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Is a particular Charge to approach to him at fuch a Time,
and a particular Promife annexed to Obedience ; Pfal. 1.
1 c. Call upon me in the Day of Trouble, and 1 will deliver
thee, and thou jhalt glorify me. Tribulation-is a Time
when the Lord makes Proof of his People’s Friendfhip to
him, in that they will not be diverted from a Courle of
Obedience to him by any Hope or Fear whatfoever ; that,
how defpicable Ibever they may be in the Eyes of Men,
lie adheres to them, defpicable as they are, and evidences
the Sincerity of his Friendfhip, in his gracious fupplying
of their Ncceflities, when they call upon him. Let this
be recorded for a Cordial, though thou wert banifhed from
all thy Friends and Acquaintances on Earth, yet God
is within Cry, if thou be one that can give him this
Compellation, 0 thou whom my Soul lovetb. This you fee
examplified in the Cafe of David, Pfal. xxxviii. r 1. My
Lovers ami Kinsfolk (land alpof from my Sore, and my Friends
ftand afar off. But is there no Bolbm into which he can
pour forth his Complaints ? is there no Eye that can com-
pallionatcly behold his Mifery ? is there no Ear within
Reach of his Groaning l Look to the pth Verfe, and you
will find one for all; Lord, all my Defire is before thee,
and my Groaning is not hid from thee. How powerful a
Mean hath fervent Prayer been to effectuate Deliveries to
the People of God ? How oft did the Church, in that Book
of the Judges, cry to him, and how did he deliver them,
to the Confufion of their OpprefTors ? Yea, when the Lord
is provoked, by their going to and fro betwixt him and
Idols in Adverfity and Profperity, fo that he in a manner
bolts the Door upon them for ever, that they fhould have
no more Accefs to him, Judges x. 11. The Zidonians,
Amalekites and Moabites did opprefs you, and ye cried to
me, and I delitered you out of their Hands, yet ye have
fvjaken me, and ferred other Gods ; wherefore I will de¬
liver you no more. Go, cry to the Gods that you have chofen,

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