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fures ; for at his Right-hand there is Tutnefs of Joy, and
Rivers o f Pleafures for ever more He will not be deceiv¬
ed by their Craftinefs, nor conflrained by their Power, to
fide with them againft his People ; for he isimfe in Heart,
and. mighty in Strength ; ■who ever hardened themfehes a-
gainfi him, and proff ered i How unreafonable then is it to
turn afide from him by the Flocks of his Companions r fince
ail the World cannot make God your Enemv, when in
turning afide from them you follow him. But," if you fol¬
low the World and forfake him, he can make all the
World your Enemies, or dellroy you and the World both.
^dly. There is a Peace of Confidence which pafleth all
Underftanding, which is a continual Feaft. Rather let all
the Creatures fet themfelves in Array againft a Man, than
that his Sins let themfelves in order before him. Better
one Handful with Qiiietnejs, than both the Hands full with
Vexation of Spirit; better to be fcorched in the hotted
Furnace of Tribulation, than to have the Heart and Soul
burnt up with the unquenchable Flames of a felf torment¬
ing Conlcience. Bklled therefore is that Man, even in
the Mid ft of outward Mifery, who retaineth a good Con-
fcience ; this cannot be reached by any Armour of Devils
or Men. Oil ! that thole Fools, whole Hearts are perpe¬
tually in the Houle of Mirth, would confider their latter
End ! The Beginning of a Sinner’s Day may be fweet,
but their End is bitter as Wormwood. Men may hood¬
wink their Confoience all the Days of their Life -, but, O
how dreadful is it when Death begins to draw the Veil,
and reprefent things as they are in themfelves ? I think I
hear the Shrieks and Howlings of a damned Spirit in Pri-
fon, when I read thole dolorous Expreffions of an evil
Confcience, Prov. v. i i, 12, 13 ; he had been dehort-
ing Men from Sin, and, upon this Confideration, left thou
mourn at lafl (faith he) when thy Flefh and Body are can-
fumed, and fay. How have 1 hated Inflruttion, and my Heart

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