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feniblancc to the State and Condition of the then Rulers of
State and Church, that though he did make no Applica¬
tion, yet he was reputed to be guilty thereof.
Whereupon, within a few Days thereafter, there was a
Party of Horfemen fent to the Place where he then lived,
to wit Kirkfield,now called the Coodtrees.near to Edinburgh,
lor to feize his Perfon, and make him Prilbner : But, upon
almoft no more than a Moment’s Advertifcment.he efcapes
out of his Bed, and fhifting only to another Chamber,
was niiraculoudy preferved from the Search then ufed,
tho’ moft diligent and accurate. For this Caufe, he, be-
ing neceflitated to leave that Place, retired homeward to
his fathers Houle in the Town of Idothwell, in which
Parilh Mr. Matthew MacKaile his Father was Minifter,
where having lurked a while, he went abroad, where he’
remained about three Years, and, after his Return home,
he fpent the Remainder of the Time in feveral Places, and
with much Uncertainty. Yet, during all this Space, to'
the certain Know ledge and fweet Remembrance of all that
converled with him, he was moft lerioufly exercifcd in the
Study of Piety and true Know ledge,wlierein, as he greatly-
advanced above A, 11 his Equals, fo, at Length, he becamd
moft eminent an4 exemplary.
While he is thus living, and employed at his Father’s
Houfe, the late Troubles, arifing in the JVeJl, fall out ; and
the News thereof having alarmed him,with the reft of that
Countiy, upon the 18th of November 1666, being the
Motives, and upon fuch Confiderations
as he himfelf doth fully afterward declare, he joined himfelf
to thole who rofe in thefe Parts, for the aflifting of that
poor afflidled Party, as, in their Confciences, by their Co¬
venant, they thought themfelves indifpenfably obliged.
, ■ Vp , aild ?hcre hs j°in«1 with them, or what was
ins Part or Endeavours amongft them, needs not to be re¬
membered ; only this is ceftain, that.being of a thin Bo-
C 2 dy,

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