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naM Truth, doth declare, how the fame vjas cccafional; and
firing that it was alfo in fame Sort purged and retraced, h
my withdrawing and defecting with the firfl Convenience,
whereby not only my Cafe appears to be different from that
'of others, but alfo as favourable as poffbly can be, next to
hnocency itfelf •, likeas the fame appeared no lefs to many
of thefe Gentlemen who were upon my dfftze : And facing
the Torture I full aired, and the Ingenuity 1 then ujed, as
in the Sight of God, to the utmofl of my Knowledge, defervp
that Favour that was at that time infmuated, and that it is
expelled that his Majejly, (whole Mercy I beg) according
to bis greet Cle ’ency, and the mojl ufaal Pratfice in the like
Cafes, will irterpofi his Mercy for the Refcue of many, who
■are equally with me involved. May it therefore pleafi your
■Lorflips gracioujly to conftder the Premiffes, and to par¬
don my great Rafhnefs and Precipitancy, and therefore to
indulge fuch a Reprival as your Lordjhips fall think conve¬
nient, untill his Majefly'sgraciousPleafureanent the Premiffes
{hall be fully known, at leaf till the Commiffmer his Grace
do return, and your Lotdjhip's An finer. The Words mark¬
ed in this Petition by a different Character, were the A-
mendments ofhisFrien is AffecHon, which they were ad-
vifed to put in by fome Members of the Privy Council, to
tthom the Copy of it had been prefented immediately be¬
fore the Downfitting of the Council, and thereupon the
Petition, being tranferibed, was in fo great Hafte prefented
unto him to fubferibe it, that he got it not read : How¬
ever the Petition was both difreliihed and refufed by the
Council. The Truth is, fome of his Friends, exceeding
zealous of his Safety, had moved to feveral Members of
she Council, That thcDeclaration might be tendered to him,
and fome Time permitted him to advife thereanent; which
Motion, tis like, was attended with fome fnfinuations,
that probably he might be induced to fubferibe it; but as
the Motron was inefFe&ual, wlthoftt a Warrant- under his
D 2

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