
Verfe 24. “ Who gave Jacob for a Spoil, and Ifrael to the
“ Robbers ? Did not the Lord, he againjl whom we have
“ finned, for they would not walk in his Ways, neither were
“ they obedient unto his Law, &c. And I think, John,
“ (faid be) I have not known it, nor do I lay it to Heart,
!“ as it is faid in the End of the ayth Verle. But John,
1“ (faith he) for all this be not afraid, but read the 43d
Chapter, Verfe 1. 2. for all will go well with us. John
* “ faid to him, you and' I will be chambered Ihortly in
1 “ Heaven befide Mr. Robert Jon” He anfwered, “ I fear,
1 “ John, you bar me but, becaufe you was more free bo-
! “ fore the Council than 1 was, but I (hall be as free as
1 “ any of you upon the Scaffold.” Before Break fall he
' “ faid, “ He had got a clear Ray of the Majefly of tire
‘ “ Lord, after his awaking, but it was a little again over*
1 “ clouded.” Thereafter he prayed and attefted the Lord,
' “ That he had devoted himfelf to the Service of God in
' “ the Miniftry of ihe Lord Je us, and the Edification of
i “ Souls very early ; adding, albeit I have not been fb
1 “ with my God, yet thou haft made with me an everlaft-
1 “ ing Covenant, ordered in all Things and fure ; this is
* “ all my Defire, Joy and Salvation, albeit thou make
I “ me not a Houfe to grow. Now, Lord, we come to
! “ thy Throne, a Place we have not been acquainted with;
’ “ earthly Kings, Thrones, ’ have Advocates againft poor
1 “ Men, but thy Throne liath Jefus, an Advocate for us.
' “ Our Supplication this Day is not to be free of Death,
' “ nor of Pain in Death, hut that we may witnefs before
' “ many Witnefles a good Coufeflion.”

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